He plays a thief

>He plays a thief

>t. dumb wizard who got his shit stolen

I never found a proper use for Locke or Zidane

I am of gypsy ancestry.

*pick pockets you gold*

Let me guess, you're a STRbabby right?

*makes a saving throw*

Stay mad at my increased dodge chance, sword and board bro

I'm sorry that wasn't a successful pickpocket and now everyone is attacking you.

But I assumed you quicksaved before you did that so just reload it and try again like the thief peace of shit you are :^)

You might be strong, but im the one stealing your man

it's okay as long as it's not thi4f or deadly shadows

Too much dice rolling for me. Stealth involves a bit of skill but pickpocketing is just chance.

I hate how video games have balanced rogues to be just as effective fighters as a buff warrior guy.

In classic dungeons and dragons they make up for their lack of combat prowess with things like sneaking, acrobatics, knowledge of shady practices/characters, and smooth talking.

But no, video games are all about fighting shit so they have to be balanced.






D&D has always played where gigantic magic-based faggots have the upper hand in everything. If they made rogue and monk (not counting Way of the Open Hand 5e) balanced then D&D may be fun to play again. Too bad my DM is gay as cock for magicfags.

Hey it's a pretty good steath game

>FF1 Thief
>has absolutely no special ability that makes him unique because nothing worked correctly in that game
>can't even steal anything from the enemy

Is there a game with a worse Thief than Final Fantasy 1?

>DM outrights bans grapples since it disadvantages arcane classes
>doesn't ban Bigby spells and a player liberally abuses them


Games where you get to be a Necromancer.


>Cleric and Druid not in same tier

Did the run chance boost work? Because holy hell the ghost stuns in the game are ridiculous.

Druids are for furries and minmaxing no-fun-allowed Pathfinder faggots.

>not being an assassin

I could butcher all of you fags before you even knew what hit you.

But only if someone paid me to.

Good thing no one cares about me

Diablo 2 and soon 3 as well
all of the Heroes of Might and Magic games

Is there ever a diffrence between a mage and a sorcerer?


Skyrim :^)

>invariably make a leather clad dual wield+bow sneaky ranger type
>they suck shit in every computer RPG released to date
>restart 15 hours in after reading a minmaxing guide on gamefags

>He plays healer
As a she

How's the weather in Romania this time of year?

bard is king. kindly kys

>not playing the class that looks most like you

In D&D there is. Mages/Wizards are more general-purpose casters with capability for destruction and party aid, while Sorcerers are more focused on destruction and clusterfucking the battleground with spells.

sorry wrong pic

Um sorry sweetie but fat != muscle
Try again honey

t. triggered skeletons

>he doesn't reverse-pickpocket poisonous apples into enemy pockets
>he doesn't trace from the shadows waiting for the enemy to get hungry
>he doesn't enjoy the sweet, sweet silent assassinate rank when the guy drops

I bet you need to regenerate mana too. Scrub.


why even in this list teir

You know how I know you're fat?

Well that's hardly our fault

why is Sup Forums so triggered by /fit/izens?
oh right, it's because non-whites are lactose intolerant

Looks like Smiting's back on the menu, boys

Post your chiseled single digit bf% body.

paladins, witch hunters, crusaders and everything in between are wife's son tier

I remember the time when niggers made fun of whites for being lactose intolerant because 'dat so white thang ta do' and now when they realized it's more common with them they cry about it.

Stealing in FFIX is the only way to 100% the game

>unironically being evil and/or a heretic

>actually being a perfectionist


Zidane's last skill will always do 9999 if you've stolen enough times. The game also rewards you with exclusive equipment that can only be obtained by stealing.
Locke's mug can bypass defense I believe but he gets backrow physical weapons so he can be useful with good damage output.

He is worse than heretic. he plays, may Talos forgive me uttering this word, an Elf

The assassin isn't an inheritly edgy role.

It depends on who's playing it.

>soon 3
Can't wait for it to be a max of 3 skeleton warriors.

*wears armor*

>not bypassing armor
I don't even play assassins and I know armor can't really help

I prefer to be called a Rogue

>it was a hologram
nothin' personnel...kid

>all of the Heroes of Might and Magic games
Count 6 out because of the healing shit they have. Those guys are no necromancers yet just cult of mages from the silver cities.

All core casters are for minmaxing faggots. If you weren't looking to break the game you'd be a bard or something from an obscure splatbook.


So is it Thief or Rogue? Why isn't Dancer a DnD and or RPG class typically?

You steal illumina from the last boss and have shadow throw it for one shot kill.

You can also steal offerings/genji gloves.

Do people just skip out on stealing the best stuff in the game?

>shit tier

>hits you between the eyes from a mile away
pssh.. nothin personnel... kid..

Depends on the edition. And dancer isn't a class for multiple reasons, chief among them being that the 'feel' of 3e d&d is sacrosanct to the legions of retarded morlocs that now dominate the fandom and adding a class from Final Fantasy would cause an epic shitstorm.

>he steals all your kills at the last second

>DM awards experience for kills, not for solving encounters

Its not a Final Fantasy class, its this sort of odd class thats common in all sorts of Eastern games but its exceedingly rare in Western games.

Doesn't matter. You can still find people bitching about monks.

That's kind of what people do, some want something, some don't, some bitch either way. Not that you can't have Dancers in ADnD based games

Enough people bailed after 4e that an entire new company could form around selling them more 3e. You can't negotiate with d&d fans. If you don't give them more of the same they riot. And anything with an eastern vibe is not d&d. You can have Dancers in d&d if you homebrew it in your game. You will never, ever have them as an official class.

Sorcerers are innately magically talented and usually a bit more roguish, and may be quite young. Wizards have been studying their whole life and are very shrewd and more reserved.

But what about games, like most cRPGs basically ran ADnD but I can't recall any of them having anything resembling a "Dancer"

what game is this thread about

I prefer infiltrator or agent. I don't NEED to steal shit, and probably won't, but I most certainly can should the need arise.

>no use for Zidane

Only a retard would say this. He can steal amazing equipment from bosses, get free tents, and easily gets max damage at end game if you've been stealing a lot.

A magus was a Persian priest, while sorcerer is a generic term for a practitioner of magic.

what are some good rpg's where i can be a thief

>HAVE to steal shit to be remotely useful
This is why Zidane is shit

>play a thief
>you can steal your opponents weapon or armor, leaving them defenseless
Too bad games usually only let you steal lame shit

I don't think anyone on this side on the world even heard of Dancers when most of those games were made. Plus, it would probably take too much effort to explain how they differ from Bards.

Unironically, Bethesda games are at their best when you make a stealth build.

>a thief has to steal to be useful


Simple, they dance. Their hips move on their own.

GW 2

>monk shit tier

is this list a bait?

>ok tier


Typically Rogues (and Thieves) have to picklocks and disarm traps, actual stealing is useless.

Unfortunately, that's because the only bearable way to deal with Bethesda gameplay is to avoid it as much as possible.

time to role

>implying they don't plague the entirety of Yurop with their subhumanity

my nigga

Last i checked the steal rate was super low. I'm not into wasting a bunch of tirns in a boss trying to steal their multiple items. It sucks having ti rely on that. I actually benched him at the final dungeon (only place you can). Neing second best physical attack is cool but he was doing NOTHING else for me unless he was in trance.

>have mechanic
>it's useless

Sounds like great game design.

I love this img

>not playing the Witcher class in every rpg you play

rolling for non-martial

I'm assuming this list isn't about mechanical capability.

i said thief not stealth archer with a bazooka

theif in morrowind was actually fun to play

>could steal everything from a shopkeeper
>some had really expensive items
>you could get to a high level just from stealing and buying training without ever doing a dungeon

Bethesda says you can play however you want in skyrim but if you try and play like that the enemies scale to your level and if you mostly have pickpocket and stealth you could be in trouble. You cant even train moe than 5 points a level so you can level up from training without fighting draguers or bandits.
I dont like skyrim.

>so you ***cant*** level up from training