>Nintendo of America is SJ-
>Reggie is not BASE-
Where were you when Nintendo continues to be /ourguys/?
>Nintendo of America is SJ-
>Reggie is not BASE-
Where were you when Nintendo continues to be /ourguys/?
Other urls found in this thread:
What if I require political statements to smile and have fun?
Treehouse is SJW
NOA isn't.
>not political
then u need to stop existing in our reality
>Teaching kids about Hitler
that sounds really boring
then you are a lost soul
then u need to kill yoself asap nigga
>implying everyone doesn't hate Bolson because he keeps hogging the space that's in front of your house
fuck off
Does Reggie Count as black enough to not get the "white privilege" shit?
Yeah, He's Haitian.
Stop playing video games and go volunteer at your local party office. You'll have fun and advance your career. Videogames are a huge waste of your unique personality, talking about politics personally makes me want to shoot myself; I quit a job because it got way too political in the office.
That's the best part about japanese companies, they don't get involved in jewish brainwashing control and white liberal types are too scared to say anything about them cause they're a foreign culture.
Meanwhile, Sony is sponsoring fag pride parades.
If he wants us to have fun and smile, why does Switch still has no game for me to enjoy? Why does he fuck the WiiU owners so fucking hard just to shill the latest console?
Then you get awork at politics and stay the fuck out of vidya
>according to Sup Forums
stop pretending Sup Forums is one person nigger
Switch has plenty of games and even more AMAZING games got announced at E3. Mario Odyssey is wroth 10 of your cinematic qte infused games.
You want to go buy a ps4, the switch isn't for you
>"more realistic villains"
>white people are shown
>"or more compelling heroes"
>shows a black guy
their tits look bigger covered
Sup Forums is a hivemind. Sup Forums calls Horizon SJW pandering (which I don't disagree with) then turns around and claims that censoring fanservice in jap games isn't actually censorship
Does it change the fact that it's still a political statement? They are literally enabling gay people and saying that they are part of modern society and should be treated like any other human being.
nintendo is the only company who realizes diversity loses money
>Hitler and WarioWare 2
Damn, is that why the Jews shut down the WarioWare series?
lets burn treehouse to the ground
Are you sure it's saying that gay people SHOULD be treated the same, or is it showing that a guy like that IS treated the same in universe?
Jokes on you, I've got a massive boner for overalls on big tits.
Not enabling. They are saying that they (unfortunately) exist but will not be given special treatment or spotlight.
>Japan Respects Trump Senpai
>inb4 Mario can posses Trump in Odyssey
If only he would tell treehouse
Bolson wants a wife.
The left. Only nitpicking faggots think a black character is SJW pandering.
What kind of political statement can a Nintendo game even have anyway?
Its fucking Mario and Kirby
>neofag is this thread
Can you give some examples? I don't watch Treehouse outside of E3.
Do Mario games need politics?
>take power
He was elected...
A fucking ??? Male
Toxic fun culture needs to stop
oh really?
why is nintendo forcing censorship on xenoblade 2?
A black viking braveheart looks a lot more stupid
Am I the only one who thinks Reggie looks like Franklin from GTAV in OP's photo?
Nintendo weathered the storm. All the politicization in the industry will blow over eventially.
I'm sorry, I couldn't understand what you wanted to say at all, could you be a little more clear?
He doesn't, at the end of the Tarrey Town quest he says that he will retire and will go look for a "spouse", which could be either a male or female, but we all know it's a male because it's pretty obvious he's gay, unless his japanese dialogue is different.
ghost yourself family
>Neogaf is mad Reggie said this
They don't want politics in their games. They want politics they agree with in their games. As soon as something surfaces that is even slightly off full libtard they go full on SHUT IT DOWN
So why do they keep censoring shit?
>Talk about Peach in Mario Odessy presentation
>"Speaking of Peaches,Did you hear Drumpf is going to be Impeached soon"?
I dont need this political shit in my E3
They're both stupid and they shouldn't change things like that when they localize japanese games
>post yfw Nintendo BTFO everyone in the agenda list
they censor shit
>talking to him after the wedding
lmao what a fag
This triggers the neogaf
yeah, like tetris and bomberman lmao
>that part during the treehouse stream where they call James Hodgkinson a hero
whatever you say reggie
>Nintendo continues to be the company that just makes fucking games and cuts the bullshit
I just wish the Switch stuff was more reasonably priced. 70 dollars for a controller with no special features, 90-100 for a HDMI dock, joycons are expensive af, all the games, even though a lot of them are handheld scale games are being charged at console prices, Bomberman is 50, that Yoshi game was 60 (I hope that was just rally unfinished footage).
Once I can buy Switch stuff without getting price-gouged hopefully there will be enough released games by then too and I can jump the gun on a purchase.
it's already confirmed censored
boob sliders are out
bikinis are out
Jesus christ, who said this? Please don't tell me it was my gf Theresa.
Neogaf are the biggest bunch of babys on the internet, It was fun watching them SEETH when Trump won the election.
I didn't, that faggot is still sitting in Tarrey Town :)
See, this is how you do this shit correctly. I don't give a shit what skin color your character is, how old or young they are, what their sexuality or gender is, how able-bodied they are, none of it. In fact I generally welcome more diverse character designs in games.
But if that character's entire purpose in the game is to serve as a signpost for how "progressive" the developer is, then they can fuck right off. Make a gay character, that's great! Don't make every single line of dialogue that comes from that character's mouth be about how they're gay and their struggle with their identity.
Boob sliders aren't in XC2 you idiot, all characters are pre-made
We don't know about ANY costumes in XC2 yet.
>muh marketing thing that doesn't affect the actual games at all
Which company censors their games?
>sexy character design
>Reggie saying no politics
>Sony having a pretty poor E3
NeoGAF is so fucking upset right now it's incredible
Plus Nintendo didn't have a single black afro YASSS QUEEEN character like everyone else.
Sony has lewd underage girls in their games and doesn't censor them
I'm not sure you can the jump the gun on something you plan on waiting a long time for. You remember that you get 2 controllers with the console right for no extra charge, right? I haven't heard any complaining in threads about the joycons for weeks and that's all people used at the treehouse competition events.
Buy Horizon Zero Dawn.
As chancellor. He seized powers using emergency orders after the Reichstag fire
Niggers are so ugly. I never want to see one in real life, why would I want to see one in gaming?
Numerous changes to localized games
For example, removal of optional, post-game swimsuits from an M rated game
Good guy nintendo
Fuck Sony
ya dude... blizzard's losing so much money on OW.
Ok I'm going to need to see some sauce user
>that neogaf thread
i never been there and i thought the screen caps shown here were cherry picked to make a strawman sjw but man they really are like that
every third post it's mad about this and the thread goes for like 10 pages
Leaving something in the game that was already there is not pandering and it never will be.
On the other hand, going out of your way to remove it IS pandering.
Fuck off.
Only people who complain about this are neofags
Why does everything have to be political? I want to enjoy my dumb video games without any influence from politics
monolith ceo wanted breast sliders, nintendo said that wasn't going to be allowed
same for certain bikinis outfits
Nintendo's excuse for censored localization "cultures are just too different"
Then you should just kill yourself.
all of them but Sup Forums doesn't know what censorship means
That's XCX retard.
Wrong game.
That's how feel about it too. Developers could really learn a thing or two from Nintendo.
So a character like Kratos can show his muscles everywhere, fuck another man's wife, scream angrily and do "manly" things, but a gay character can't show that he's gay and has to avoid any association of homosexuality to himself?
2 controllers you can use at the same time? Do you get two pairs of joycons?
>Sup Forums doesn't know what censorship means
the news is on xenoblade chronicles 2
Sup Forums = Nintendo
neogaf = Sony
>not a bunch of christian who enjoyes censoring japanese games
What about Paper Mario: Color Splash's gamergate dialogue? This is some bull-fucking-shit.
He wasn't elected either, he was appointed.
No party had the votes to make parliament, so the president appointed Hitler's group as one.
They were beating people up and setting dumpsters on fire around the country, he hoped they'd stop chimping out.
>you get 2 controllers with the console right for no extra charge, right?
The joycons are two halves of a controller. Two controllers would be including a pro controller with the console.
then you need to kill yourself
>Neogaf is pissed because Nintendo just wants fun games
>Sup Forums is pissed because Nintendo still adds non-whites and sometimes a gay to their games
All of you need to just kys