Bring back the old memes.

AMD and Nvidia played this game a long time ago, it's time for Intel since everyone wants to forget the Netburst abortion.

user please take a look at the picture you just posted and rethink your life.

Intel had five years to prepare for Ryzen and cut it off at the knees with a swift response. How the fuck are these rushed housefires all they have?


>(((Fast Fourier transform test)))

>Threadripper will literally rip through Intel
>Vega will put out proper competition against nvidia
Can't wait for these shit companies to get back to where the belong.

>lower is better
Please be a troll OP

>implying Sup Forums can into calculus

Holy shit.

We can just steal memes from Sup Forums as usual.

Intel BTFO by based Jim.

What? You too pussy to run a 400W CPU or you an environment cuck waging jihad on American coal?

>lower is better

Are you a retard?

Dude, that's the power requirement of 4 decently sized LED TVs running at once.

Certified shit wrecker

Mm, can't wait to make some smores.

Bigger numbers mean good, of course.

what are the parentheses for?

>being this much of a braindead