Need to make a Xbox Live account on Switch to play Minecraft crossplay

>need to make a Xbox Live account on Switch to play Minecraft crossplay

No wonder Sony said no to this shit

Other urls found in this thread:

underage detected

Shit on today's Microsoft all you want, but if you didn't have an Xbox or a 360 back in the day, you're retarded.

>making an account

>have an Xbox 360
>back in the day

dumb american poster

>can get xbox live for free on switch but have to pay for nintendo's equivalent

You should already have one

>Only have Halo to play.
>All those red rings.

That gen was the worst.

360 was still the best console of that terrible generation.

>Need Nintendo account to play Switch online
>Need Xbox Live account for crossplay
>Two accounts

It's free for another year because they fucked up.


Btw when is the crossplay going live? Might get minecraft on the switch

>back in the day

underage detected

Yes goy, make the two accounts, we wants the two accounts.

Still applies, just save my post under a file named "do not open until 2018"

360 launched almost 12 years ago

And yet you're still 12 years old.

you're trying really hard but your math doesnt add up

>back in the day

hello underage

was your goal to expose yourself as some underage retard? cos you succeeded.

>Sonybros still this desperate to convince everyone Sony didn't shit themselves this E3




So Sony did dodge a bullet afterall.

>Nintendo now does Microsoft's bidding

We control PC, Xbox and now Nintendo too. It feels fucking amazing. Ghetto sonyggas are the only thing left standing between us and complete world domination.


/r/TheDonbald is missing some posters.

>trump confirmed under investigation for obstruction of justice

Truly playing 5726151735d chess.

So what's the excuse for Rocket League then?

>Forgetting us glorious steambros

Get fucked Microsoft cuck.

Let me put it this way.

You clearly grew up with the 360. So there's no math that can be done which would make you old enough to refer to anything at this point as "back in the day". You are BEST no greater than 24 years old, with a high probability of being much younger than that. Stop acting like some old weathered ancient. "Back in my day". Back in my day, only super old people used to say that shit because they actually meant it.


Reminder that Sup Forums is leaking because Trump just admitted he is under investigation:

Steam is not going to be a problem for much longer my friend. We've put a plan in motion. Mark my words a few years from now MS will control 80% of the gaming industry.

What are you going to do when it ends up being nothing like everything else?

Steamtards use Windows

well.... yeah.. I mean if you make a friend you need someway to make a party with him, and since Nintendo barely has anything yet, Xbox live will handle party and chat solutions. you can already do that with the phone app, so im guessing switch bros will have to install the xbox app on their phones.

>comey admits trump never under investigation
>investigate trump for firing comey because reasons

What are you going to do when Nixon 2.0 tweets some more stuff to incriminate himself?

Remember that the first person to bring up politics in this thread are you triggered retards mad that someone thinks Colbert is a joke. So when you complain about this thread devolving into politics, we'll know where it started.

That said OP, it's not really a problem. It's only xbox live silver, so you're only paying for the Nintendo online part, and it makes sense since to invite anyone you'd need to invite their 'live account' via the Minecraft interface. They probably could have done it a bit better like with Rocket League, but this is fucking Mojang we're talking about.

Both of you fuck off back to Sup Forums.

What's wrong with that? you know why trump having two scoop of ice cream was wrong? because he looked like a child infront of the other world leader. Trump do not look professional in any ways or forms, you have standard, he could eat his two scoop of ice cream later. The image he has shown of himself while choosing for 2 scoop of ice cream was the image of a manchildren that want to eat as much sugary food as he can and like icecream just like children does.

Fuck off back to Sup Forums or tumblr.

>old fag triggered this hard

>implying the OP didn't make this thread with the intention of turning it into political "discussion"

>comey says trump is not under investigation
>comey testifies before congress that trump tried to influence the FBI a seperate investigatation
>trump can't so he fires comey
>doesn't know what obstruction of justice is

And who the fuck says "facepalm"? Is it 2008?

It was a dinner with a bunch of American journalists you blithering third world retard. If you want more of something, you ask for it. Trump asked for it.

So if someone makes an assassin's creed thread or BG&E thread saying they're excited for the game, and Sup Forums gets triggered from the black characters, is it the OP's fault for setting it up or is it the triggered Sup Forumstards fault?
Again, fuck off back to tumblr you triggered faggot. Go cry about how much you want impeachment or whatever the fuck you whine about daily there, not on Sup Forums.
Both of you too. Fuck off back to Sup Forums or reddit. This is Sup Forums, not a politics board. Sup Forums does not belong to the right or the left, stop warring over it.

If anything he did it with the intent to post memes and not to discuss politics. Would you think Todd Posting would lead to political discussion? No you wouldn't, colbert posting is basically nu-Todd posting.

>not knowing the signal
>being this triggered
Just report the thread and walk away.
Lurk a little more too while you're at it.


Nobody's talking politics dude, Colbertposting is Sup Forums Toddposting.

Colbert posting is just Sup Forums's new spam posting after bane posting. The edits are pretty hilarious too, and the OP didn't have anything to do with politics.
You're the triggered fucks that turned this VIDEO GAME THREAD into a POLITICS THREAD. Go the fuck back to tumblr to talk about how triggered you are and literally shaking there.

So, do you guys think we'll get another shooting soon?

Just report the thread, snowflake.

Who doesn't have a Hotmail email address at this fucking point? Hell, you dont even need hotmail anymore.

Fuck off back to Sup Forums or neogaf. You can talk about your hate for whites or blacks on your specific safe space.

>reposting shitter tumblr/twitter maymays

Just kys fampai.




All this two scoops posting but where is the source?


How did Colbert go from one of the most beloved satirists and comedians out there to a fucking pathetic joke so quickly?

>no replies

It's a stupid forced political meme with no relation to vidya posted constantly.

It's a Sup Forums meme.
But it always seems to trigger you neogaf cucks.

>Xbox dropped in 2001
>16 years ago
2 more years and they'll be allowed to vote

Good writers to shit writers
I knew he wouldn't be good as a late night host

It's a Sup Forums meme you tard.
Sup Forums thinks Colbert is an unfunny late night host that overreacts to everything and gets mad whenever his audience doesn't do what he wants them to do and they're right
It was not used politically here, you just got triggered.

Go back to Neogaf if you want your liberal safe space.

He tried to be "himself" when he got the Late Show and his ratings went deep into the toilet, he was last place.

So he had to resurrect the rotting corpse of his mid 2000's shtick, as a defeated and soulless shell of his formerly happy self.

>"Nobody likes you Steven. They only want le Colbert Rapport man."
>"It's all your fault Steven. Nobody else.

If funny how much this meme triggers neo/v/.

He was always bad, you were just younger.
I used to love him too, but looking back, it's really immature humor.

You know those "HURRR I AM SILLY!" mspaint comics? That's always been Colbert's whole sthick. There's nothing creative about it at all. Not to mention the daily show and colbert have a long history of editing to make the side he disagrees with look stupid, and doing retakes over and over again for interviews with the side he agrees with to make them look intelligent.
It's very low quality humor meant to make the people who agree with it feel better. Same reason Bill Nye's new show was a bunch of tv actors and celebrities that all agreed with each other, and the one or two times someone was on that disagreed Bill Nye went out of his way to prevent that person from speaking.

The "TWO SCOOPS DDRRUUUMMMPPPFFFFF" thing came when he tried to tell a Trump joke that fell flat and went full Ashley Simpson hoedown to try to recover.

They are propagandists.


It doesn't make sense to post it here. You wouldn't Toddpost on Sup Forums. It's100% people butt hurt he makes fun of trump. Don't get butthurt yourself when called out.

>Still playing Minecraft
Did everybody just ignored the biggest flaw in OP statement?

So you were fine with bane posting on Sup Forums.
But you're not fine with colbert posting on Sup Forums?

He is the highest rated late night comedian, I don't know why you eat the Sup Forums propaganda.

Aren't you going to be late for baseball practice? Or to the post office?


Best consoles were:
360 until Bayonetta
Wii until Xenoblade
Ps3 until the end of the generation

>Ashley Simpson hoedown

user, most of Sup Forums is too young to know what the fuck you're talking about there.

Bane is also a video game character dummy

>not knowing anything about reaction images
>not knowing that anime reaction images are allowed pretty much anywhere and everywhere.


all media is propaganda
the only mind you change when posting is your own
the only mind you influence when posting is only your own
you are witnessing the public circus that is the media
all who participate is a clown and audience member and peanut galleria

And fox news was the highest rated news channel throughout the entire Obama years.
Do you think views = quality or some shit?
Right now people who are upset just want to hear some echo chamber of the shit they're thinking about. The Daily show and Colbert Report were always said echo chambers during the Bush years, and now Jon Oliver / Colbert / Daily Show are the echo chamber in the Trump years.
Baneposting was movie related only and you know it, nice trying to dodge the point.
Again, fuck off back to Neogaf or Sup Forums or whatever if you want to talk politics.

Bullying leftists by making fun of their silly idols is great fun, desu.

>size is 2017x2017

if you are receiving this message you are the resistance
resistance to tyranny is service to God

>fire the manager of subway
>sandwiches still get made


It's almost as if you're being fed complete bullshit from shareblue.

Firing the head of a department doesn't have any effect on what the entire organization does you stupid fucking millennial fuck who only gets his opinions from mass media propaganda.

He gets 3 million viewers on his good nights. That's pathetic compared to what Leno got on a bad night a few years ago.

>Colbert is an irrational fuckbrained douchebag who attacks anyone who commits the """crime""" of having THEIR OWN FUCKING OPINIONS
What a self-centered asshole.

But really, why can't Trump help incriminate himself? Is that Sup Forums's idea of being alpha? Never shut up, even if it incriminates you?

Is he that retarded?

Sony have said no to other crossplay things Microsoft put forward. This isn't Sony taking the moral high ground here, they would have said no anyway.

So user, what's the source on the top image?

What's wrong with them offering Xbox live to free to other console users again?

>text stuttering
You look like a humongous faggot.

Can we all agree Craig Ferguson was the best late night talk show host?

>Baneposting was movie related only and you know it, nice trying to dodge the point.
>Bane has video games
>Colbert doesn't
Woops, wonder which one is more Sup Forums related? :^)

It's also nothing compared to Letterman's golden years.