Where did everything go so horribly, horribly wrong?
Where did everything go so horribly, horribly wrong?
When Diablo 3 sucked.
So much Hearthstone will drive a man to depression.
Diablo 3 sucking,
World of Warcraft dying,
Hearthstone getting progressively worse with each expansion,
HotS being a general joke of a game,
The only thing that probably kept him sane was Overwatch.
This guy must be a millionaire with how much people shill out to the dude for playing hearthstone. Probably more than that max faggot in the fgc.
Guy lives at home with mom and dad, play video games for a living, and have a wife who's a doctor and a doggo.
Shouldn't he be happy to with that? Does he really want to work an office job or something like everyone else?
Hearthstone is work that pays the bills. He's got to understand that there are far worse stuff to be doing to make a living.
Playing and shilling for HS was a mistake
Playing a game you hate day in, day out, every single day.
This. He has one of the most monotonous jobs in existence.
hearthstone viewers dont give anywhere as much as other people on the site.
now lirik...that fucking beaner is loaded
hearthstone players can't afford to donate to streamers, they need to spend all of their disposable income on card packs
he's mexican?
and yes that nigga makes so much money its ridiculous
I think he is pakistani or something
Think he mentioned being Romanian
He's actually armenian
Nigga just needs a long vacation from vidya
30,000 viewers with a portion paying $5 a month, plus $5-100 tips during the hour.
He doesn't even buy packs since he does well in arena and rarely tries legend in ladder.
Surely that more than my 9-5 shitty office job.
He sold his soul for money. Same as any of the other top twitch streamers. Its not about video games for him anymore. He played and continues to play Hearthstone because that provides him with the most income. He never did like the game. He's also a vegan so his age combined with poor nutrition is starting to take it's toll.
Lirik is actually good at vidya though.
He's good at what he does.
holy fuck, i always thought lirik was white
Sometimes I wish I could make 6 figures sitting on my ass playing vidya
Hey guys, how it's going
Is he even still playing HS?
>The only thing that probably kept him sane was Overwatch.
He plays and likes tons of less known games but those don't pay him as much money as streaming Hearthstone.
I imagine the next huge expansion on Path of Exile is going to cheer him up again. IMO Breach league was one of the more boring leagues but that managed to make him happy for weeks. Until it was time to return to Hearthstone again.
Isn't this the streamer that used to be huge into diablo like games, then shilled a shitty card rng video game that he hated but had to play since it brought in viewers?
Hmm hard to say where it went wrong
He's still making videos, yeah.
>and have a wife who's a doctor and a doggo.
grammar is important
unless he actually fucks dogs
But he's looked like that since the beginning. A more accurate image would be
Sad thing is Kripp can't even enjoy playing PoE right now. The only games he claims he enjoys are sponsored garbage.
why you think he has no face cam?
He plays Hearthstone, that's scrapping the bottom of the barrel.
>Starts playing any multiplayer game
>Gets boosted and handed gear by hordes of fanboys
Wow so good!
>overwatch kept him sane
lmao no
he would be 20x happier if he stopped being such a blizz cuck
>Sad thing is Kripp can't even enjoy playing PoE right now.
Why would you play PoE outside of Beta right now anyway? He's going to get back into it once the expansion comes out.
Alkaizer made him never want to play poe again
what happened?
Kripp made a shit build and now kripp is a meme because he played it off as the best build of all time
Alkaizer shat on it over and over now any time kripp gets on poe he's just berrated over the build by the community
Kripp has the biggest ego though it doesnt surprise me seeing this happen