
Adding a first person mode.

ur mum xd


They are running out of ideas

Becoming bigger and bigger pile of shit, exponentially trough time.

It's the only thing I was hoping to see at E3, and it didn't show. it's good they're not rushing it, but it's the only game I'm looking forward to right now.

I'm just playing a ton of PS1 and 64 games now because most newer games just feel so homogenised and uninspired these days. Old games are full of jank and weird controls, but at least they had creativity. Said the hypocrite looking forward to a remake.

It says it right on his shirt. Are you blind?


Not a single screenshot or concept art. No info at all. Game is probably stuck in development hell.

Also, Clare's voice actress won't be returning, but that's not her choice.

Planning day 0 DLC and having the true ending and fun weapons as DLC but only if you get the other DLC first.


modeling Claire's ass. it's a painstaking job


the ass is too big for my liking

Pachi gemu

I trust this man, he has a trustworthy face I feel

Believe in PSX in December.


Figuring how to re-release RE4 yet again instead.

They should have just stopped with 4. It was the both the best and the last good one, and I will never need anything more.

I thought they were porting over 7 for the Switch? I would be great to play that game anywhere.

I didn't know splat tim was working on RE2.

I think I know why it takes them so long.

BIRKIN. They want to make his transitions between malformations as horrid, extreme and graphic as possible when compared to any previous RE games.

That too.

I don't know, but they should seriously give us an update. It'll be 2yrs this August and still nothing.

you know what else is not being rushed? deep down.
if you know what I mean.