Sup Forums will defend this

>Sup Forums will defend this

You must be new here.

>capcbros mad MvCI is dead on arrival

literally unplayable now
fuck you

Man, the Capcom horde is fucking frothing since E3.

Isn't that how it should work though? Like if Goku has flipped his body to face the other side then it makes sense that the symbol would be the other side.

Anyone wearing a turtle fighting gi is going to be asymmetrical like that, meaning Krillin, Yamcha, and Ultimate Gohan.

Fuck off spic

>just pretending

hold up

isn't one of the big advantages to using 3D models that this exact problem doesn't happen anymore?

I mean it's understandable for sprites, but did they manage to avoid that in guilty gear?

What's funny is that these are models, not sprites, so ARC has to go to the effort of flipping them like this.

Anyway it is intentional. The point is to have the character play the same regardless of the direction they are facing. Though it was much more of an issue in Guilty Gear as the characters were much more asymmetrical than Dragonball characters. If you didn't flip someone like Sol than his sword would be in a different position when he turned around and the reach of all his moves would change.

>Capcbros still BTFO

You still have to render everything that needs it twice for what is basically a minor annoyance, and that takes up space that other fighters could've had.

No Guilty Gear does it as well. As stated here

ArcSys actually goes through the effort of flipping the models when they switch sides to keep them looking 2D. It works in Guilty Gear, but I don't really like it here.

nice1 m8

SF did it with Gill in SF3 and Claw in SF4/5. It has never been an issue, unless you're a lazy developer.
Go ahead and call me Capdrone, you know it's true.

Sol Badguy has asymmetrical clothing tho can't tell a difference only the weapon swaps

>Sin título

Get out of my chan

What are some fighting games besides Smash 4 that have proper mirroring?

Sin's eyepatch swaps positions.

That's not how it works. The models aren't pre-rendered, it's all real time. So it's a stylistic choice one that I don't understand losing your shit about since it's only one of many things abstracted innacurately from reality which are inherent to fighting games. Might as well get in a tizzy over a shin kick being a knockout blow.

Sup Forums is owned by a japanese guy, unless you're japanese you can't say shit.

It happens in mvc3 too. For example Spencers arm will never be facing the camera. It's part of keeping the characters visual identity at a glance and a holdover from sprites keeping everything clean and uniform.

>mfw i actually am japanese
what now, faggot?

t. capkuck

His back would be facing the player and that's an aesthetic no-no for some fighting games.

It's much easier to just flip the rig and animations though. Why flip the model itself? Kinda dumb if you ask me.
