Blown the fuck out
good lord the racism on the board is repulsive
just go back to your containment board for the love of god
>praise us for using buzzword topics
>dont question the truth tho
i swear you and your kind have to think everyone who doesnt like this pandering bullshit is from Sup Forums
Sup Forums as a whole dislikes this shit and for good reason, go back to r/cuckold on reddit if youre sick of seeing this
>why is no one replying to my thread?
>i know, i'll fool Sup Forums with my expert false samefagging skills into starting a conversation
>disliking very obvious political pandering is racist
Where do you think you are exactly?
I'm not sure where you people come from, or why you're trying to make it seem like your opinion is shared by the majority of Sup Forums, but you seriously need to kill yourself.
i can literally see the pixel where you cropped out the first you and used anti aliasing
What are you fucking retard or le ebin pretend?
i responded in under 60 seconds for the specific reason to disprove this attempt
faster than it took you to do so, you got blown the fuck out bro and know it
Its wierd pewdiepie has essentially been a screaming child throughout his early 20s (act or not) and hes just now transitioned to smug cynical teenager.
I got banned for posting that.
Hmm... nice dyke
Is he, dare I say it, /ourguy/?
is there another term for this kind of 'racism'?
because imo it's not straight-racism as we know it, e.g. niggers the the back of the bus style, but more people opening their eyes/'woke'. moreso peoples discomfort with embracing multiculturalism not because of the races themselves, but the reasoning/people behind it planning schemes...?
sorry if i make no sense
they use racism anyway because people are programmed from birth to recognise any criticism of the established order as hatred.
its called gaslighting
>pewdiepie vs. neofag
Good god why can't they all just die or go into a coma or something, why do we have to suffer like this. I've never even made a comment wishing people would ever stop talking despite browsing this shithole for over a fucking decade but this shit is EXCRUCIATING and there's literally nowhere I can go to escape it anymore because this fucking sociopolitics culture war shit has gone mainstream so I can't even sink into normieland to get away.
it's not even FRUITFUL political discussion with the intent of putting out ideas or analyzing models of human interaction and its successes and failures, and how power dynamics work or whatever. So it's not even really "politics". It's not even really sociology. I don't even know what the word for it is, I don't even think there is one. It's just 12-year old racist memers on youtube fighting with 35-year old landwhales with neon pink hair who think they're the arbiters of culture. I want it to end
>post pewdieshit on Sup Forums
This board really has become as bad as pebbit.
Underage please leave.
Why are only white countries forced to be multiracial?
He saw how fast his kike masters turned on him and was instantly redpilled.
All frogposters should be shot on sight
You can see how he is on his way to becoming a normal adult.
>55 MILLION subscribers
>Jewtube trying to shut him down would be suicide at this point
>getting even more brazen after the incident with WSJ and Disney
>tfw a swedish e-celeb helps redpill generation Zyklon through fucking Let's Play videos
What timeline are we in again?
America was always multicultural. You had brits, spaniards, and white flaggers
Why does she wear the choker?
Yeah I've seen this in multiple boards, the outsiders/reditors are using Sup Forums as people use racist, calling them Sup Forums when someone goes against what they think. It's so fucking transparent.
>procedurally generated open world meme
>customizable MC
Diversity is the least problem in this game.
I saw Chris Chan changed genders and was on the news holding up a Sonichu+LGBT pride sign.
We are in the weirdest timeline.
America was european multicultural that's not the same as importing random shitskins from timbukto
Ok, fair enough. But why is Europe being forced to be multiracial?
I'm honestly shocked at the current state of this website. Yeah, we made racist jokes sometimes, but it was all fun, right? At the end of the day, we all voted for Obama, we all supported gay marriage, and we all opposed racist conservative christians. But now? Our entire fucking site is subverted because of fucking nazis.
The internet is OUR platform. the LIBERAL platform. Racism, sexism, misogyny, were all confirmed to be left in the past because millenials are the most left-wing generation of all time. So why in the FUCK, do we still have to deal with nazis IN TWENTY-FUCKING-SEVENTEEN? Despite how much you wanna cry about how it's just a conspiracy and a boogeyman, Russian hackers ARE real, and this site is proof. We went from one of the most liberal sites in the world to supporting Orange Fucking Hitler? Nah, that's not normal progression because people only get more liberal with age, just like how you get smarter with age.
Threads like these just show that we need MUCH more strict moderation around here. I'm sick of all of this shit. Fuck Nazis, Fuck Fascists, Fuck Hitler, Fuck Trumpf, Fuck White Pride, and FUCK REPUBLICANS. Just fucking nuke this site already.
It's called realism
>see tzeentch
>decide to check bruva alfabusa channel
>new text to speech added 1 hour ago
Sweet fuck finally something interesting
just leave you butthurt faggot
Well then, maybe you should go to the 1700s and stop them from importing them
I'm not a regular here and even I know this is pasta
Fucking retard falling for pasta.
Liberals control TV and movies with the jews, the internet has always been more right wing.
>we all voted for obama
>bring a bunch of people into your country with different cultures
>be idiots and fail to integrate them correctly
did anyone actually take the time to read this bait?
if you aren't a racist in our current age, you're an idiot.
>american don't know about the rest of the world
another one falls for the Sup Forums meme
It has a hole for her adam's apple.
It's also small enough to wear as a little belt so her tiny tranny dick can pop through the hole as well.
>bring a bunch of people into your country with different cultures
>they adapt pretty well because they know how shitty their home country was
>their children and grandchildren however have an identity crisis and go full muh heritage and decide that the western infidel must be stopped
>europe 2017
the people who bring them aren't the ones complaining.
America was founded by White people for White people.
>google immigration act of 1790
Republicans have been trying to end identity politics for more than a century.
>google hyphenated Americans speech
so it's education problem them, not a race problem
stop slurping up Sup Forums's dick for a second and think a little
I'm convinced people copy paste stuff like this from reddit
like you can't seriously be on Sup Forums for more than an hour and think that people here actually agree with you
"Republicans" haven't done much to end the replacement of Whites in the West. Or are you forgetting that several of the final Republican nominees in 2016 were pro-amnesty?
wtf i love pewdiepie now
>welcome niggers for cheap labor
>don't educate them because fuck niggers
>niggers grow up in their own echo chamber society that tells them and proves them everyone hates them
>niggers are angry
t-t-their fault! w-w-we couldn't have prevented this! h-h-help us, working class!
It's true though. The rest of the world doesn't import millions of foreigners every year. Just white nations.
have been livin under a rock the last year or what?
If I want hatefuck that thing, does this mean I have some mental issues? Asking for a friend
He didn't say "Why only America", he said white in general. Get a fucking grip, you're even projecting things that weren't typped.
I don't know anymore who's being serious here
where the fuck are the mods?
friendly reminder that pewdiepie was, is, and always will be /ourguy/
Deleting all the crowbcat threads on behalf of neogag
Fuck you
remember kids, youre here forever, just like him
just rich nations with a past of colonialism
I don't see eastern europe importing any immigrants
Baltimore ISD has the highest budget, per student, of every major school system in America.
Baltimore has a black..
police Chief
fire Chief
majority police force
majority city council
>b-but it's the white man's fault Tyrone kills people at 10x the rate Tom does
>b-but it's the white man's fault Tyrone rapes people at 3x the rate Tom does
I'd be willing to do that if America and Europe would stop importing millions more until we fix the problem we already have instead of just exasperating it.
>That pornstar that presented the minecraft game
>That pic that was floating around Sup Forums
Does anyone have it? She was hot
>allow people into your country because they're escaping war and poverty
>instead of integrating, they try to turn your country into the same shit they ran away from
>america is for white people
>hyphenated americans speech
"The one absolutely certain way of bringing this nation to ruin, of preventing all possibility of its continuing to be a nation at all, would be to permit it to become a tangle of squabbling nationalities"
>Pewdiepie is now Sup Forums approved
What did he mean by this, lads?
hello felix
>strong, independent kike
>wears a dog collar
is that a sunbather wallpaper on the left monitor
I have this one. From ubisoft conf.
___ was right again
Who did the svens enslave? You're full of shit, most of eastern europe isn't going through that because they are slightly religious and because they know what marxism is, therefore two strong reasons for this shit have a harder time striving.
>all the fucking leafs in this thread
>Sup Forums accuses the left of not tolerating the right's views
>Sup Forums not only disrespects those views, but twists them around
Wow, what the fuck? Like, literally, that's hypocrisy in its finest. These developers are just trying to represent an ethnicity that hasn't been respectibly portrayed in the last five decades. Why is Sup Forums getting so butthurt over this?
counter argument
you are repulsive
I'm pretty sure most of the people on Sup Forums lean right and hate SJW's, but Sup Forums pisses off Sup Forums so much with all the not video game threads they make on Sup Forums, so Sup Forums pretends to be liberal so they can troll Sup Forums.
why that city?
>highest budget, per student, of every major school system in America.
why that number?
>Baltimore has a black..
why that info.
it's like you think you can prove me wrong with random facts and numbers that you think mean something
Asians (Chinese aside) are the perfect race.
>thinking republicans politicians (neocons) represent their base
>it's a shill thread
Oy vey delet
Detroit has been in Democrats and nigger control for decades and it went from industrial growing economy to looking that it was recently hit by a nuke.
Then you have, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Congo etc, how can people be so blind and still believe blacks can be civilised.
Back to neogaf with you.
>don't bring a bunch of people into your country with different cultures
>don't even have to worry about integrating them
the only people whining about Sup Forums on Sup Forums are pic related
who would win in a fight? afro girl or florida man
We shouldn't have asked for a sequel.
You know when Mormons knock on your door and tell you you're going to hell if you don't follow their bullshit rules? This is what the left is doing.
I have no obligation to adopt the cuck morality you've been indoctrinated with and it drastically reduces the fun of my video gaming hobby when I'm forced to watch an SJW propaganda shitfest instead of actually playing a fucking game.
Take your cultist behavior elsewhere.