Mfw Sucker Punch is dead, and there will never be an inFAMOUS game that dethrones 2

>mfw Sucker Punch is dead, and there will never be an inFAMOUS game that dethrones 2.

Are they really dead or you are just memeing?

No, they're fucking dead. No Project Oscar this E3 and inFAMOUS: Second Son was a turd. There's no salvaging this company. Sucker Punch Productions is dead.

Second Son was such a disappointment. Smoke is shit, digital is shit and makes no sense and concrete is unfinished garbage. Neon is amazing. So much so that I had more fun with First Light than Second Son.

Also Delsin a shit.

I hope whatever they do next has nothing to do with inFAMOUS. The first game was fun, the second game was good, but I was already getting bored of it, and I never even bothered with Second Son.

Fucking stop this shit. It's "Infamous." Do you write Grand Theft Auto in all lowercase just because that's how it's written on the cover?


Second son was pretty good. What the fuck are you talking about? The final boss was a bit weak story-wise. But the gameplay was phenomenal.

Are you just saying they are dead because they haven't announced that they are working on anything since Infamous First Light?

I really, really doubt Sony would ever shut them down. Them, Insomniac and Naughty Dog are like the original Sony dev trio.

Maybe they are helping train Sony Santa Monica and Sony Bend with optimizing and developing their games so that they will be up to par? It's been a long time since either of those studios came up with something of the same caliber as SP, ND, or Insomniac

>mfw Sucker Punch hasn't made a good game in over 11 years.

sony doesnt own insomniac tho

Want some sly 2 remaster for ps4

infamous is better than sly cooper. infamous didnt have those annoying fucking mini games inbetween gameplay.

Forget infamous Sucker Punch needs to make a new Rocket game.

I swear to god, man. If Sucker Punch's next game also goes the Naughty Dog cinematic route, which in all probability it will, I'm gonna cry all day I hear the news ;_;

For the love of god, stick to what you do SP. Love you're games.

>Too poor stupid to use your PS3 to play the Sly Collection
>Too poor to pay for PS Now

Sony are moving away from E3 to focus on PlayStation Experience

>the new Spider-Man wasn't made by Sucker Punch
If there's one thing Sucker Punch does right it's traversing sandboxes.

anyone else thought they were making the new spiderman game? why the fuck is insomniac making it

I remember playing 1 when Sony was giving away free games because they got hacked and I really liked it, I feel like replaying it and starting 2, is anything after 2 worth playing?

Wouldn't it be fun if Sony did little Nintendo directs every few months to give us da update on games? Why must I wait two days out of a year to get big updates on Sony games?

Iwata maybe dead but people like Shu, right?

2 is the best one

good, spoil the ending for him right away faggot

retarded Sup Forums dickheads

After Infamous 2, I remember hearing a lot of rumors about Sucker Punch making a new Spiderman game. I'm as baffled as everyone else as to why Insomniac is put on this project (though they did make that Xbone openworld game).

Story felt rushed. The endings were great though.

You know how many people keep saying SP is working on the new Spider-Man game? Too many to count. Sure it would make sense for them to be making it considering they have three capeshit games under their belt, but Insomniac has that special polish to it.

They're the Pixar of gaming, while Sucker Punch is Dreamworks.

thats why i added the spoiler you dumb fag

2 really is the best in the series

They should bring back a protagonist with electric powers

and hes black

>insomniac games

i thought smoke was alright, neon was pretty fucking good, felt like you were the flash

digital was so fucking lame though, and in general i felt you should've been able to switch between powers with the D-pad, having to absorb a different element every time you wanted to switch between powers was fucking stupid.

Fewer events make it easier for casual audience to get a lot of info on games at one time

>mini games inbetween gameplay

it did though

he made the image spoiler