This is not a good remake
This is not a good remake
well, what do you have to say for yourself?
Don't just make an outrageous post and not care to explain.
>cartoony art style ruined the atmosphere
>boring and shallow map compared to super
>easy as fuck
These backgrounds are fucking atrocious
>cartoony art style ruined the atmosphere
Nothing's cartoony about the zm graphics. If you're talking about the backgrounds they're a lot better than black
>boring and shallow map compared to super
The map has a lot to explore, especially when you can go back to zebes
>easy as fuck
Do a 10% hard mode run then tell me it's easy
is this now a trend to hate on the metroid franchise or what?
there was any in the nes version?
>Nothing's cartoony about the zm graphics
Srsly nigger?
>If you're talking about the backgrounds they're a lot better than black
No they are not, game has zero atmosphere now
you probably should put down your nostalgia goggles
It's too easy, but other than that it's good. The original Metroid has not aged well.
>legit preferring Metroid 1 to Zero Mission
ZM may say too much but Metroid 1 says too little. Or maybe it's just that everything looks the same and there's no fucking map, and the game is just a fucking chore to play. Probably all of the above.
People at the time were just content with getting lost, the game is puposefully designed that you do so in fact, because they were blown away by how open the game was. But it really didn't age well. The only thing that M1 makes me feel when I play it is why I'm doing this when I can hook up Super.
Yeah I guess. A few years ago we'd have never seen the amount of "It'll be shit!" posts in regards to the two Metroids announced at E3. Though it's probably just Sup Forums being contrarian as usual. It gets worse every year.
>doing the new melee attack in the cover from 15 years ago
OP what's an example of a good remake?
it's not a fucking remake of super
if ZM has no atmosphere, OG metroid has negative atmosphere
metroid games have always been easy as fuck, BUT ON TOP OF THAT ZM's hard mode is the hardest legit challenge in a 2D metroid
Reminder that any graphical complaints can be excused because of the GBA screen. Reminder the GBA originally was not backlit so seeing certain things or colors could be impossible.
This is why the first GBA castlevania had those super bright colors.
as soon as they announced the two metroid games, it went immediately downhill here.
i know its Sup Forums, but come on guys.
It's a good game though
No. It will be bad because we say it's bad, and no amount of positive input will change it.
We've made up our minds. It's bad, and you're dumb for thinking otherwise.
Shit opinions general?
Shit opinions general.
I agree the zero suit segment is garbage and half the upgrades are just keys for those stupid blocks.
>cartoony art style ruined the atmosphere
Original Metroid was already cartoony and the original had no atmosphere. Put down those nostalgia goggles
>boring and shallow map compared to Super
Literally moving the goalposts and not even related to ZM or OG M.
>easy as fuck
Definitely harder than the original.
anything wrong with a little stealth in a metroid game? i think it was ok.
and it felt good to finally use all the upgrades after you gained the final suit
it was good up until Zero Suit Samus happened and spawned the worst meme to happen to the series
Zero Mission is a romhack of Wario Land 4, fucking scrubs
Better than the original, so I'd say it counts as a good remake.
Sony ggers are upset that their presentation was a complete shitshow culminating in mediocre capeshit and are attacking the reveals that tr00 ninten yearolds are excited for in retaliation.
Metroid games can be hated and loved like Japan is.