Be honest, Sup Forums, what's the hardest you've ever raged at a game?

>Inb4 "I don't rage at video games"

Everyone does it, some mildly, some...not so mildly

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i curse a lot and blame my shitty skills on the game devs, unfair game mechanics, whatever. the worst i'll do is place my headphones down kind of hard. i have a buddy who used to regularly punch holes in his walls back in his warcraft days.

I alt F4 and go do something else

The most rage I've done is hit my fist on the table or hit my knee.

Literally drove up to the woods to shoot my laptop.

my fightpad has a few teeth marks on it. I'm not really a biter, or a chewer, but for some reason that one controller has to suffer.

this. If you go beyond this point, you have autism

i flew 2 planes into the twin towers because my brother wanted his turn to play crash bandicoot

Both of them? Fuck.

I am not a giant tard that rages at things, I just get depressed and think im shit.

Never get a glass desk. Even if you’re delicate that shit will start to bow and eventually shatter.

One time I raged so hard at a video game that I made a kickstarter for a series of video essays called Tropes vs. Women in Video Games.

Snapped my guitar controller in half after failing Mosh 1 in Raining Blood on GH3. Felt pretty stupid.

Snapped my glasses in half when I was a kid playing Super Mario Sunshine, parents took away my Gamecube for a month.

T b h if im alone and ive been playing for too long Ill scream like retard and punch the shit out of my pillows or something this happens most when Im playing mk8. Usually I stop playing at that point

2015. Was in promos for diamond in LoL. Had two back to back trolls who were literally suiciding into the turret. The enemy team was remorsleless too and pushed the advantage he gave.

I went outside and ended up smashing my little Sister's little mini Frozen table and umbrella/lawn chair set. I dont even remember desu I kinda just blacked out it was was freaky. I ended up bringing her to Toyz R Us and letting her spend $400. Also quit league after that.

>Glass desks

I don't rage much. Usually I just give the left click a few extra taps, but that's about it.

sometimes i get so flustered after getting shit on in overwatch i find the closest dick i can find and suck it

I do both

WoW would make me rage a lot. I never broke anything though, because I'm not a dumb nigger.

You fags who break your shit are nigger babby tier.

Calm down Sup Forums chimp, you're far less intelligent than 99% of anyone who's ever broken something in anger.

>implying nigger babies act any more retarded than cracker babies
Wow Sup Forums is really desperate to make up anything to advance their narrative

but you didn't play a video game at all, did you

>what's the hardest you've ever raged at a game?

Well one time I was so angry I I said FUCK and I hit the desk.

The amount of keyboards I've broken because of LoL is insane, so insane I don't even want to say the number

It's over 10, though.

Fuck that game.

The hardest I've ever raged was during a CSGO online tournament, we were ahead and could of easily won, but two teammates started fighting and we ended up losing on a large stream in front of everyone

I ended up punching the wall until my hand bled and I cried myself to sleep, I don't play CSGO anymore after that.

Broke my finger over Mortal Kombat online, had to come up with some shitty excuse, told the doctor I hit it with a hammer and he didn't believe me.

>Broke my finger over Mortal Kombat online
How you do dat

I once headbutted my monitor because of J-Boots in Everquest. It was a CRT. It fucking hurt so bad.

When I would get mad I would bend my middle finger back really hard and scream, I don't know why, it just helped with anger problems I used to have

Bent it too far back during Mortal Kombat and broke it, doctor told me it didn't look anything like I had hit it with a hammer, he told my parents it looked like I did it myself, my parents thought I was violent towards myself and ended up trying to get me to go a therapist

All because of stupid fighting games.

This i beat the shit out of my knees

Back when CRTs were a thing, I used to get really fucking angry at computer games, I would shake the entire monitor screaming bloody murder, like Boris from Goldeneye

Was all fun and games until it eventually just stopped working.

I once said 'eat shit' loudly after losing a match.

Which is fair enough because who the fuck breaks their own fingers in a fit of gamer rage?

Special needs people, that's who.

I used to do this really bad when I was young. I remember this one time where I got so fucking pissed at the hardmode Abyss boss in SC2 that I drop kicked my gamecube into the closet (which hurt like hell because no shoes), spit on it, and slammed the door.

I've really mellowed out in my old age, because almost nothing makes me angry anymore.

>Be honest, Sup Forums, what's the hardest you've ever raged at a game?

I once said "fudge" in frustration.

I miss being able to do that, I also smacked it because those things were built like nuclear shelters, can't imagine how anyone would manage to damage them.

I hit alt f4 aggressively and give the game the finger.

>only i didn't say fudge

>my parents thought I was violent
but they were right user. You should go see a fucking therapist

>When you're just about to perfect a song and the Safe kicks in.

I was playing the game Dota 2...

I just raged because some dumb cunt from the U.S didn't want to help, and didn't want to support even if he had picked a support hero.

He told me that he--and his homo friends--reported me for asking for help... and kept feeding without helping.

I got mad and threw my headphones on the wall and dozens of pieces went flying everywhere in the room.

It just shattered. It was GONE. Literally.

Thank god that I was using a cheap headset from the dollar store (was only using them for the mic).

Anyways, stopped playing Dota 2 since Valve fucked up the game a few months ago.

Won't have to deal with retards saying "it's just a game" and feeding all game.

Yes, it's just a game... but spending 40-60 minutes on it for no reason and no desire to win, is just a fucking waste of time.

What do you got against 7.00?

When I'm getting angry but having fun I scream and curse. When I'm gettin angry but not having fun I'm dead silent

This is terrible bait. Have a pity reply.

This. It's normal to react to frustration in some way. But going past an "god damn it" or quick jerk of the fist is inexcusable if you're over 14 years old. Control yourself.

you degenerate animal.

>I broke my own finger because of anger issues

Violent and stupid is no way to go through life son.

I'll be honest, I've never finished Super Meat Boy 100%.
On my way of getting all "Boy" related achievements, I died right on the last level of the Dark Factory and accidentally break my monitor by accidentally throwing it out the window.
I've yet to get 100% on it...

Ive had hit my pc too hard so from then on it resonated and made this annoying buzzing sound. I was 14 back then. Fucking Scrapland on gforce5500...

>I would bend my middle finger back really hard and scream,
Autism son.

At most, I'll shout something along the lines of "YOU FUCKING NIGGER"

glad to know I'm not the only person

I like to say fuck you in a boston accent. Like "fa-k yUuu".

Dropped a controller or alt+F4 rage quit.

I scream "ohhh my gawd!!!!" or "no fucking way!" most of the time. Sometimes I slam or punch the shit out of my chairs armrest. Occasionally if my dog was nearby is grab her and hold her tight, maybe rough her up a little without hurting her, she'd usually calm me down. At the end of last gen I would beat the shit out of my controller knowing I'd never play it again after the new gen came out.

>Everyone does it

No, I can honestly say in the 28 years or so I've been playing video games I've never gotten mad at one. It's just a game.

I've never broken anything but I've sperged out from rage before.
I bite my arms, I punch myself in the head, I scream, I sometimes throw things across the room
I have problems.

When I was a kid, I slammed a GameBoy into my forehead hard enough to crack the screen.
I still rage, but nowhere near as easily or violently.


Honest question. When you're in the middle of the throes of your tardrage do you realize what a faggot you are being? If you do does it make it worse and make you rage even harder? If you don't realize it, do you have a moment of clarity afterwards realizing what a faggot you are?

You're so soft-headed that I'm surprised the Gameboy didn't crack your skull.

user, that's mean! Why are you being mean to me?

>group of us in highschool used to lan halo 2
>invite tertiary friend who was on the football team
>got rekt
>threw controller in a rage, picked up xbox and slammed it on the floor

Hardest ive ever seen someone rage, and the console still worked perfect. OG Xbox is built like a brick. Also had a fat friend that would literally REEE and start punching us when whe lost hard. I miss highschool

Eh, it depends. I can usually take a step back on realize how irrational I'm being.
If I'm having a shit day already then no. It's not just video games, I've always had horrible anger issues. I've never been to a therapist for it.

I go on long incoherant rants if I'm alone/think I'm alone.

I used to throw the controller occasionally, but always at the couch so I wouldn't break it. It wasn't very satisfying, but it bought time for me to calm down.

The worst I have ever raged was yanking on and breaking the disc drive in my PS2. My dad made me pay him to fix it. Aside from that, the only time I had ever truly raged was stabbing my Pokemon Pikachu digital pet with a knife for losing the slot machine minigame.

Sorry :(

Either when I couldn't beat Bowser in Super Mario World in ZSNES, so I deleted the emulator and then begged my dad to get it working again, or when I was playing Gears of War on the hardest difficulty and rammed the thumbsticks into my forehead.

Trying to play MMBN multiplayer and losing because the left direction on the dpad and the shoulder buttons broke without warning.

Also trying to play LoL with friends while my keyboard was disintegrating and my mouse would randomly cut out. The Dominion bug where it would corrupt your cursor if you had a Radeon was just as bad.

Also trying to play DaS and my controller's wiring went full retard and rapidly disconnected/reconnected until it BSODed me in the middle of a winning attempt on O&S.

I went Office Space on all of them as soon as I got replacements. Nothing is more infuriating than failing at something you'd normally have on lockdown because of hardware issues.

>Brother is former military
>He's a pretty chill guy
>Never once seen him rage
>Try getting him to play through Halo 2 with me
>He always tells me he doesn't like video games
>Finally get him to play
>We're playing through Halo 2 co-op on expert
>He gets assassinated by an elite
>He stands up and smashes the controller at his feet
>Pieces of it going fucking everywhere
>We're just both silent for a bit
>"Bro I'm so sorry, let me pay for it"
>Tell him not to worry about it
>Rest of the day is awkward as fuck
>He eventually looks at me all seriously
>"Never ask me to play another video game, bro, EVER"

And I never did, was scary as fuck.

>Friendless loser from foreign country gets mad normal people can play a game for fun
Typical moba autist

I don't get angry often, and when I do it lasts a short period until I get depressed, drop the controller and start crying.
Usually being shit at videogames just triggers reminders of how shit a person I am and all my other problems!

I raqequitted and uninstalled, never touched the game for years.

You guys have fucking anger issues. The worst I've done is get salty and stop playing/hide in offline after blocking everyone in my team.

As /chad/ as I am I've never been physical with my shit.

This fucking game right here.... No Mercy would get me so worked up. I'm just DESTROYING the AI, mother fucker is bleeding, health in the Blue, just no way to come back

Then the next thing i know I'm getting countered, grappled, thrown all over the place.... generally just became a bitch and get hit with a 1,2,2.5 count before i can take over. Shit just never made since. Never broke anything, but i did have a pillow i would punch when i got too pissed.

These days i just get pissed at myself because i suck at aiming.

Well, at least you didn't break your own finger like Mr. TotalFuckingFaggot over there.

he went full PTSD psycho on you dude.

My friend was stationed in Iraq for a few years, when he got back he had tons of anger issues, I remember going to his place and it was awkward as fuck

>Controller pieces everywhere
>Console cases cracked and chipped
>His computer keyboard is missing keys
>Ask if he wants to play anything
>He says he has no working controllers anymore
>Just kind of sit there watching TV
>Notice small things
>Holes in the wall
>Bandages on his hands
>Broken mirror in the bathroom

It wasn't like this before, was sad.

>it's just a game
ah classic dota. i really love the game on some level but i quit unless i can get something close to a 5 stack going, i can't deal with a game where i'm tilted before i've had any interactions with the opponents because i already know my team are fuckwits

the amount of people that choose to play carry every game despite not being able to farm, never attending fights, picking shitty items for their hero or not considering the enemy teams lineup when building an item (2800 gold on a shadow blade vs a bounty or slardar, unless you are slark or some shit this is unacceptable)

wall of text, anyway fucking dota i probably told a few thousand people to kill themselves playing games solo




I called 3 of my friends "FUCKING ASSBLASTED NIGGERS" when they lost a match of DotA 2 for me on purpose.

pics or it didn't happen

This always makes me feel better about my own dumbass outbursts. At least I'm not this asshole.

you did good user
sold my acc 1 month ago
now, this is real happiness

>I fucking put my head through my wall

Gets me every fucking time.


I usually just flail my arms around and yell at everyone on my team for getting me killed but deep down i know the truth

I still keep mine but I only play when 4 of my friends want to play together, we can lose but we also have fun together in ARAM only. Fuck Rift in both normal and ranked, fuck them hard.

Fuck LoL, the game itself is fine, it's the people that are awful, I sold my account years ago and never looked back, I do miss it I admit, but I would rather start taking it up the ass by homeless homos than ever play that game again.

This is a reddit tier thread

I've broken three controllers over something I can no longer remember.

I started seeing a therapist about my anger issues, learned some good stuff there

My friend used to bang his mouse/controller/fist against his head.

>friends/players you invited to a group intentionally throwing or not playing to win in any form of team game
I never really rage but holy FUCKING SHIT does this anger me to no end and I go absolutely apeshit

I get unreasonably mad when I die to things out of my control like bugs. Only in multiplayer games though.

My nigga. My table/knees has took quite the beating, but i have never broken anything.

I'll usually just tell the game to eat my ass, I'm a pretty naturally calm person.

Just last night

>Doing ranked Overwatch
>10 points away from Master rank
>Just need one more win
>Get into game
>Right off the bat we have problems
>No one will go tank or healer
>Widow and Hanzo on KOTH
>I pick tank and beg someone to heal
>No one heals
>We get our asses completely fucked
>Rank goes massively
>Now 3380
>Punch keyboard so hard it breaks

I'm done with Overwatch, fuck people and fuck that game.

Broke my moms laptop screen because the lagg in a mmo was so bad