Is Shantae the Perfect protagonist?

the answer may surprise you

So cute

too thick


I want to lick her P.O.O.P.T.O.O.T.


You're wrong she's beautiful

Where's her bush?

Quarter Genie Babies

Hardly. There's a reason why no one outside of Sup Forums gives a shit about these games.

Too thin.

I want to she her belly dance.


Enjoy your skin cancer, Cirno!

>tfw no qt half-genie girl to feed and fatten
>tfw you will never see her chubby gut sway side to side as she dances
>tfw you will never see how sweaty and exhausted she gets afterwards

Why live, desu?

never played the games, i just like fap to its characters : ^ )

Brown Shantae is best Shantae

>you will never give her a extra large milkshake to help her cool down after dancing
>you'll never hear her thank you and smile as she drinks it down.

Tanned Cirno is the cutest


Enjoy your skin cancer, Cirno!


I don't believe that

Do milkshakes even exist in Shantae's world? If they do, then
>you will never give her another one, considering how hungry she seems and how quickly she downed the first one
>you will never see your qt chubby genie waifu ingest several thousand calories in an hour
>you will never see her whole body swell up over time
>alternatively, it will never all go to her ass


Shantae is not fat

Except in the right places

Personally I'd like it more in the belly, but ass is fine too.

anyone have that one edit of this?

How about we just clone Shantae? You can have her be thin and I'll stuff her up like a Thanksgiving turkey

I agree, it's just that I wanted the image to be related to the post.

This is part of a weight gain sequence but the rest of it has nips so I can't show the rest

Shantae is female and in perfect health, all those who are saying and posting pictures that incorrectly state otherwise must leave

With a lactation problem and a healthy sex drive