Just reached Meridian, now it's starting to feel more like an RPG.
Comfy Horizon Thread
Enjoy it while you can. That feel will dissipate in minutes at most.
does the new dlc come with an arena mode?
can't fucking belive they didn't include this in their main game, when they have 2 goddamn stadiums in the actual game world and there's even a moment in the story that forces you to pull a gladiator.
even we wuz assassins n shiet is doing it.
Best girl coming through.
Name a single outfit that doesn't look like shit
You can't, I hope they'll add some that don't look awful for the DLC
I like the one chick that has all her make up fucked up, but your girl has a nice booty.
I noticed there's a lot of asians in post apocalyptic Colorado, A Lot. Is real life Colorado known to have a lot of asians?
the one that has the exposed belly
the civilian rhobes one that you see like 3 times.
The banuk and shadow carja outfits look solid.
Shadow carja da best
>sidequest NPC in Meridian is the best looking NPC in the game
What the fuck was that? She had like 10 lines.
No it's because they're all clones from a database and they added an equal number of people from each race to maintain genetic diversity. They all came from a clone factory under a mountain. The one they came from must've housed the Asians.
>Comfy Horizon Thread
don't know why but for me this game is so fucking bland
The ruined city in Nora territory at night is insanely good looking. Especially when it rains.
Posting best man
Probably because it is bland. Sorry. Game's ok, enjoyable if you have nothing else to do, but it's just nothing more than that.
I think it's funny that he both sounds like and resembles Faro, and yet and he and Aloy are arguably the main couple.
That's basically what life is made of.
I want to FUCK Aloy.
>murdering is fun
>i haven't murdered anyone in a while
>nil rhymes with murder
>I should murder someone
>I wonder if Aloy will allow me to murder her
>mfw that cringey edgemaster bandit killer fuck showed up at the end
I don't know why but I liked that guy. You never do find out if he died in that battle or lived on to creep more people out
that's the motivation of main villain?
He did nothing wrong, all he killed was bandit scum.
Religious extremism born of mental illness. His data logs show he's just an insane dipshit. As for the AI it was only doing what it was told. Whomever set it free will be revealed either in the DLC or a sequel if they make one.
I like to think he died in that battle, going out in a blaze of glory killing cultists before getting killed. He's the only companion that isn't seen in the aftermath.
I think he just goes to murder more people instead of wasting time
He was so sad when I took down on his offer so I killed him not knowing he can show up afterwards
The game has its share of very charismatic characters even if minor
>a wonderful singing voice
I wish any machine you controlled you can call to follow you anywhere (f it can fit). Kind of bummed they just stumble around their area. Imagine how fun the invasion would have been if you had your own corrupted machine army.
They have a lot ways to improve gameplay
Here's hoping sequel wont take long
I think I broke the game by adding all the best stealth shit for my gear, because I can shoot at enemies standing next to them, crouch, and they dont see me
Does anybody in this game doesnt look like a deformed asian/black mutt
No it wasn't. Hades and all of the other subordinate AIs became self aware. Hades wasn't just doing what it was told, because it's job was only to wipe the slate clean if Gaia fucked up the terraforming and reseeding of life. Gaia didn't screw up though and Hades essentially rebelled against her.
Shit hits the fan when you cant hide your ass
I got a feeling SOMETHING just "hacked" Hades to start him up and we're yet to find that SOMETHING
We will probably find out in the DLC. I don't think there's enough plot threads left for a sequel
Wasn't there a mention in that one scene in the mountain when Gaia blows herself up where she says an unidentified party woke up hades?
There was a cutscene of -something- hitting Hades, bugging him, and activating him to act on his own accord. The ending even has Sylens interrogating Hades on who his masters are and who sent the signal to awaken him.
Yeah she says something woke up Hades and made him self aware, then he freed the other AIs and fucked everything up
Yeah, the story is pretty much warped up, still it would be nice if they explored the world a bit more
legit worried he was going to die multiple times in the game.
he was my bro, probably the only npc with depth in the game.
though the banuk Dino piss sniffer guy was pretty cool too.
did you fight fight him? I refused so idk if you can kill him.
wait a minute, are you saying this crazy bandit killer dude is supposed to be a clone of the rock and roll satanic dude that made hades all the way back before zero dawn happen? fuck if that's true that's pretty fucking cool.
what other characters are clones of past zero dawn members?I didn't even pick up in that, I though Aloy was just a special snowflakes and why she was the only one with red-haired in the game.
They're not exact clones but some of them have definite similarities. Erend for example resembles Faro a little bit and they have the same voice. Some of Far's genetic material is probably in his family.
Aloy is the only 100% clone of another person, which was intentional because it let her access the vaults. Everyone else got muddled together intentionally.
>Aloy best friend is Elizabeth's rival
holy fuck, how did I miss this, I feel like idiot.
I absolutely despised faro after he deleted human history at the very end of humanities last ditch effort, now I don't know how I feel about my bro being part faro and how faro's genes are still roaming on earth.
Will the new DLC tie up loose ends, or are we going to have to deal with Hades and his "masters" in a future DLC?
Nah, DLC will end Aloy's story probably. There's still like 7 AI running around rogue, a missing space satellite carrying a copy of the human knowledge one, Faro's Thebes compound is never found, and Black Eskimo now has the hades AI again. There's plenty of loose ends, but I doubt the games will always follow Aloy. Her personal story was pretty well resolved by the end.
aaaannd there's that feel
Give Guerilla a little credit it's their first rpg after working on Killzone for so long. I think a sequel could fix a lot of the issues with the first game.
how the fuck did he capture that ai again? and why was the ai a pyre fly? how does that technology even work?
also since you mentioned the satellite, do objects take longer to root if they're in space?
and was faro behind the satellite explosion?