Someone convince me not to sell my switch

Someone convince me not to sell my switch.

>Only games I am interested in besides Zelda is sorta Odyssey and Metroid. Everything else at e3 or already announced has little to no appeal.

>No MonHun localization, and worlds on ps4 anyways

>No VC in the near future, nor any other LoZ titles which is my biggest draw to Nintendo

>As a "handheld" its too big and bulky to be portable, plus most indie titles for Switch can be played on vita which is way more portable. In doc mode its okay but still there is a lack of games I am interested in.

So tell me Sup Forums, is there any reason for me to keep it now that I have beat BotW?

You don't own one



get your falseflag bait shit out of here, sony nigger

Certainly do, I got it for Zelda at launch which was an awesome experience. Since then I got Mario Kart and Binding of Isaac. Dont really care for MK8 except for split screen, and BoI is fine but I have it on other platforms. Since beating BotW the switch has been collecting dust.


Do what you want faggot none of us care

Start the thread with a picture of the console and a timestamp. That still could be falseflagging tbqhwyf but hey it'll be a lot less suspicious

You're thread is stupid. Why would you sell it? So you have to buy another one when it has more games, VC and all that other shit you want?

As I'm not a manlet, the switch easily fits in my pocket.

I actually am more of a PC guy overall but I do have a ps4 to play with a couple friends. Actually being honest with the post though, I could probably sell my switch and games for retail value, or keep it for the three games I want. looking for input, but go ahead and keep calling me a troll.


kek, have fun with that. I wouldnt even put a psp in my pocket because of how bulky it is. Anything larger than a phone is just awkward and prone to bumps and bending.

lol you're dumb

You were stupid enough to buy one knowing it would be a Zelda/port machine, so you're probably too stupid to sell it now.

Yeah super Mario odyssey looks cool
Sell it to me if you want

Why are you asking one of the most autistic sites on the internet to not convince you to do something you're probably already going to do?

Also do people really just sell shit just because they haven't used it for a couple of months? How retarded can one person be?

just hang on and wait for 2019 metroid 4 trailer at แบป and pokemon rpg in 2020 will rock your sock off


If you have enough money to waste money on the Switch when it only had one game, you don't need to sell it. You may as well keep it and then play Mario/Metroid when it comes out.

Your mom's boyfriend went to a lot of trouble to get you that, user...

ever heard of vacuum cleaners? if not sell the switch and get one. state of your carpet mate.

>he's not the only one who uses it

Well now selling it is just kind of inconsiderate

sell it sell it!
then buy it again when you want to play odyssey!

Ive had friends/cousins make profiles to try zelda. Also started a second play through which meant a second profile for myself.

You fucked up, OP. No system is worth buying at launch.

The Switch will probably have a decent library and even a price drop and/or hardware revision in a few years. If you can't wait that long (or need the money), just sell it and buy another one used when it's time.

If you're only interested in like, 2 games then yeah, sell it. I say that as someone who owns one

and you're not excited for Cave Story??

>Worlds on PS4
1. Also on PC and Xbone
2. Enjoy no crossplatform play

BotW and Odyssey will be the system's only worthwhile games, calling it now

And one is a port you can play on PC

is it gonna be PC crossplat tho?

He owns a switch

but splat2 and metroid prime are already confirmed

Yeah kinda bummed there arent more games that appeal to me cause I really wanted to love the system. It also blows my mind that with the massive success of breath of the wild they havent made any effort in bringing more zelda stuff to the system. I would have thought at this point where most people are wrapping up BotW they would have something else to keep the Zelda train rolling besides just hard mode and outfit DLC.

You can do what you want.

nice blog my man

Not really interested in splatoon. Or Arms. Splatoon might be fun for a short while but not worth the $60 to me personally. Plus who knows when the fuck Metroid Prime will come out, could be 2020.

I dont want to.
Sell it, there's enough people who want it.

Just trying to change the world one thoughtful comment at a time. Thanks for taking the time to read, its my pleasure to reach out to people like you.

>buy console for 2, maybe 3 games knowing there's nothing else you care about
>make a thread on fucking Sup Forums asking if you should sell it
>lie about Monster Hunter and pretend World is exclusive to the PS4
>use retarded spacing
Stop being retarded or annoying on purpose.

Keep it as a reminder not to buy a console early.

>As a "handheld" its too big and bulky to be portable
Not really, the console is thin. It won't fit in a pocket, but neither did my 3ds and vita
Just fucking sell it if you ain't interested

>Someone convince me not to sell my switch.
Poorfag, why should we try to convince you?

Sell it to me for cheap I can't find it on my country

If you really aren't interested in anything, sell it.
Worst that could happen is that you'll get interested again when the improved version releases.

We are done here

I'll never understand this mentality. Unless you're hurting for cash or you are somehow hurting for space, what's the harm in keeping something? Especially something you've stated you'll have interest in the future

Like I don't have any desire to get a PS4 but if I won one in a contest, I'd still keep it even if I only end up playing like 1 or 2 games on it

>implying the improved version wont just downsize the tablet
>increase battery life
>increase harddrive space

It really wont be "New 3ds" tier so I dont know why any one would wait for it. It'll be the same console but a slim version. And nintendo never discounts there consoles.

Make up you own fucking mind.

OP said he isn't interested in enough games. I don't know what you gain from saying any of that, especially when they are good things.
Also, it's all baseless. Anything can happen with the speed new hardware gets released.

Just mail it to me, bro. I'm willing to adopt a Switch in need of a loving home.