>one of the first video game series ever
>over 15 released games only in the Super series
>absolute perfect track record
How is Mario not ruined yet like Sonic or Crash? What's Nintendo secret?
>one of the first video game series ever
>over 15 released games only in the Super series
>absolute perfect track record
How is Mario not ruined yet like Sonic or Crash? What's Nintendo secret?
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Actually having their developers take their time and not add stupid gimmicks and redesigns? As well as not having a derranged fanbase?
>absolute perfect track record
yes, it's not like sunshine was a thing
or galaxy 2
or 4 NSMB game all mediocre as fuck with their stupid "wah wah" music
Original creator still alive and on charge/supervising tends to do that
>sunshine bad
>galaxy 2 bad
What's it like being a complete fucking retard?
Sunshine is amazing and Galaxy 2 is quite possibly the best Mario game ever made, the NSMB are fun, they might not as good as the main series but they're still good fun and you have to agree they're at worst decent games.
The worst Mario fan in the world is probably Moviebob. And he's nowhere near what people like Chris-chan are capable of.
I agree with him on Sunshine. Absolute garbage
Major Nintendo dev teams like the Mario ones actually care about the quality of their games.
They make their games with love.
C R E A T I V I T Y, tight control over the IP, fun side characters that people still give a shit about, and a willingness to delay releases.
That being said, lets not pretend there aren't any bad mario games.
cody why do you care so much about ecelebs yet try to be one with your own videos
>Perfect Track Record
New Super Mario Bros. 2 says hi. Game was bad.
Also like said, Sunshine was a great idea, but pretty poorly executed.
>absolute perfect track record
What did Anonymous mean by this?
>Perfect track record
>Sunshine exists
That is not a Mario game, when I say Mario game I'm talking about the platforming ones. Also that's made by SEGA not Nintendo.
Might as well count hotel mario
Those new super mario bros got pretty stale after the what like fifth new mario
Mechanics that are simple enough to translate well to a variety of gameplay designs. It's basically "run around and jump", there's so much you can do with that.
Mario never got married to its actual design, I think that's a big part of it. If Super Mario 64 had been made by Sonic Team, then Mario would have had to shrink when hit (instead of having 8 health bars) and get fireball and tanooki power ups instead of metal and invisible caps.
Sonic could have done as well as Mario if the whole cluster of mechanics (going fast, particularly around loops, gathering rings to protect you from damage, reaching a goal sign) of his early 2D games hadn't been treated as essential to the core design. They would have been free to just make a good game starring Sonic without trying to shoehorn in "iconic" mechanics that weren't good for the game.
>one of the first video game series ever
>over 15 released games only in the Super series
>absolute perfect track record
I love Mario and do look to it as one of the higher quality series. But it still has a few lackluster games.
To date, the only series I can think of where every game has been great or better is Dragon Quest. And it keeps that quality because the same core people have been working on every game since 1986. This year is its 30th anniversary and still the same core team is working on Dragon Quest XI.
Mario has changed developers many times. It's almost luck that it has only had a few lackluster games in all that time. But it still has a few. And some of the best Mario games were spin offs.
What did user mean by this?
What's the worst and best mario game?
They passed their tallest hurdle when Mario 64 redefined 3D games forever. From there on they simply built on it while continuing to release safe, enjoyable 2D episodes.
OP meant the main series. We all know a lot of the side games are shit. Then again some of the side games are also fucking amazing, like the proper RPGs (that is, everything except the stick star shit), Mario Kart games range from decent to excellent, and a few others.
I honestly can't believe there are people who don't like the Super Mario Galaxy games, it's like you hate fun with a passion.
Is not perfect by any means, but is way better by far than sonic's or any long run series for that matter.
So the only thing you could find to hate about the NSMB games is "wah wah?"
Absolute shit taste.
Although it might just be a culture bias since I'm from Hawaii.
Holy shit, all of these people shitting in sunshine and Galaxy.
They are great games, y'all just like to hate shit to have something to hate.
Worst: Mario's Early Years! Fun with Letters
Best: Mario Paint
>Sunshine is a great gam-
>absolute perfect track record
>when Mario 64 exists
Gr8 b8 m8
>the only bad mario games is when Sonic is associated with him
>absolute perfect track record
>what is Super Mario 3D World
>what are all the NSMB sequels
>what are all the recent spin-off and sport titles
Dragon Quest 30th anniversary was last year, thought.
If I had taste this shit I would kill myself
super mario world is the only good one
>all nsmb is bad
i hate this meme
nsmb and nsmbwii were solid games, they are hated retroactively as nsmb2 dropped the ball super fucking hard and introduced absolutely nothing
>3D World
Now what did he mean by this?
He just had a bad 3D game, dude. And he hasn't seen a quality 2D entry for, what, two decades?
But yeah, I'm very happy with Odyssey getting back on track.
There are only 4 NSMB games. You only really need to play the 1st one and Wii U to get the full experience.
It's too easy to say "Nintendo quality"
Another answer is that fucking nobody wants to make 3D platforming
Given Mario Odyssey's design of not going back when you collect the Moon, it automatically makes it a better Banjo-Kazoooe than Yooka-Laylee
git gud
Compared to 3D land, 3D world is a lot more lackluster.
They have talented people working for them and they know what they're doing, they focus on gameplay instead of gimmicks. That's it. Of course, it helps that Nintendo is rich as fuck so they can spend virtually unlimited time polishing their games. They also stayed true to the genre when most other developers chased cellphone money or started to create open world and FPS games.
But, Mario's track record is still solid aside. This game is shaking things up, and the only things to complain about so far are the date showing up below "You got a Moon" and more 8-bit cocksucking.
And those are minor relative to major screwups that could be had.
>hates Sunshine
Kill yourself my man. I only partially agree with Galaxy 2 as I would have preferred a new Mario over a sequel of Galaxy, but 2 is a solid game on its own.
>a sole level means the game is bad
The level is not that hard either. The annoying part is bringing Yoshi to the island, what with the boat being all slippery and shit. Now that's some bullshit.
Honestly I'd say the blue coins is a worst offender, some of them are cryptic as fuck.
I agree but 3D World is by no means a bad game, even games that are pretty clearly unfinished like Sunshine are very polished in most areas and 3D World is no exception.
Wow, look at all that platforming. It's like I'm back in the early 90s enduring 3D platformers before SM64.
Sunshine was ok. Not great. It was considered a poor follow-up to 64 and galaxy was considered a return to form. Sunshielded isn't amazing. It's just alright. But there's way too much emphasis on cleaning up mud as opposed to platforming
That's definitely a generalization.
Casual fuck. One level you can't pass doesn't mean it's bad
3d world was a giant step backwards from every other 3D mario game
>Implying it's a sole level
>Cleaning an eel's teeth
>Cleaning a beach
>Cleaning Piantas
>Secret of Hotel Delfino
Sunshine has hardly any actual platforming in it except for the levels where they remove FLUDD which are just Galaxy-lite.
>posts bait
>calls thread bait
i'm not sure if you're baiting?
It actually is one of the first series ever made, only beaten by Action Quest or whatever that Atari series was with the 4 elemental games where the last one never released.
>I'm gonna say the best Mario games are bad. That'll surely get me the (You)s I crave so much. I'm so devilish.
those controls aren't fun
>and galaxy was considered a return to form
Don't get me wrong, I love Galaxy, but it was way more linear than Sunshine.
The 30th anniversary goes from May 30th 2016 to May 30th 2017. It just ended (and Dragon Quest XI didn't quite make the release date Yuji Horii promised).
Pachinko, getting Yoshi to the leaf stage, the last Chuckster, the tedium (not difficulty) of the eel's teeth, the shitty ramp physics, the absolutely obscured Shines and Blue Coins,
Don't even pretend Sunshine doesn't have issues - we've covered this ad nauseum in previous threads.
It's an optional level. 100%ing Sunshine is not recommended in the slightest.
>Git gud
>completing this level with Toad
Never again. That last section still haunts my nightmares.
I'm all for challenge but the last level being so ridiculously harder than the rest of the game is NOT a good difficulty curve. The level itself is godly, but I wouldn't have minded if things got tougher a bit earlier than that. The bosses especially were really disappointing minus Meowser.
>Super Mario Sunshine is a masterpiec-
Not every Mario game is top notch, it's not absolutely perfect. However, even their worst titles that aren't educational shit or obscure stuff nobody really cares for don't exactly hit some massive bottom low. New Super Mario Bros. 2 was just forgettable after all.
It's quite far from Crash losing his identity like a lobotomized piece of shit, and Sonic getting too ambitious and tripping, snapping his neck and then having to go into reconstructive surgery to not be braindead anymore. And every once in a while he just goes back to a gibbering retard anyway.
am I the only one who didn't have any problems with this?
Because Sonic and Crash are both knockoffs of Mario.
Stuff like Space Invaders, Pac Man, Game and Watch and etc were still series. Even if they're not the way we consider series now.
Collect-a-niggers FUCK OFF. Banjo Kazooie was shit, DK64 was shit, Banjo Tooie was shit, Yooka Laylee was shit, and the best 3D Platformers are the ones that don't focus on collecting.
It's called quality control. Nintendo takes it's time to make sure their games are well developed products. They are responsive and set out to complete their goals.You compare it to Sonic, where Sega pushed products out the door without making sure their games are finished, polished and responsive.
Say what you will about Mario and whether or not you like Nintendo and how they conduct business and their development process, but they put out a solid product.
3D World is better than Sunshine.
No user, u r
i love mario galaxy but galaxy 2 adds nothing, it's the same fucking level, the same fucking bosses, it throws a mario 64 level and it feels like an admission about the complete lack idea that they have than the nostalgic throwback they wanted
this is the correct take on this overrated game
All you need to do is post an image of a duckbill or a pachinko level to trigger people who played Sunshine.
The ones that don't focus on platforming either, by the looks of it. 3D World is potentially the most overrated Wii U title and that's saying something.
>yahtzee posting
Did someone say pachinko?
Name a 3D platformer with better and more varied level design than Galaxy 2.
I wouldn't consider any of those a series just like I wouldn't consider Tetris a series. They're prior franchises, sure, but I'm not even tempted to call Game & Watch games actual video games. Not until Game & Wario, but that was shite.
It looks interesting but no doubt it's going to be another boring casualized mario game that loses all it's fun because there is literally no challenge to the game and everything holds your hand.
These levels are really rough when you limit yourself to default powers.
Nowhere did I say that this level (and getting to it) was the only problem, I was only responding to the earlier post that seemed to imply it was the case. I agree with everything you both mentionned. Sunshine is not even among my favorite games but it's great to play in the summer.
nah sunshine is good, they're just retarded.
3D World has heavy emphasis on platforming, and that's to its benefit. It's easily the 3rd best platformer on the Wii U, with Woolly World coming in second and Tropical Freeze the single best platformer game ever made in first.
And I say that as someone who never really liked DK games before Tropical Freeze.
I played DKC 1 - 3 and Returns, but none of them stacked up to Tropical Freeze
the only reason games like sunshine seem bad is because they are measured up to a ridiculous standard
if a sonic game was made with sunshine level quality it would be in the top 3 best sonic games
it's hard being a ruby when your competition are diamonds
Fuck off dumbass, the only way someone can think Sunshine is better than 3D World is if you value movement options over actual platforming and level design.
Galaxy 1
that was easy
Does Sup Forums consider SMB1 good? I never played and probably never will because it's old as fuck now but I was under the impression most people here always prefered the sequels like 3 and World.
That would be Banjo-Kazooie or Super Mario 64, seeing as Galaxy 2 liked to repeat half of its fucking levels.
>those horrible hit boxes
>that fucking camera
I have no idea how anyone can defend this game.
Sunshine absolutely nails movement, probably the best movement in a 3D platformer however that is not good enough when most of the levels don't really make good use of it.
Similarly the Galaxy games have god tier level design and continually change it up but the movement is a step back but it's still very fluid and feels which is why I prefer them both to Sunshine.
>haha this stupid game is TOO OLD
fuck back off to leddit.
I'm a huge fan of Country 1 and 2, and I have to agree that Tropical Freeze is the best DK game ever made.
>>over 15 released games only in the Super series
only smb, smb3, smw, and sm64 matter
>Does Sup Forums consider SMB1 good?
>I never played and probably never will because it's old as fuck now
You need to be over the age of 18 to post here.
Funny, it repeats itself like SMG1/2 do. Additionally, the "path puzzle" castles are absolute trial and error bullshit.
It's fun enough, though.
It's good for its time. If you judge NES games by today's standards, only Megaman 1 - 4 and Kirby's Adventure hold up as good games.
I mean, it's not bad. It's simple compared to 3 and beyond, but it's a pretty fun rush to hold the run button and do precise jumps over the pirahna plants or so forth. It's a good timekiller and beyond the end-game maze paths that I can't ever memorize, it's pretty inoffensive in any real way.
It stands the test of time by being simple enough to just pick up and play at any time.