Co-workers start talking about videogames

>co-workers start talking about videogames

still better than them talking about board games

>co-workers start talking about steamed hams

I just try to ignore it when it happens, usually it's only younger guys talking about some multiplayer shooter or some other shit.

>user makes the same thread again

>co-workers talk about pokemon once
>about to join in, want to talk about alolan forms they would want to see
>before I make a fool of myself realize they were talking about go

>user makes the same thread again 2 hours later

I pretend to be ignorant of all things involving video games, the internet, and technology. At most I'll admit that I played Nintendo when I was a kid but don't anymore.
If anyone is asking me about my personal life, it's to get information which can be used to mock me.

>Co-workers start talking about anime

I guess you got bullied a lot when you were young

>co-workers start talking about videogames
>they ask what kind of games I play
>mostly roguelikes and Dwarf Fortress and yes, they have ascii graphics
>they're face when

>coworkers asks for your steam account

>they talk about Warcraft 2 and Command and Conquer Red Alert

>having a job

Tugboat is best boat

>coworkers engage in console wars over which pile of shit is better

>not playing on console
>playing multiplayer games at all
You're fucking up in life

>OP the homosexual keeps starting the same thread and it continues to do well and will never be purged because mods are enjoying their cheese pizza

>coworkers are all 50 years old and have no similar interests

Learn a trade they said

>talking video games with co-workers who are fans of different genres / consoles / PC peacefully and having fun
>a liberal coworker who doesn't play video games changes the subject to politics, knowing me and another coworker are fairly conservative

If you're not in a conversation don't fucking change it to something else so you can get in it you faggot, especially one that's never going to end up being a peaceful conversation like the previous one was.

Fuck /blog/ threads.

I got drunk off tears on November 8th last year. All those oblivious fucks at work kept telling me BLUMPF HAS NO CHANCE BECAUSE X. Well, look who's laughing now faggots. Ever since then they never want to talk politics. Really makes ya think.

what do you say then if they ask what your hobbies are

Something along the lines of books or "nothing really". Whatever makes me seem the most invisible.

Keep trying, I'm sure someone will actually give you (You)s out of pity

I wish my liberal friends and coworkers didn't want to talk politics. I hate talking politics with them because they always get really pissed off at me not agreeing with them, or me not virtue signaling about how I'm jesus jr like they are.
I just want to talk about video games man, or random funny shit that happens everyone can laugh at, no one ever leaves a political discussion happy unless it's a hugbox where everyone agrees, but I hate those kinds of conversations even more than I hate political arguments.

I do the same, but I have extremely hard time trying to come up with something to say when people ask about my interests. I don't watch Netflix or television in general, or use social media, which effectively alienates me from anyone around me.

That's a sad life, user. I'll talk vidya with my co-workers all day including mentioning I'm more of a retro style guy compared to then and no one gives me shit. You don't even try talking about e3 or something?

Well I wish my co-workers weren't such blatantly racist nigger-hanging and faggot-bashing assholes with every fucking sentence they utter.
"Hey man, nice weather for the weekend, huh?"
"It sure is, buddy boy, however all those nigger- faggots I saw crowding up around the street'll sure blot out the sun, huh? Mhhmmmm."

Things that never happened the post.

just tell them to shut the fuck up and quit crying

I do
Every time I tell them to fuck off but they don't.

>coworkers are currently all playing Quake together.
>I am frogposting on my phone

If it's rural Finland it actually might be true.

It's actually like that every fucking day.
All the co-workers in my shift talk about is how much they hate niggers and faggots and I'm fucking tired of it.
I'd much rather talk about the weather or their hobbies but I guess all they do is lie on their bed all day and hate other people.

>user shies away from the discussion to revel in his own smug autism
>doesn't instead engage people with the topic at their level
This is why everyone hates you.

he makes this thread every time his coworkers start talking about video games
that's just what he does

How the fuck did you know?
Are you a mod?

This is why I don't talk politics. Not dealing with that shit

My policy when working: Do not talk about or reveal political stances/religion/controversial issues unless you really, REALLY trust the person, and even then don't do it because you don't know if they will try to pull shit with HR or your boss.

To be fair, I do a lot more independent contract work in the IT field so topics generally stick to the business at hand then anything else. Sadly that also means that most of the people I work with have 0 interest in games or hide it so deep you would never know.

>tfw part Sup Forumsartan
>tfw talk to coworkers about sports vidya
>tfw we play old Madden games and THPS 2 together

Holy moly, that baseball game was nuts last weekend. Hey, user, what did you think about the last inning?

>generally likeable guy
>coworkers mention video games
>just use common sense to gauge their power levels
>have fun discussing vidya for a few moments

What's so hard about that?

>I w-was watching E3 last weekend

What's E3, user?

Are you so out of touch with reality that you think baseball is a popular topic?

Football and to a lesser extent basketball but fucking baseball? Go outside user.

>tfw Sup Forumsirgins getting mad people talk aout sports

>used to be a Sup Forumsirgin only into video games
>get a bit older, into /o/, Sup Forums, /k/
man it feels good to have something to talk about with any man on the planet without turning into a stuttering autistic mess that has to shitpost and lie about it later on Sup Forums to feel better about himself

I don't know, I was out all weekend doing charity work in the woods/countryside/out of the city if you live in one/far.

There, I made you superior without being smug and you have a perfect excuse about not worrying about normie shit.

I don't get mad, but all I heard this past week was MUH LEBRON/MUH DURANT/MUH CURRY/MUH CAVS/MUH GOLDEN STATE.

It gets tiring after a while.

>tfw IT and everyone expects me to be a nerd anyways
why do people care so much about hiding their powerlevels


>co-workers talkabout CSGO and ecelebs

>coworkers swapping ck 2 stories

>co workers are playing call of duty
>tfw they shit on me for sniping on carentan

I'm kind of tired of getting weird looks after truthfully telling what I do on my free time.

That episode is my favourite. It's just so well made.

Just read one article about it before work and talk in really vague terms. Or just be the one to ask questions. People love talking about shit they like

>Have an IT guy that comes to the office whenever stuff breaks.
>Spotted me playing 3DS once when I was on lunch
>Brings up videogames every time he comes over, in between actually doing his job

I actually don't mind, but everyone around me is completely bewildered

>co workers start talking about video games
> they come to me since they know I play a lot
>they either talk about games I don't play or e celebs

Every fucking time. I don't hide my power level like some sperg, but I rarely work with people who play the same games I do.

I mean, yeah, don't tell them you enjoy playing Underage Panty Warriors: Alpha: Extra Semen Edition in your free time, but you don't need to conceal that you play vidya

>tfw my co-workers are all atleast twice my age

>they start talking about games
>its just about how awesome the latest battlefield is
>never ever goes beyond that

where do i find neckbeard friends

He just wants a friend, man.
He's surrounded by normalfags and stuck in a job revolving around dealing with idiots.

the irony of this post

The thing is that when people talk about vidya it's always about some popular multiplayer FPS like CS:GO and I primarily play single player RPG's nobody in the room has never heard of so I get shrugged off.

>people don't talk about baseball

Fucking hell, I live in Saint Louis which is half gibsmedats, and I still hear more people talking about baseball than basketball. You're fucking delusional.

They do have assy graphics

>mfw there are a bunch of dudes at work who are into some combination of comics, anime and video games

It's a magical feeling

I get that feeling from him. He's pretty much a thick-framed glasses and pocket protector away from the perfect nerd stereotype.

That aside, it's still fun to be able to not have to hide my powerlevel with somebody that isn't one of my oldest friends.

>The best genre
We would have a lot to talk about

Go to a local hobby store or card store. If people play MTG or other card games they probably care about other nerdy shit as well.

The civilized world doesn't give a shit.

>tfw own my own business and work from home
>tfw no one to talk vidya with.

I don't know, go casual like Final Fantasy or something and see how they respond?

Yeah you'd definitely get the VIDEO GAMES ARE FOR CHILDREN shpeal

My dream is to have a white collar job, qt blonde Catholic waifu, have a bunch of kids and go to church every Sunday all the while playing vidya so I can rub it in the faces of people who say that

>hey user do you play any video games
>yeah, from time to time
>oh cool, what kind of stuff do you play?
>mostly on PC, I like strategy and rpg games
>Oh cool man, yeah Skyrim and Oblivion were suck, you played those right?
>Yeah, they were pretty cool. But I really like the Witcher series of games much more
>Witcher series? What's that?
>*casually let him in on it and he gets it during a steam sale*
>says he's really loving the games and wants to try more stuff he's not accustomed to
>open him up to strategy like Total War and we started playing some Gwent together, too

bonus meme:
Co-worker girl is crushing hard for me and tried to get in on the conversation too and asked me a game to recommend to her,
and I said Dwarf Fortress. She's excited to play her first game.

Kek, brilliant

>they talk about a game you haven't played

My co-workers were talking about Rocket League and PUBG the other day. I guess these are the normie games now. About a year ago, it was Fallout 4.

I don't think they really know that I play video games, because I don't go out of my way to bring it up constantly. Actually, I try to avoid mentioning it because I know how the conversation would go.

>Do you play Rocket League?
>Do you play PUBG?
>Do you play League of Legends or Dota 2?
>Do you play CSGO or BF1?
>Oh, so you're an Overwatch fan.
>So, basically you don't play anything?

I guess Japan isn't civilized then.

>I was busy, what happened?
It really isn't that hard to talk to people, even as an introvert myself.

But yeah how bout them videogames?

Of course not. What's civilized about buying and sniffing panties from vending machines? Is whaling civilized? Eating fucking dogs?

>playing on console

>Strategy and rpg
I pop a boner just looking at those words

>this thread and the replies
Do people on Sup Forums come here to be ironycels? This is a video game board. I made a lot of friends at work like I had at school because we like similar video games. Do you dislike friends?

>Playing single players on easy....

>Coworkers play Street fighter 3 during launch, they also have an extensive knowledge of Monster Hunter and Souls games.
>I hate all of those games

>Aw man, that shit was crazy, I couldn't believe it"
>Let them fill in the blanks while you just nod and smile

It's like I'm roleplaying through real life.

>co-workers ask if I ever go to Sup Forums

>casually talking about games at work
>co worker mentions pc game thats a realistic modern shooter on pc
>Insurgency? (original) yeah I played that it's good

He looked like he had seen a ghost.

you have many insecurities; people like you are fun. wanna be friends?

I had a co-worker who tried kind of casually bonding with me about games. I mentioned how my favorite games were actually classics like SNES JRPGs and he said,

>Like Secret of Mana and Seiken Densetsu 3?

I was stunned.

>coworker is a Sup Forumstard

I wish

>work at computer and phone repair store
>Co-worker is old middle school friends
>We're both turbo nerds
>Talk about vidya and tech all day long
The best feel

>Play boom beach to pass time on lunch break on my shitty job
>Co-worker sees and he plays too
>Autist yells and trys to talk strategy all the time
>Cute co-worker laughs every time this happens

That's really cute

>criticizing anything

How much longer till you suck his duck?

Dont ruin it they have to cuddle first

Stop being an elitist cunt to normies.