Just curious.
Are you NEET? How's life?
>being a NEET
why would you want to financially cuck yourself?
No, I work full time like any man with a modicum of self-respect
I am. Looking for a good job after I finished an engineering program, but no luck so far, am only getting labourer positions.
My neetness has almost caused my parents to divorce each other.
play vidya, cook, lift, sleep 10 hours a day. Repeat.
P. gud
I feel like I've fashioned a cage for myself with a complicated lock that I don't know how to use but I'm also the key and only I can unlock the cage and while it's a shitty cage the prospect of leaving it frightens me. More than anything else.
What kind of work? How much time do you put into games?
Yes, it's not great but not horrible either for my personality.
Finished university a few days ago, now all i'm doing is sitting on my computer and eating cereals
I'm still clueless about what i want to do in life
That's terrible man. I have a step bro who isn't doing anything with his life. Just plays vidya. He's the only one living with the parents. It's kinda depressing.
I have a year of college left but I moved out from my parents' place years ago.
Same desu
No. I'm a Hikki who works at home, getting paid under the table
I'm in medschool
what type of personality do you have?
27yo hikki NEET reporting in
I just leech from parents and play vidya all day long.
how are you living it ?
I'm a NEET and i'm more wealthy than my sister and her wagecuck job.
I just quit my last one. On a related now I now know why they tell you not to date in the workplace. So that was a good life lesson I guess.
It's good. Since they're remastering .Hack there's still hope for a VRMMO so the future is looking bright.
Banking. Honestly, I think the fire left me. The last 6 months, I keep buying games, but play them for an hour then uninstall because I get bored. The only game I finished was Wolfenstien The New Order and The Old Blood.
Not sure what happened to me.
Boring and I want to die
Really, the only way you can escape is to drop vidya. You're digging a hole for yourself and reinforcing the only thing you know. You're not growing as an individual and everything except for what you're doing right now is atrophying. If you don't change you won't find fulfillment in life. I recommend you step out of the cage.
Bit similar for me, work in a good company for a good salary for someone my age. Have become so much more picky over the years with regards to games. Played Witcher 3 over the past few months and that was good. Also just completed Rime and that was a nice short game
How are other areas in your life? Are you just going through the motions?
Or you can learn to have self control or self moderation so you can live normally with vidya. It ain't hard.
i'm in college
doing pretty alright
it was shitty, but it got a little better
i should study more
Same shit as usual. Hang with friends, play with the dogs, clean up the house, rinse and repeat.
Some people can self moderate and some people can't. I wouldn't recommend an alcoholic learn to self moderate.
I am.
I don't even have a computer so I can't even play vidya in all my NEETness.
Roommates throw constant parties so my social life is ok.
What else do you want in life? Any goals?
Haha everyone laugh at this fucking retard
Not sure if I'm picky or not. My tastes have clearly changed to preferring short games. I 100%'d Witcher 3 but that took me 3 fucking months. Long ago, I hated visual novels/point and click games but I love LiS and shorter shit. I used to play games on the hardest difficultly possible and slowly trudge through but now I play on easy just to finish shit quick. Fucking hell, I even watch Let's Plays instead of playing the game.
Maybe I'm broken or maybe this is just what it's like to get old (turned 30 when all this shit happened).
I hear this all the time... I don't know if I could resist the prospect if I met someone who I got along with really well.
I get £720/month. It's not much but it lets me buy nice things. Just bought a third monitor and a new laptop. Next payment (Tuesday) I'm upgrading my CPU.
Not really other than making enough to take care of my sick mother. I make ~$150k a year depending on my bonus but I'm paying $40k a year for medical treatments above and beyond what insurance covers. Both my parents dragged me down; I'd have been in a better place if I ditched them the moment I turned 18 but unfortunately I have a conscience.
Nah man I feel you, don't worry too much about it. You've just changed priorities. I started reading some books which helped. Being able to just put it aside at any time and even just reading a few pages is really nice already.
Make decent money through investments.
My mother just asked me to pay rent here which completely fucking cripples those investments and their potential to increase. Gonna kill myself.
>lonely as fuck
>join furry dating site
>just want someone who's local i can touch, tired of long distance shit
as the days go on, i just kinda hate myself more
at least drawing and my sandwich legacy keeps me sane
Honestly? Pretty damn boring.
>tfw 28 in a few days
>tfw when gastric disorder, strong anxiety, and self loathing
>tfw don't leave the house for weeks apart from going to the gym because it makes me hate myself a little less
>tfw haven't worked in a couple years and will probably become a faggot leach on welfare soon
Yeah everything's great until they aren't. Then on top of things turning to shit outside of work you have to fucking go to work with them. It's not very fun.
Damn son. That's an unfortunate situation all around. Good on you for sticking around but I understand. I tried helping out my alcoholic dad for years until I had enough. He had finally gotten social security & had a vehicle/apartment and he fucked it all up again. Now he's in jail for the umpteenth time.
Not video games
>tfw 27, been unemployed for 4 years since college, and still a virgin
Life is bad. There is no hope.
"tf no gf" are worst people on the planet. I hate you
>Sup Forums - Blogging
>sandwich legacy
So uh... what do you like to play user?
What did you go to college for?
i know you do, it's not the only reason why i feel shit, you stupid head-up-your-ass waifufag, go back to jerking off to anime
I am 27, living with parents and NEVER worked a day in my life. I play on PS4 and have to pass some games because parents only give me money at Christmas and Birthday.
What degree? What you been playing bruh? How often do you look for work?
I am currently a neet, though I have an interview next. I mostly spend my days masturbating and watching anime
i made a sandwich, it's the only thing i'll leave behind when i eventually wander into the ocean, probably been made but whatever
user everyone knows that sandwiches were already invented like a hundred years ago by the jews
Being NEET in Russia is worst thing that can happens to you. Especially if you not live in Moscow.
>enjoy slavery for 250$
nah nah nah, you want the recipe or not, nigga?
may not be your cup of tea but, this is for real
Not working but just going to school does that make me a NEET?
Care to elaborate?
>neet for the last 2 years or so
>was a neet before this too
>neetbux and time are almost out
>the benefits of being a wageslave are not even close to outweighing the drawbacks
what do?
help PLS
Fuck off, bullshit. I've been a neet for like 8 years and at most I've got up to £450/month.
How the fuck are you getting nearly £300 more?
sandwich me ocean man
>Not in education, employment or training
What do you think?
Ahh you twisted my arm. You know I can't resist a good sandwich. Hit me up with that recipe son
Interested user here
What do you add to your sandwich?
Your parent's money isn't yours, manchild
Do you play video games? Just curious.
I go to a good college, but didnt put that much effort over the last couple years. Im too depressed.
it's called The Odyssey, i like it, it's simple.
Three slices of bread, or two if you're feeling adventurous.
One side, Peanut butter.
The other side, Tuna Fish.
now, i know you guys are gonna be like "user that's fucking gross." and i get that, but at least try it, the reason for three slice is to control your peanut butter/tuna intake/taste
Going to a community college part time and not working so I might as well be a NEET. Doesn't help that I'm almost done with all my transfer requirements and am still unsure of what I should major in.
Everyday, I wish for death to come.
24, dropped out of college from anxiety, closest thing to a job was an internship that went nowhere, got diagnosed with autism a few years ago and have been living the NEET dream off autismbux ever since.
I'm on disability for mental health problems. ESA and PIP. £250/fortnight for ESA, £220/month for PIP.
2 years, I hate myself.
I'm trying to find a job but the motivation just isn't there and the constant negativity makes everything worse.
Don't be like me.
Then you aren't NEET.
It's all good user I'm still at community college right now
Kind of glad I choose CC over a university first cause my friend just graduated and regrets going to UNI first and having to pay all that money those years.
how often do you watch porn
>2 years
Try 5
I was too depressed to enjoy vidya back when i was NEETing it up
been working for a year now
I'm still depressed, but now I'm also tired
having some money is nice though
My degree is in Archaeology and Anthropology. I look for work regularly, apply to whatever shit I think I might be qualified for and basically never hear back. I have had a couple shitty seasonal jobs the past few years, but they never lasted longer than a couple months so I barely count them. Lately I've been playing a lot of Injustice 2, PUBG, RS2: Vietnam, and Wipeout.
i got you niggas both beat try 7
or 10 if you count when i dropped out
working on fixing that shit so i can have the illusion of being productive
nigga the only job you can get with archaeology and anthropology is TEACHING ARCHAEOLOGY AND ANTHROPOLOGY WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT
So at the end of august when I have 35k saved up I plan on quitting my job, becoming a NEET, and making vidya.
Sup Forums, will you buy, or at least pirate, my game?
Yeah, casually. Been enjoying FH3. Played RDR + the DLC recently. Was really looking forward RDR2 this fall but of course R* pushed it back.
Good choice user, let me give you some advice for choosing a 4 year to transfer to. Don't bother with "prestigious" universities. Go to the cheapest and convenient college you can find. Bonus points if you can commute. University is the biggest scam of our time so give them as little as possible if you choose to go for your bachelors.
Like once every couple of weeks maybe, the drive ain't there man.
N-no thanks.
The only good thing is that because I can't afford new consoles my backlog is a lot smaller now, so that's a plus.
buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmump :)
You can't live in Russia as NEET. We don't have unemployment benefits. "Neetbux" here are just a joke. For neetbux you need really fuck up your health hard for shitty $200+. The difference between salaries in Moscow/Petersburg and other towns is ridiculous.
Were the courses enjoyable? What would your ideal job be and how would you go about getting it?
I enjoy them enough to consider going to school for them but finding a job in those fields seems difficult.
let me guess, you have absolutely no business experience and have never written a hello world?