MH is dead

Well, this looks even a lot worse than I thought.

>basically cinematics and mounts the whole time
>instead of classic MH gameplay lure Monster to shit all the time and it will be pretty much UNPLAYABLE online because everyone wants to do something else with the AI
>even more cliffs and shit that's in your way than in the worst MH4 areas, hammer should b e basically unplayable in this game
>absolutely horrible, clunky, wannabe realistic animations

"Le using le environments" meme is what killed Monster Hunter. You read it here first and in 10 years you will all know it's true.

So it's gonna be the Breath of the Wild of Monster Hunter, nice. Can't wait to buy it day one.

Thanks for the virus, asshole.

Breath of the Wild had a better open world, though, and dungeons.


FANS ALWAYS WANTED DAMAGE NUMBERS, you just didn't listen.

Let me tell you what true fans always wanted.




>another tragic case of user copy pasting dumb stuff to "shit" on a game they are most likely dying to play but can't run because poorfag with no current console/PC

Sad, really.

Oh boy, it's the daily "It's different so it's bad" thread!
My favorite time of day!

>basically cinematics and mounts the whole time
so its the same as MHX?

the fucking salt is real lmao nintenbabies btfo'd.
cry some more

>hating on damage numbers

Considering there's no health bar still, I think this is a good change. It's nice to know if you're actually being effective or not.

>that clearly scripted encounter with the rathalos
You can tell because the jump of the trex is cancelled in the air so he can be at just the right spot to start that encounter

you mean "it's casual so it's bad" which is completely true.

MH is finally saved

Frankly it looks incredible. They added an entire layer of gameplay to the game and it looks fun and exciting.

So of course the final destination faggots would complain that it's different.

>mfw I can't tell if it's traditional b8 OP or actual b8 now


>oh wow look at that other monster you have no influence over doing so much damage to your main target you would never be able to do that much
is that supposed to sound good

also has anybody spotted a charge on the GS? that asshole was only raw swinging it all the time.


Fuck off you casual cunt. You can tell if you're being effective a number of ways that don't involve some braindead numbers hovering around. Not our fault you're such a gormless cunt that you can't figure out how without the devs holding your hand and smearing it into your face.

It's almost as if this is a directed, condensed vertical slice gameplay demo intended for the gaming press to see what the game's about
Really activated my almonds.

>Being unable to adapt

Get with the times old man

how exactly is it "casualized"? Voice Acting? grapple hooks? (which can only be used in certain areas of the environment) or is this just nostalgia fag, nintenbaby autism? i'm leaning towards the latter

Yeah, towards the end when he's fighting the rathalos he does a few level 1 and one level 2 charges.

Yeah, this isn't gonna work well online. They should'a make it like Lost Planet or something.

Huh? Monsters always had janky animations like that, these aren't scripted their just special animations since 2 monsters flailing around would be aids.

Ur welcome

They're of the opinion that environmentals are going to break the game and make it super easy, based on a gameplay demo in which it still took them over 20 minutes to kill one monster that looks like a mid range difficulty monster.

>$0.62 has been deposited into your paypal account.

A couple times, but he spent more time tripping teammates later with LS. I bet the guy was french.

>healing while running
>monster damage nerfed, does pathetic damage to hunters
>doesn't thrash around or anything while it's down, just sits there and takes it
>can cheese huge amounts of damage with other monters and environmental hazards
>more fucking mounting

it will always play out like this.
get monster to areas special monster nest->special monster spawns and does a lot of damage to your target

>what "color" was the attack
>is the monster limping yet
So effective

Fuck casual button players


>dumb stuff
>literally facts

>omg, salt

>omg, there is another MH that's shit, so it's OK when this one is which is 5, the game everyone was waiting for

>damage numbers are awesome!

So why does the monster just let you attack it none stop? There's a part in that webm of the guy just spamming the grappling hook to get on the monsters back while the monster just stands there acting all angry and not doing a single thing about having a great sword slammed into its spine.

Really, people think this game will be good? A game, based around skill, challenge and timing that no longer has any of the three core components is going to be a good game?

Fuck this shit, I'm out.

>It's nice to know if you're actually being effective or not.
You're either a person who never played MH or a casual.
The game already showed you where to hit if you pay attention to the game while playing.

Having monsters just use their normal attacks on each other would be super chaotic and annoying but fun.
Especially if you try to mount one of them.

>those new bow shots
so bow is actually going to be fun now right? i mean, it's not DD's tenfold flurry, but we're getting there.

>nobody's posted the worst thing we've seen so far

Look at this shit

>dude no hunter arts
>literally jumps 3 meters and slashes the shit out of the monster

nice, i never liked the mumbles in the past
>have to track down monsters with the help of scout flies
neat idea, puts a spin on the old series. looks very easy and concise to understand
>ai in roaming small monsters has improved
i love this idea, the monsters were always just static background nonsense.
>hiding and throwing bait to draw monsters where you want
nice addition to the gameplay mechanics
>attack animations
confirmed to be regular monster hunter fighting
i literally dont know why any of you are complaining. the swinging of the sword has the same weight, speed, animation, and looks like the same amount of damage comparing how it takes

This is some multilayered ironic metatrolling already.

I genuinely can't tell if you think the games are shit or the opposite.

>climbing on monsters like dragon's dogma
>grappling hook allows more interesting level design
>can stalk monsters like a proper hunter
>more interactivity in the levels, instead of just static places
>open areas with no loading

And this is supposed to be bad? You faggots are delusional.

Downplaying your skill and reverting to child like play styles is somehow "adapting"?


>Wannabe realistic animations
>LS dude did a shoryuken jump slash 500 feet in the air while glowing red in demon energy

>be autistic

>why does the monster sit around during the mount animation
>it's not like this has been happening for the last few games
it probably wasn't even taking damage if the same system from Gen is in
it just takes mounting/fatigue damage which we would know if we could see blood splats of if the damage numbers changed blue

you fags said it was insta heal, not heal over time

Healing seems like it's a walking speed animation, not running, and it lasts for about as long as the previous one

This is a GAMEPLAY DEMO user, you realize that numbers are tweaked so that devs don't cart, right?

I don't know what gameplay demo you saw, but has a thrashing rathalos that damages the player

You don't know how reliable the monster spawns are going to be in the official game. Again, this is a gameplay demo, it's a vertical slice. You really can't judge the entire game based on a random encounter such as this. There might even be quests that require that you kill the monster yourself, or quests that remove all other monsters from the map.

like i give a fuck
i will still have fun with friends

>Really, people think this game will be good? A game, based around skill, challenge and timing that no longer has any of the three core components is going to be a good game?

F-f-fuck off, nobody wants skill, challenge and timing in their game y-you fucking ninty loving fag lord. I'm glad it has replaced those with QTE's, healing while running and mounting!

Reading these threads, it seems to me a small minority of current MH players hate the changes, people who've never even given MH a chance are liking the gameplay they see and even most current MH players are fine with this new game, why does Sup Forums act like this game is going to be a DMC tier blunder?

"its not hunter arts when all the skills are baked into the weapons ;^)"

Yes, user, yes, this is absolutely fucking horrible for a Monster Hunter.

>omg, you are le proper hunter, like in real life

Jesus... I can tell you never played the games and speedrunned anything.

The vertical level design is literally contradicting the gameplay. Have fun hammering a monster and getting in more than two KOs before it dies reliably and not being a useless shit with this kind of level design. Of course shitters who only use guns, LS and GS can't know.

>he didn't pay attention to the blood spray/attack effects

Wasn't mid range
That was low rank or some tutorial shit.

>Holding your ears after a roar has a different animation depending on if your weapon is out or not

nice desu

That's a pretty long animation, and considering you can get knocked out of it and have your heal interrupted, that might be a balanced change. Based Fujioka

>it's always the same autistic retard posting this guly fish-headed kid with his shitposts while shilling his shit game for casuals

it's asshurt nintendo shills false flagging.

anyone who's an actual MH fan is extremely excited.

I've never seen Nintendo fans get this ass blasted over a video game before.

b-but! you slow down! t-that counts!

It's like they loaded a bunch of mid range monsters onto the tutorial level of the game. I seriously doubt the guildmarm is gonna talk that much when you're in HR or some shit

>entire body glowing red three times to let you know when your full charge is ready

The casualization is real.

>hating on a game from a series they love
>because it's on a sony platform

Holy shit just fucking play the game and then if you want hate on it for eternity but FUCKING PLAY IT FIRST Sup Forums YOU CONTRARIAN SHITS.

He didn't even do a level 3 charge, what are you on about?


jesus, this entire thread

the MH community really is filled with autistic retards

Looks like we have another angry autist thinking that just because the game is different that it will "kill the series"

because switch got 3ds port

Nintendo fans, what the fuck? the last nintendo console I owned was the game cube, I was actually excited for Monster Hunter to come back to Sony. I never asked for this casual garbage

>calling a level 1 charge level 3 charge
Holy shit Nintendo fans really don't play MonHun

Theres no zones anymore and arenas can range from narrow tunnels to ditchs.
Healings slow and getting hit waste a potion.

How does this contradict what I just said?

>tfw too intelligent to play Monster Hunter

If you don't want the game to change stick to the 3ds you dense faggot.

itt btfo sonygers

>still be autistic
xD lmao nice one bucko

because being a butthurt idiot is 50% of the monhun experience
t. monhun fan

you can have fun friends by being a nazi and killing innocent pocs, it doesn't make it right just because it's fun

press L to laugh at ASSBLASTED nintendo fanboys

The leaked footage is clearly a cinematic demo presentation but it looks like the game will still play largely the same.

The fact that you've never seen a full charge in MHW, for one.

First was a lvl 1 charge then a lvl 2 charge
And MH4U has charge animations too

it's on xbox and pc as well

I have cautious optimism, leaked gameplay hasn't changed that.

Just hard to trust Capcom with their track record so far, DmC and SFV were trash, RE7 turned out fun but now MvCI looks like trash.
I can only hope that this game ends up being good.

>>basically cinematics and mounts the whole time
this is wrong and gameplay has been discussed in an interview during that Sony post-conference stream
>>instead of classic MH gameplay lure Monster to shit all the time and it will be pretty much UNPLAYABLE online because everyone wants to do something else with the AI
this is just you making shit up and wanting to hate the game, luring and non-consumable traps aren't going to be a major part of combat
>>even more cliffs and shit that's in your way than in the worst MH4 areas, hammer should b e basically unplayable in this game
you saw one or two cliffs in a trailer and you're assuming that the whole game will be jumping off of cliffs, again, this is you wanting to hate the game
>>absolutely horrible, clunky, wannabe realistic animations
they're not even that bad nor are they good, and it's not like monster hunter has ever been visually pleasing in the first place

I'm convinced everyone who keeps shitting on the new MH just wants to hate the game because it's different and they want the exact same thing every game, despite only being shown a trailer and a few tweets and then judging the whole game as if they've played it based on that
you just sound like a bitter cunt

Mh and its community are dead.

How does this contradcit what I just said? Did he not glow red? And no, it was a level 2 charge.

You never played MH.

So you think he won't glow at all for the level 3? Haha.

Nintendo fans barely buy MH games you cuck.

Learn what that word means you cringe worthy faggot.

The game looks like straight up garbage.
All the people I've been talking with for years on /mhg/ agree that it's garbage besides a select few autists who have come from Sup Forums to shill the game.

Fuck outta my sight you casual cunt.



Looks like we have another angry autist thinking that just because he can project his opinion means that OP is wrong and has a mental disorder for "thinking differently"

We can do it too, faggot



user, I'm gonna have to ask you to delete this post right now.

Are MH fans always this autistic?
It's staggering to read the shit they're writing, the immense and immediate hatred of this game as if they already know everything about it.

I already miss CLEAN, even areas like in this webm. Also stupid-fun but cool monsters like Zinogre. Everything looks like Crysis now ignoring this doesn't work with the gameplay.

True MH fan from back then. World looks like casualized shit. RIP.

in an ideal world there would be a place where you can discuss games without shitposters or fanboys