Which one is the best RPG ever made?
Morrowind vs Gothic 2
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whichever has actual content, so Gothic
They are very different, but I always preferred Gothic, it just does everything better
The Witcher 3
Personally, I always preferred Morrowind. Both are admirable (and the artificial rivalry between them was always kinda sad and pointless).
The strength of Gothic 1 and 2 always lied in two aspects:
1) EXTREMELY good character progression (albeit at the expense of quite a bit of frustration) that made you feel like you are very much shaping your own character and growing increasingly powerful. It was just so god damn satisfying.
2) great effort to humanize and liven up the settings. While the settings themselves weren't very good, there was a great deal of effort put into characters and their small interactions and actions within the world, which really made the settings feel very alive. Small quests, mechanics and player interactions and even some of the early game quest structure played into it.
It had quite a lot of issues (the story was crap, the world was generic, there was a lot of frustration involved, difficulty progression was wonky etc...) but those were relatively small.
Morrowind's advantages always were always in the actual narrative itself: in the world-building, art direction, soundtrack, size and scope: the world was amazing to actually explore.
What it did miss was precisely that small-scale human detail and dynamics of the world: more memorable characters that interact with their surroundings more, more routines etc... It was much more beautiful, but also much less immediate.
Plus mechanically it was... never really particularly satisfying.
Ultimately, I value good fiction more than good gratification. And Morrowind stuck with me as a world - inspired me even for decades - while Gothic, as fun as it was, never felt like worth recalling once I was done playing.
So to me, Morrowind was more valuable experience in the long run. I remember few funny moments from Gothic: I remember months of exploration from Morrowind.
But both were damn good.
>gothic 2
Skyrim is infinitely better than those two, get with the times grandpa
>western garbage
That's some pretty good bait.
Gothic 2 is the best RPG ever for 1-2 playthroughs. Morrowind is better for prolonged autism.
>same bait made by the same gothic shill
>same butthurt by the same Witchercuck
Gothic III was the best Gothic game. Deal with it faggos.
Hmm I wonder
Is it the RPG with decent combat, story and exploration or the game with wikipedia articles for NPCs and the most retarded combat/gameplay mix ever tried in RPGs
I'd say Gothic
that absolute shit gameplay tho
Uhhhh Gothic series aren't RPGs......
Morrowind > base Gothic 2
Gothic 2 NoTR > Morrowind
Wow, this thread is just garbage, isn't it?
vanilla Morrowind > vanilla Gothic 2
modded Morrowind > modded Gothic 2
>when faggots post best RPG threads in my absence
Why the fuck is some sperg making this thread every single day?
Morrowind is immersive, Gothic isn't.
Gothic of course
>Morrowind is immersive, Gothic isn't.
Does morrowind have animated NPCs with full day and night cycle, eat, drink, sleep, piss, sit around a campfire and talk to each other, do their daily jobs during the day, during the evening they go to a tavern, and during the night they go to their homes to their beds to sleep?
Does morrowind have animal Ai as well like Gothic where even animals go to sleep at night and you can sneak up to them, wolves hunt sheep, goblins attack everything they see, NPCs actually react to enemies when they see them unlike in morrowind where the guards don't give a shit if there are monsters inside the city.
Gothic's NPCs also feel real, they don't know everything, and can only tell you small part of the whole thing and they can be wrong, they are designed to actually feel real instead of being static wikipedias
i too get immersed when i read wikipedia articles
They're both really good?
Such an immerse and interesting dialogue
While of those things are fancy, the problem with Gothic was that the world was generic and ugly and utterly uninteresting, and there was much less direct environmental interactions.
So basically it's fancy tech for actually engroasing story and world.
Also, the wiki thing really needs to die. You people are braindead if that is an issue for you. The animations and routines: that is a fair point, but the complaining about the dialogue: you literally have to be brain-dead to see Morrowinds dialogue approach as a problem.
Neither is immersive. Both look like pieces of shit and have terrible gameplay.
It's time.