
>he's not building a PC better than the Xbox One X for the same price

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lmao xcucks

Zero Punctuation is trash.

His opinions on games have actually managed to become worse as the years go by

Show me those specs running 4k60fps

>destiny 2 will run at 30fps on the xbox one x
what did they mean by this?

upgrading my gpu soon

1070 here I come

Forza 7 is 4k60fps

Now like i said show me these specs running 4k60fps, and this time dont deflect

already got one and I'm fucking bored
I just wanna play Halo, so my plan is to buy some old 2013 say one xbox one after the one x is released, might be 100 bucks by then

>want to upgrade CPU
>upgrading CPU would mean new motherboard and probably new set of ram
>essentially rebuilding entire PC
Not criticizing home builds, just wish I hadn't been as retarded picking parts

Yeah, we get it. PC out-classes consoles the instant they are released.
The stupid part is that you faggots are still complaining about 60fps. That is yesteryear shit. If you aren't pushing 4k+144fps+ then you have no idea what the real PC experience can be. Stop claiming master race when you aren't any better than a fucking console.

i get the pc man's face looks like a skull cause pc gaming is dying

Can you build a pc with better specs than a X1X, bluray/4K player, and xbox controller for 499?

you can't

>tfw your country is poor and everything in that list costs x2 the price

>AMD cards
>being in stock


>he thinks 144hz is the real PC experience

I sold my RX 480 for 2x the price I paid and getting a 1070 as well now.

>Forza 7 is 4k60fps

You did not just use a corridor racing game to claim the xbonex can run games 4k/60 fps, did you? What next, fighting games? Pixel 2D shooters? Show me Gear or Halo running 4k/60fps while not looking like xbox 360 graphics and then I'll acknowledge the xbonex as a 4k/60fps machine.

Where is the OS?
Also >DDR3

The 12GB in xbox is DDR5 nigger.

Why is big boy a one piece cosplayer tho

>Where is the OS?
ha ha

>have 60hz 1080 screen
>can't upgrade both
Which one would you shoot for Sup Forums?
I'm considering frame rate since I grew up on mostly consoles and can't tell the differences in frame rates that well

cus he's dreamin'

Nice deflection

>Not having a PC already better than a xXboneXx.
>Buying things that are released already obsolete.

My sides

>Getting 4K/30FPS

Are you high?

>building a PC
I'm trying but fucking bitcoin miners bought ALL THE FUCKING VIDEOCARDS! How the fuck am I suppose to build a rig if there's literally nothing left and prices are insanely high?

Nevermind I'm a retard. I thought that was a GTX 570

Just buy a cheaper 1060 or 1070. Some 70s even go down to like 350, cheaper than most AMD cards right now

Shops are literally empty. Literally. From 470 up to 1080ti. There's nothing left.

You can't. This has happened other console gens too but you faggots just want something to be butthurt about. Give it a year or less and you can go back to shitposting about your precious mid range PC.


OPs link says otherwise

Why would you want to build a PC for 500? It's like going to a car dealership and purposely buy a shittier car when you can buy a car that's a little bit more expensive but is more than 3 times as good.

Normal people/casuals who wants to play video games aren't going to buy a computer to play games on, they are going to buy a console.

Heck, I bet that most people doesn't know what the difference between a native resolution and an up-scaled one is.

>AMD - FX-8300

OP link is full of shit

its better than the jaguar in the X1X

Just buy it online then you bimbo

>falling for salesmen tricks and buying a more expensive car than you initially intended

shiggy diggy

>No poptarts