100 niggers are about to corner and assrape you. You have the last weapon you used from the last vidya you played

100 niggers are about to corner and assrape you. You have the last weapon you used from the last vidya you played.

How fucked are you?

>Tekken 7
Proper fucked, I'm weak as piss.


Assuming I have the same ammo pool as my KF2 Support has, I should be fine.

>AA12 auto-shotgun from KF2
I'll be fine.

Okay father unit


>SCAR-H auto
I'm good.

>Savage Lynel Crusher with +attack attribute

>chameleos switch-axe
I couldn't even swing this fucking thing

>T7 Marshal Law
>But also with a shotgun

Does this mean I get sick Kung foo and buckshot?

>EPG from titanfall 2
I'll be fine.

Holy shit

M16 w M203 grenade launcher from KF2

I'm fine.

>Ludwigs holy blade

I'll be fine.

Hunting rifle from 7 days to die.

I'm fucked, it only holds one bullet at a time.

>Microwave gun

They're fucked.

Time to impale some fucking monkeys.

i think im gonna be just fine

You'll be fine as long as it's a single combat zone

Enjoy lumby if it's not, kiddo

AKM from Rising Storm 2
Could be done

>put punjis in chokepoints
>tripwire traps in staircases
>fortify myself at the top of my flat building

small dick white boy nobody wants to rape your dogfucking ass

Ancient Sword from Shadow of the Colossus

Are niggers weak against dragon damage?

Last i played was ni no kuni... So a magic wand!
Guess that i can make some nice barbecue with those niggers.

>double axe
finna ruin some feet i guess

wolfenstein tno's assault rifle
dis gun b gud

Do I get the Double Zeta Gundam entirely or just it's gun and beam sabre? Is it my size?

>Sling +1

Lube me up I guess

ray gun mk.II pack-a-punched
im fine unless they are so close the explosive splash damage gets me