Life is Strange

I've beaten Life is Strange today and I liked it. Is this game hated here?

yes now fuck off back to plebbit

It went from people freaking out about muh SJW right before release, to people loving it after actually playing it, then a mix between love, hate, and standard shitposting. See the general on /vg/ for actual LiS discussion.

Not using reddit

It is hated, yes. But this is coming from a place that considers anime visual novels to be "games", so who cares?

Kate best girl

Western visual novels aren't games either you stupid fuck.

This game strongly reminds me of Steins;Gate

Yes, Kate is the best girl

Too boring for me. Fake multiple choices. Dumb npcs/writing.

Waste of my money.


Took me 14 hours to finish it by the way, Longer than my MGS4 marathon run with all these cutscenes

Overall it's disliked, but lots of people like it.

Loved it. I know people like hating it but I found the characters really lovable and their struggles very touching. Also Kate.

The best thing is how Sup Forums sees Chloe and screams "MUHH SJW". But Chloe is shown to be a disaster of a human being. She is not shown in a positive light

Never played? Is it really about lesbians teenagers shenanigans?

Exactly, I even felt that the game was making fun of these types of people with the whole part were they shoot the magnum. In fact, one of the nicest and most important character is a right wing veteran. He isn't shown as a good person from the get go either, we learn to love and appreciate him despite his flaws. It's much more powerful.

No, not lesbian. I thought that it was some teen angst tumblr game for faggots until I played it. Turned out to be some interesting detective shit.

It's pretty much 50/50 here but expect nothing but buzz words from people who don't in an attempt to agressivley censor any discussion.

It's much more, go in knowing the least about the game. Just know that if you're empathetic and sensible to emotional struggles of other people it'll be an emotional roller coaster and you'll love every second of it. Have fun.

>tfw got the last choice wrong for saving kate and she ended up killing herself
How the fuck was I supposed to know a damn bible verse.

I reloaded that moment to save her because Kate was so cute

>The bible verses dialogue options are only available if you've fucked up all the other dialogue options before that
How do you fuck up that bad user?


>Becoming Catholic for your waifu

Visual novels are games. It was established years ago. Both of you can fuck off.

holy shit she looks like my friends faggot roommate

Is you friend's roommate a chinless ghost by chance?

I'm pretty sure I only got the last two choices wrong, everything else I did perfectly, besides her dying hehe.

Started to get promising when it was wrapping up with the twist and climax of the story

Ended up hating it because the ending was awful and effectively made everything you did in the entire story pointless

My favorite part of the game is when you're supposed to side with Chloe against her stepdad just because she's your friend, and you find out later that the conservative army veteran stepdad was in the right and Chloe was just being an angsty bitch. Complete subversion of the "MUH SJW" bullshit people on here like to throw around.

I think the prequel and sequel will suck because the fanbase only cares about lesbian shit so they'll crank it up to 11 and let the story suffer.

This. S;G has a better, longer story of course, but LiS was actually pretty damn good and has some resemblance of actual gameplay and a pretty good art style.

>Friends roommate is Victoria
>Not currently having sex with said roommate
What went wrong user?

Anime visual novels at least have branching paths, meaningful choices and multiple endings.

Hell, fucking codblops had more meaningful choices than Life is Strange, that's pretty sad.


It was sad to an extent, but not nearly enough for me to replay it. Religion in characters is more often than not a complete turnoff, and it's a bible quote is a completely bullshit way to save someone in the heat of the moment.

Speaking of weeb shit, there was also an anime with time travel where the teacher that everybody loved turned out to be the killer

I fucking love that miserable wasp

Please don't have a penis.

Can't be afraid of dicks all your life, user.


Because everyone hates games here.

Because nobody bothered to redownload the game after they finished first chapter and were left waiting, including me.
But i do love the soundtrack found great bands.

God I hated that bitch. Chose to save her though because Max would feel sad otherwise.

Ready for the mosh pit, shaka brah

>is literally tumblr: the game hated here?
gee i wonder, tumblr isn't a rival website or anything, no sir

>tumblr: the game
Seeing screenshots is not playing the game, my friend.
>A rival website
Made me, dare I say it, CRINGE

>>is literally tumblr
If you believe that you've not played the game. What you say has thus absolutely no value. Gtfo.

what a surprise, tumblr gets triggered when you say their game is trash

>tumblr isn't a rival website or anything, no sir

Way to show you havn't played it retard

>you have to play it to know it's a bad game

I havn't played dark souls, dark souls is a bad game. I hate it. Can't wait to see a souls thread in the catalog im gonna go right in and pist what a shit tumblr game Dark souls is. I have not played it.

>The trigger meme is now an argument
Found the redditor

you're right, it is a bad game, demon's souls is better

your next post will be to say that demon's souls is a bad game, and i will still agree with you, because 1 game can be better than another, whilst still being bad

What's with all the hate? I thought Sup Forums loved Life is Strange?

I really hope you don't think that's a clever comparison. Comparing a biochemical process to the judging a video game.

Why would you fuck up so bad by posting a "triggered" picture? And, oh, right, every tumblr kid is way smarter than a new-Sup Forums fag that creates switch threads

>biochemical process
>to the judging a video game

the character design of Chloe triggers the reddit kiddies

It's a mediocre walkie talkie and should've already faded from memory. The characters are shallow and stupid, to say nothing about the poorly written story that's so full of holes that it might as well be a type of cheese. God knows it stinks like it.

I remember "people" here constantly shitting on it

Yes i personally hate and i think most anons here feel the same way about it.

It's a teen drama, progressive "game" made for tumblrinas, it's probably a good game ignoring all the liberal crap that comes with it.

you can't even really call it a game, it's a visual novel, and not even a good one compared to actual VN's like phoenix wright

Name one narrative that's liberal or progressive pushed onto the player during the game.

Chloe reminded me of Shion trying to find her missing best friend and running off with a boy(Max) to solve the mystery.
Except you know, Higurashi is a much better mystery.

Most of the people on Sup Forums who hate it are retards who can't form their own opinions. There are some who actually have arguments that support their dislike for the game, but most of it is SJW BLUE HAIR REEEEEE

>progressive "game" made for tumblrinas

Please clarify exactly how, and if your awnser could be better than just the reaction image equvilent of saying "are you fucking kidding me?" That would be fantastic too.


t.someone who didn't play the game

It's nothing

Do you also cry when a man and woman kiss in a game, or is that okay?

This scene shows what a fucking pussy Chloe really is, she nearly got stuck to her chair sitting down after that mild peck on the lips.

What's that picture? Are you Russian by any means?

Oh so optional lighthearted homosexuality between two young women discovering their sexuality that only happens if the p^layer wishes to is liberal propaganda? You massive fucking idiot.

I like it, it made me satisfied and I can't wait for Before the Storm.

>promotes lesbianism which is degeneracy
>chloe is literally tumblr: her looks, her speech, her mannerisms
>feminist propaganda where chloe mentions that all men need to be murdered
>the chloe-maxine relationship demonstrates how you can indoctrinate people to SJW ideals very easily
>chloe murders a man and his dog because he's a man and it's fighting against the patriarchy

i think you get the point

>rival website
You are a huge fucking retard. That's like saying we're best friends with wikipedia or imgur.

>liked the game
>Episode 5
What the fuck were they thinking


But, I was pretty down about how the game did not delve into Victoria or Nathan's character, especially the latter since the developers just killed him off

>being this new
were you really not around when Sup Forums, somethingawful, fark, GNAA, and others all banded together to shit on our rivals? habbo hotel, gaia, and ebaumsworld being the 3 biggest rivals

not only are you a massive newfag, you don't lurk moar or even do any research.

Are you saying me that people with mental and hormonal disorders are the same as heterosexual people kissing?

Yeah what i was thinking.

Well you're a fucking idiot. Go back to your echo chamber that is Sup Forums.

>we r leguin
>we dont forgive or 4get

I agree, they just ended the game horribly by having two choices to pick. Also, I felt like they should have developed the characters in the game more than the plot since I was really focused on the personality of each character than the actual plot. Maybe they'll learn with the sequel.

I'm not a newfag I'm just not into your newfag shit

>promotes lesbianism which is degeneracy

You highschoolers are such faggots today i swear "girls kissing?! Gross!"

>chloe is literally tumblr: her looks, her speech, her mannerisms

>how do you know exactly?

>feminist propaganda where chloe mentions that all men need to be murdered

Chloe is a fucking idiot and gets BTFO frequently. She is a dumb kid acting out rebellion, and the devs show this often.

>the chloe-maxine relationship demonstrates how you can indoctrinate people to SJW ideals very easily

Gonna need a better explenation than that, you are literally just saying "why aren't more people mad about faggots??"

>chloe murders a man and his dog because he's a man and it's fighting against the patriarchy

No Chloe does it because she is an irresponsible coward tool.

>i think you get the point

Yeah, you are a low test faggot who think girls deep kissing is the worst thing ever.

>Defending tumblr
Also, what the fuck is new-Sup Forums?

this is where you wrong, kiddo. Game implies challenge and tasks to solve.
vn endings depends on multiple choices made thru the game. LiS with millions of budget and Square Enix support couldnt deliver even that.

Why i am a fucking idiot? Is just a point of view, i just don't want people to become fags and the media to make them that being gay is good.


Focusing on the plot was the dumbest thing they could've done because the premise is already faulty. Using it as anything more than an excuse to set up the characters was silly. Time Travel almost never works and this is literally one of the most nonsensical portrayals of it I've seen in a game.

i guess user is a virgin and hasnt heard about all girls experimenting that way.
Main problem is rationalizing brain dead hipster and junkie behaviors.

You and other Nier Automata fans. Fuck outta my face

The investigation case was challenging.

lesbians and homosexuals cannot procreate, ergo t is degeneracy

>promotes lesbianism which is degeneracy
People do whatever the want in their intimate and sexual lives and there's nothing you can do about it. The game doesn't even promote it, and it only happens if the player chooses to, you also have th option to romance a man.

>chloe is literally tumblr: her looks, her speech, her mannerisms
Chloe isn't tumblr she's much much closer to an anarchist. She doesn't make any commentary about the patriarchy, gender roles a,d minority rights. And even then, she is depicted in the game as an emotional wreck, THE DEVS ACTUALLY MAKE FUN OF LEFTIST POSITIONS. One of the most important and likable character is a right wing veteran ffs.

>feminist propaganda where chloe mentions that all men need to be murdered
What are you even talking about?

>the chloe-maxine relationship demonstrates how you can indoctrinate people to SJW ideals very easily
Unless there's no SJW ideal behind it

>chloe murders a man and his dog because he's a man and it's fighting against the patriarchy
You absolute dumbass what the fuck are you talking about that's not at all what happens

In conclusion, you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about and should just shut the fuck up.

>making a sequel
>Not adding more content to each episode in order to flesh out the characters, the plot, and the decision making

If you guys thought the lack of choice in LiS was infuriating, imagine how shitty the choices will be in a prequel where everything must end the same way the original started. It's like if Fate/Zero was another VN.

Yeah time travel can create huge plot hole, but it's my favorite gameplay mechanic like in Steins;Gate. Was there anything you wanted to see in the game that didn't?

>I just don't want people to become fags

I don't think they have a choice though user. Also, you want a girl to love you one day right? Or date one? Be affectionate with a girl sometime? It's not always easy, but it feels great when you just click with a girl right? Why would you have all that, but then look at gay people in your exact situation and say "not for you though. I hope you never get this feeling with someone." You would deny them even that?
