No console wars edition
Gameplay (in low qual)
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Looks really good. MT Framework is coming back I guess?
These guys playing it kinda suck
I'm sad to see Monster Hunter World will not be for the Switch but seeing it on PC is very welcoming.
Glad to see is not really open world.
pc version when?
I know better than to judge the health regen on a demo, but it still looks pretty damn fast. hope that's only because of the demo armor or something
After Dark Souls I am not buying this on pc. Cheat engine retards ruin everything. Ps4 it is.
Probably a month or two after Xbone and PS4 release. Capcom stated they aren't used to making games for PC but they want the PC version to be the best it can be.
I fucking hate quick time events.
maybe the bar will appear after the tutorial.
Prob armor with regen+
So what are you going to use as your first weapon in MHW? Don't tell me you're a vanilla faggot who uses GS
GS or Switchaxe, depending on the changes made to those weapon.
I hope the actual changes will be big because I am tired of vanilla
GS, fuck you
then probably Charge Axe after
speaking of weapons, they should've added that gigantic boomerang idea, as well as the hunting dog one. that shit would be awesome
the other one
Lmao those doodles are cute as fuck
I hope the skills on talismans are gone. I'm sick of playing Monster Miner and being at the mercy of RNG. Just put more slots on armor and let us be in control of what sets we can make.
Hammer. Since that was the first weapon I used in a MH game.
You can't make a game that will last 1000+ hours without RNG famalam
What was that machine gun like bowgun
A new ammo type.
What do people think of the map?
I like how it goes for a jump and then changes animation mid-jump so it reacts to the rath. If there's anything that solidifies this as a MH title, it's sudden and wonky-looking animation cancelling. I didn't expect this to be coming from the monsters, though.
I refuse to trust Capcom to keep the game good while adding so many changes. Not with all those accessibility talks and the mere fact that it was announced at e3 as opposed to TGS.
Looks good. Bigger but we can ride monsters now to travel faster so its fine.
half A press
Looks huge. I can see it being a pain for certain hunts but it could add a lot more depth to the game.
HH is always the correct answer
No Marm
No Buy
Meowstress and her sister will take her place
nah man, talisman RNG is pure bullshit and adds nothing
Just make them craftable
straight from /mhg/
new info from the 22 minute leaked gameplay footage
map called the ancient ancient forest
timed mission
on screen prompts for tutorial purposes
crafting items confirmed
Focus camera like existing mh games
No new weapons by the sounds of it "Greatsword is one of the 14 weapons in the game"
Slinger able to grapple onto monsters if you're knocked off while mounting
Mounted attacks start with hunting knife, eventually switch to your main weapon to knock them over
Greatsword combat same as in previous games
Monsters will leave the area like previous games too
Superman dive still there
Challenger mantle is very shiny and loud to lure monsters towards you
greatsword can charge like normal
Bow charge like normal, visually done by striking the ground with the arrow, might be a specific coating
Arrow Rain still in
Have to physically open up the map to view it outside of the minimap
Longsword footage
Rathalos fire longsword
Similar combos from long sword
spirit meter still there
Running stab similar to lance, into a vaulting attack into a powerful downward aerial slash
Limping monsters like before, physical damage on hurt areas
HBG user using electric shots, eventually stuns the monster
Monster can zone while a player is mounting it, dragging the player along with them
Worst girl.
Best girls.
Loli is for losers, punk. fuck off
Game looks fun
I'm kinda scared by all this environment interactivity and shit, I hope it doesn'tt ake away too much from the core gameplay, it can be fun as just another option to have.
This game will never have G rankthough and I'm predicting the smallest ever monster pool based on how they interact with each other.
nintenbros incoming
Die in a fire tits fag.
Looks great but I feel that if all the maps are that complex, there will be only 3 or 4 areas
>This game will never have G rankthough
I guarantee you that this will have G rank DLC.
you first, pedophile
Right after you granny fucker
Fake News. Guildmarm number one, Aisha is second, Little miss forge is best daughter but a cat is fine too.
no i insist child molester
wtf happened with that Deep Down game they were working on?
Where it truly belongs.
They were never working on that game.
>tfw you're gonna have to double dip on both PC+PS4
Relic weapons I was fine with, they were just really late game upgrades, usually not much of a big deal. But the talisman is the cornerstone of your every set. You can't just leave something this important up to RNG.
IG. I'm that special kind of autist don't ya know?
MH always had really cool looking areas, even the 3DS titles. They're gonna look even better in HD.
same, gonna get it on PS4 first since I wanna learn the ropes before it gets released on PC
>game has VA
I can't wait to hear what voices they give
>Have to physically open up the map to view it outside of the minimap
I'm kinda glad they did this. Minimaps tend to kill exploration a lot of the times.
All of them. Except the lances.
Dauntless V.S. Mon Hun World
who would win?
Dauntless couldn't have possibly been developed at a worse time.
They really have to step up now. That artstyle really won't help tho.
That shit was never going to be good.
The Bow seems to have a new follow-up to the power shot, when the hunter strikes the arrow like a match to coat it in fire.
Why the fuck is capcom so retarded? Why isn't this on the Switch?
They literally have the perfect console for it. I can only assume Sony payed them off
I'm sure dauntless devs are scrambling now because the only thing behind their game was that it was a knock off monhun on pc/consoles
>never liked the mounting/aeril aspect of mh
>its a major part of the pc mh game ive been waiting years for
some guy on Sup Forums with connections told him Playstation payed an arm and a leg to capcom for a contract that specifically said NO SWItch in all caps, and didn't care about any of the other platforms. RIP ninty
Longsword. Fite me
>World has been in development for 5+ years
>why isn't it on the newly released (underpowered) console?!
>the perfect console for it
except the switch cant run it
Bullshit. The Switch is more powerful than both the PS4 pro and Xbone, while also being portable
It's likely that this game was being developed well before the Switch was even conceived.
I've started to use elemental SnS in MHG, might do the same in MHW. If not I'll be using my trusty old lance.
*kicks you from room for tripping everyone*
I mean, whiny console fanboys aside, Nintendo needs momentum with the Switch right now. Sony may be well and ahead, but by denying Nintendo from having its own Monster Hunter game sold to the western audience that World is aiming for, it's a massive kick in the dick to the Switch and a crippling business move potentially.
Nothing would sell a Switch faster than both Monster Hunter and a new mainline Mario game in the holiday season.
dont fall for that obvious bait
I hope you're not one of those people who bring an ice weapon against Rajang.
>monsters will try to slam you into terrain
>have to climb around and about them to avoid getting squished
Hey that's pretty good.
Ha jokes on you I only hunt solo (like a boss)
Everyone knows ls goes perfect with gunlance. Just stay out of my fucking way.
H U N T I N G H O R N.
Did you not read the opening post? Fucking stop that right now. If you're angry, go shout at Capcom to release XX in the west.
>The Switch is more powerful than both the PS4 pro
I'm an idort and you're retarded.
Nitnendo's just good at making things look good with lower power
Pikmin had the most impressive enemy and object graphics I've seen this gen while the WiiU was PS3/360 tier
Of course you do. Since you get kicked from every room you try to join.
No I'm just scared I might fuck up and get kicked
played over 400 hours of these games, all solo.
One thing I noticed in the gameplay. Why did a potion do a gradual heal but the green bug did an instant? Is the a trade-off because you can move around while eating potions now?
you call that a knoife?
THIS is a knoife
Please don't reply to console war crap. The only place where that sort of shitposting belongs is in the OP of a new MH thread as is tradition.
Thoughts on gameplay:
>graphics are really nice
>not a fan of the way the tracking works but whatever
>please charge with the GS PLEASE you're physically hurting my soul
>this tutorial lady can fuck right off
>I hope the game isn't 90% chasing monsters, this footage isn't inspiring confidence
>like the DD style mounting, hopefully the button prompts are tutorial only
>finally a charged attack
>interactive canopy looks cool
>monsters fighting is excellent, about time
>interactive environment shit is cool, just hope it doesn't become too much of a crutch
>what is with the demonstrators not charging weapons, they literally say that the bow is a weapon based on charging while the guy never charges
>the lack of hitlag concerns me greatly
>LS anime as ever I see
>either they're undergeared or really crap, it feels like even with 4 of them the hunt is taking forever
Overall looks good but I still have some concerns.
You can't abuse zones for safe healing anymore.
Monsters will be on you all the time.
Will there be Palicos? I play single player but I like having the cats around even though they get in the way
My only concern so far is being able to move at pretty much full speed while chugging a potion.