No Switch Animal Crossing

>No Switch Animal Crossing
>No 3DS Animal Crossing
>Next AC will probably be mobiletrash

Why does Nintendo want to destroy this franchise so badly?

Animal Crossing is not a "Year 1" franchise. ACNL came out 2-3 years after the 3DS launched, for example and the same thing to ACWW. These games aren't marketed to the hardcore "system launch day 1" buying audience at all.

Why do you need more Animal Crossing? Just go back to New Leaf if you miss it so much

Can you AC faggots shut the fuck up. You've been getting streams of games for years.

It will come for the Switch in 2019.

Hopefully you'll be able to play NES VC games you bought on the eshop in-game.

yep, the average AC fan doesn't have a switch yet. CORE GAMERS are going to be the ones calling gamestop every day until christmas.

probably will be a tease next E3, full release May 2019

we'll definitely be getting one next year, seeing as the release schedule is roughly every 4 years.

Why can't Nintendo own the Harvest Moon IP? Why did it have to end like this?

Animal Crossing is their secret system seller. They'll release it when the Switch hype dies down.

Some of us have already done all there is to do and are looking forward to new content and mechanics. Since the next will be the first console AC in what, 8 years? Hopefully they can take advantage of whatever power advantages the switch has.

I haven't been posting about no animal crossing but I definitely feel it, Nintendo obviously plans to release a mobile app that will tie into the inevitable AC Switch, but it just sucks its taking a while when the console doesn't have any other reasons for me to get it.

this makes sense.

Also AC takes a long time so its a steady stream but not a fast one. All the entries were ~3 years apart, and City Folk sucked ass which made the extra 5 year wait for New Leaf even worse.

Even then its like Pokemon where the innovation is so subtle so new releases usually have a lackluster undertone to them after alot of hype for me.

Story of Seasons still exists, nigger.

>Hopefully you'll be able to play NES VC games you bought on the eshop in-game.

>tfw OG Animal Crossing let you buy NES consoles in game with the actual games to play
>Nintendo is so much of a jew now that will never repeat
It was such a cool feature, too

Yeah Animal Crossing is underrated as fuck since it's one of those comfy sim games.

Stardew Valley is decent enough. At least there's that

This. AC seriously needs more change. I think pwps were a step in the right direction, i hope they kick it up a notch. Landscaping, and more variety in village geography would go a long way. I dream of the day when the city district isn't a separate instance from the village; I want to have a little market square.

Given the team has been working on Splatoon 2, it won't be out for a while yet.
Same reason we only got MK8D instead of MK9 as that team made ARMS.

I wonder what the new game's gimmick could be. Maybe designing public buildings' interiors?
A building system that lets you put things relatively close to each other and isn't horribly bothersome like walking to the place?

Never gets localized in my country though.
Also, I'd rather like to see what Nintendo does with the IP than the Natsume trainwreck right now.

>Stardew Valley is decent enough
If you like ugly looking pixelshit with "progressive values" shoved in, maybe. Some people would rather play a farming sim than wait for publishers like Chucklefuck to deliver on years-late promises like multiplayer.

I got New Leaf the other day.

I don't think I've ever experienced something in a videogame more wholesome than Kapp'n singing to me while he takes me on a trip in his boat.

>progressive values
Really? I didn't catch them