Agony, why is no one talking about this?

Am I the only one fucking psyched as shit about this? In the new video game world of endless sequels and remakes, this is strait up going to be the most fucked up, violent, rapish and disturbing ORIGINAL game made for a long time.

Clearly a lot of Clive barker vibes going on here. The PTA is going to to nuts when this hits the stores.

Other urls found in this thread:


Seriously this game has like AAA production values, god knows who financed this fucked up shit, but for some reason no one knows about it. Shits got like less then 15k views on jewtube.

Not coming out any time soon
>originally slated for Q1 17
>pushed back an entire year

You run and hide?
kind ofboring

Downloading the demo now. Hope I am not disappoint.

>just a more gore version of amnesia


It's so fucking dark in the second video I can't tell what's going on
Aren't you literally in hell in this? You're a crazy dude in a castle in Amnesia so I'm not seeing the similarity.

>going to be...
Very few games live up to these words, i think it going to destroy your expectations.

This is kind of creeping me out. Slaughter, gore I can deal with, torture and insanity have always bothered me.

Which was penumbra in different setting

I'm 3 minutes in so far. Does it actually get better? Right now it just looks like a shitty amnesia clone with nu-doom's visuals.

Looks like your average walking sim plus nice visuals.

What's that one other game called? iirc that had weird bio guns in the trailer.


>Very few games live up to these words
That's subject based. If you are a whiny Sup Forumsermin who instantly looks at every game to be le next tortanic that would be very true
Which was Silent hill shattered memories in a different setting
Which was clock tower in a different setting.

Penumbra let you kill things, to be fair.

And this is why the industry is crashing. we put our flesh blood and tears into making a game like this and you faggots just go "meh, ill pirate it xD" why do they even fucking bother you wonder? Enjoy your ONLINE only you ungrateful fuck

>we put our flesh blood and tears into making a game like this
Madmind Studio plz

>cute naked demon girls

I am so in.

>it's another "never to be finished early access walking/hide & seek simulator patreon scam" episode
>"b-buh this has gore, never saw that in a game before, and it's set in hell, totally unused in gaming"

headbutt the nearest moving vehicle shill


Someone post webms, no fucking way am I watching a 30 minute video of this shit.

The setting and sound design is the only interesting thing about it. Otherwise, it's the same fucking crouching around ''stealth'' horror as everything else seems to be.

im gonna pirate this just to fap

The game has combat. You possess other demons and they all have their abilities. Flying, magic, melee attacks etc.

Did amnesia have canibalism, baby corpses littered all over the place, torture, rape? This has that in spades. It's like the western version of Rapelay but 10x as offensive with AAA production values.

Porn when?

Visuals are GOTYAY, one of the best visual representations of hell.
Gameplay though... I still dunno how it plays. Is it Outlast-tier walking simulator or is there actually some sort of combat?

>Make a game about hell
>Don't have the balls to make it the christian hell

So it's a walking sim for the edgy generation?

It's inoffensive because it's hell. Context matters.

Just give me the vibe of something being made overly angsty just for the sake of it, kinda like a snuff movie, I'm not really interested.
That's just what I think of course, can't already judge the game when there's been barely any footage beside some ass trailers and this

>Another walking sim
Nothing original about that


So it's nu-doom with edgier visuals and without the fun gameplay?

>edgy generation
That happened way back in the '90s, kiddo

There is no Christian hell. It's not in the bible

just skip through the video you child


I'm convinced the only reason most people like this because of the sex appeal

scorn is the superior game, agony seems too edgy

>This has torture and rape so it's better
Come on, nobody but teenagers in their crisis care about that

I remember when Sup Forums actually knew what the fuck a walking sim was. Gone home was a walking sim. You walked to each predestined area and read something until you got to the end, like a themepark ride.

Amnesia, outlast etc were not "walking sims"


Im not excited or anything but mildly intrigued

Holy shit

Is it The Thing? I don't want it unless it's The Thing.

post agony nude demon and tits.
the only reason I'll played it because I want to fap to sexy demon.

so the average person on Sup Forums?

How did they get the models? The game isnt out yet.

literally Shill thread about a crap looking game
sage and go home

It's literally hell, what were you expecting?

Edge doesnt make a game good and if youre buying it just for the edge you need to go back.

Probably on /r9k/ and Sup Forums.

This has actual non-puzzle gameplay though, and the setting, themes, art style, really everything is different. Only similarity is that there is some stealth involved

What kind of meme is this? The bible has several verses that talk of a place of eternal punishment and describe it as a "lake of burning sulphur" and how it is a place removed from god.

>being offensive just for the sake of it
Are you old enough to be browsing this Peruvian pipeflute forum?

I think that anons point was that it was similar in mechanics to that game so they don't see it as all that original


just because something is unique doesn't automatically make it good or interesting.

There might actually be combat since the demo ends right when the player possesses the demon. Other than that I'm not really impressed. The visuals and sound design are nice, but the gameplay looks like more Amnesia/Outlast shit overall.

Didnt like the demo.
Everything was so over-designed everything looked like a mess.
A pretty mess,but still a mess.

wow. i would love to play an actual videogame in those environments

similar gameplay
>avoid and hide from monsters you see
>run from monsters that see you
>proceed to next puzzle area

its professionally made from the model that indie horror games have built themselves around ever since Amnesia became big on youtube.

>This voice acting
It's supposed to be scary, right? It sounds fucking goofy as hell.


and Sup Forums and especially Sup Forums and any board they have conquered

Who is this semen demon?

I think he meant more that Dante's fanfiction version of hell that every piece of media derives its vision from isn't actually in the bible.

Okay? Amnesia wasn't a walking sim and none of what you mentioned is in gone home.

Myst is a walking sim to you retards.

Far better visuals, nudoom is super generic looking imo. I'd honestly be fine with this game just being a gone home walking simulator if it looks like some of the trailers they've shown

Nobody wants to play your shitty edgy walking simulator.

omg so awesome you walk around and look at spooky skeletons

100/10 would preorder


Wrong. You walk around and look at sexy naked demon girls.

>ITT Amnesia/Outlast gameplay
I don't understand what people have against it. At it's core, hiding and running are absolutely fine in my book. The only thing that I would consider cons are if the AI is super scripted and therefore easy to gimp or if the level design is really linear, but other than that whats wrong with that style of gameplay?

>Agony, why is no one talking about this?
because Sup Forums is a nintenbro board where horror is Buus Mansion and sexuality is PG-13 pantyquest shit and never the two shall meet.

>Far better visuals, nudoom is super generic looking imo
And this isn't? Outside of the glowy purple shit, the dismembered bodies/gore/blood/horned demons is right out of the typical hell description playbook.

>Matthew 25:41
>"Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels."

>Thessalonians 1:9
>"They will be punished with everlasting destruction and shut out from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his might"

>Revelation 21:8
>"But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.”

Do I need to go on?

Whats with this blatant marketing.
Fuck off with your walking sim trash.

I really want to fuck that succubus

Does anyone else agree?

Pretty much this. A horror game where I can just shoot everything away is not a horror game. It's a fucking shitty action game.

Myth was actual quest game with puzzles. In Amnesia there aren't so many puzzles and gameplay consists of running away from spooky scripted encounters.


Looks like obnoxious edgeshit, like Outlast 2.

I love that I just got some internet bitch to look up bible verses and copy paste them

Never once mentions any place like hell, just punishments for sinners.

user if you are a developer of some kind let me give you feedback.

The Visuals are top dollar. The theme is great. I don't think many would dispute that.

But the problem with it like many western productions now is: Its all Flash and no substance.

You have taken the foundations of Amnesia/Survival Horror and put your own new cover over it.

If its not too late in production, if you really want this to be a smash and to stand out, you need to add your own unique mechanical spin on it. Add some extra functionality and interactivity other games have not yet done.

Put some creativity and more effort into its gameplay rather than focus on just the theme.

The danger of not doing this is not standing out from the crowd i.e the survival horror market.

You're in hell, you got smash hit visuals. Ok. But you're still "Just another survival horror" to the masses. You need some more depth and substance if you want this to stand out.

Top notch visuals, but more of the same.

So you're admitting neither are "Walking sims"? Cool.


>any game with blood and violence now is considered edgy and shit

I wonder what games Sup Forums plays.

It's a survival horror in hell. The fact you're here shitting on it is enough to show it stands out.

>go to hell
>surrounded by qt thicc demonfus with sexy tails

What's the downside?

Standing out is not enough to be a good game.

This place is called Nintendogaf for a reason

>A lake of burning sulphur
>Eternal destruction
>Away from the glory of god

Yeah, doesn't sound like hell at all m8

The terrible butchered English in the video is triggering me

Because the screenshots look great, but the actual vids look like shit. The gameplay looks like Outlast or some indie shit like that neighbor game. The movement is just off and the environment looks like a amusement park ride, like it's there to scare you and not part of the actual landscape.

Succubus is the best girl.

You don't get to go to heaven where there's qt thicc angelfus with huge tits and free wifi

I love that you just got rekt by him like a bitch and youre not even mature enougjto admit youre wrong so you ass bleeds even more tears for us to laugh at