Are monster hunter fans one of the most cancerous fanbases for a game?

Are monster hunter fans one of the most cancerous fanbases for a game?

I've been playing since ps2. I put 700 hours into 3U. I've had great hunts, played with many great people.

Everything I've See so far on the new game looks great. Everything is being overhauled and updated while still keeping to the old style.

But every self proclaimed MH fan are really damaging the games image. I know most of them are just angry Nintendo fags who dont really matter to society anyways.

But we all know we are all going to buy it, and you are lying to yourself otherwise. So just shut up and wait for it to come out.

>I know most of them are just angry Nintendo fags who dont really matter to society anyways.
Other way around. It's retards who have never played a Monster Hunter game in their life trying to stir the pot. Everyone has a gaming PC, don't be fucking stupid you falseflagging retard.

How can you say that no blood splatter isnt bad?
Healing while walking almost full run speed?

MH has been on Nintendo for nearly a decade now, just let that sink in for now. Babies are throwing tantrums because it isn't on their tiny 240p screens and refuse to buy another platform to play their game on.

>Are monster hunter fans one of the most cancerous fanbases for a game?

The ones on Sup Forums certainly are.

What exactly is so hard to understand about a fanbase being incredibly skeptical of a company with a fucking awful track record of altering franchises to appeal to different audiences?

Dead Rising, Devil May Cry, Megaman, Street Fighter have all been ruined. With the new Marvel game looking absolutely garbage coming soon too.

Lost Planet 3 was targeted and developed specifically for a western audience in mind like this game and it was a fucking unmitigated disaster and the franchise is now fucking DEAD.

We as MH fans obviously hope it's great but we haven't seen much and are frankly being cautious and concerned about Capcoms intentions and approach.

We just need more details.


Most people don't even have this retarded console loyalty, most just buy multiple brands and play whatever they fucking care about, the whole console wars is a shit meme.

MH was bound to an old console/technology for years now, and it was time to change up and innovate a little, switch is not enough for what they had in mind, so they went elsewhere, end of discussion.

No such thing.

Is it just fear than? People can't let go of 10 year old tech?

People like the portability, why is this so difficult to understand.

>Are monster hunter fans one of the most cancerous fanbases for a game?
Maybe the elitists, I could see that being the case.

It's basically the same situation as X/Gen, only now with console wars shitposting. Everyone'll get over it and the only ones discussing it will be MH fans, new potential fans and Hunting game enthusiasts. (As in God Eater, Toukiden, Soul Sacrifce fans)

>I like getting hit the moment I healed on maps where the monster can move and attack anywhere
Monhun gave this man stockholm syndrome apparantly
That doesn't excuse the constant shitposting and faggotry about how the game is trash and monster hunter is dead, these fagboys aren't skeptical they're fucking panicking like retards

>dammage number
>scripted as fuck
>turning during GS charge

Let's face it, the leak was real. It's a western version of Monster Hunter. Nobody wanted that.

>Just because Capcom have killed dozens of franchises doesn't mean people should be scared


>People can't let go of 10 year old tech?

Exactly just look at the Sonic fanbase, they keep clinging on to the old and busted 2d games when the 3d have been excellent.

Western fans are pure cancer and manchildren

Probably. Theres a good chance that their loved franchise gets cannibalized to appeal western audiences, but also theres a good chance that the changes actually make sense and improve the game overall, we have to wait to see.

This is pretty much exclusive to japan.

>there's probably going to be settings for the damage number thing
>Most likely story based QTE's
and who gives a fuck about the story anyway
>scripted as fuck
as most tutorials are
only legit argument is the GS charge turning, even then it doesn't seem that bad

>no more fictional fantasy language because Americans don't like reading

Looks awesome. Post webms

>damage numbers
Literally not an issue. Replaces the need to wiki motion values
Mounting has been in since 4, and it's not a QTE
>scripted as fuck
We have one(1) trailer
>turning during GS charge
Literally where did you see this

I really want to see hbg gameplay

Wtf is going on? So intense.

Also damage numbers confirmed toggleable

>Are monster hunter fans one of the most cancerous fanbases for a game?

monster hunter threads used to be so cozy and comfy, now with the new game with just get shitposters from sony and people who don't even play the game :/

Been playing sunce FU, 400-800 hours per game. MHW could be a linear story driven experience for all I care and I would still buy it because the series started degenerating around Cross, and I believe that Double Cross is a step in the wrong direction. That, and after playing all these MH games I just want something fundamentally new, and not more variations of the same.

Do you love me now OP?

Can't see shit Captain.

scared =/= panicked
being a presumptuous retard isn't going to help anything, people are doing this purely to annoy the shit out of others who are hyped for this game and want to see what capcom has to offer, and if it's shit we still got monster hunter XX. Capcom seems to be playing it safe this time, making 1 game main series and keeping it the same and experimenting with the other game.

They don't show the blood in most preview materials in case you never paid attention.


No, most Nint0ddlers only game exclusively on Nintendo console due to autistic fanboyism. That's why they are so fucking salty and assblasted when they got denied a new MonHun game.

>That doesn't excuse the constant shitposting and faggotry about how the game is trash and monster hunter is dead

This shit has been happening since 4 introduced mounting.

It's shit.

don't use it

>since 4
I only joined at 3, but wasn't it swimming then?

Monster Hunter fans are some of the most level-headed gamers around. Sup Forums is only having a fit because of retarded console wars. We all know how anti-consumers exclusives are but Sup Forums will argue forever how organization X won E3 with exclusive this and that.

Every other community of Monster Hunter is excited for the new game.

Swimming was pretty bad, honestly, i like that it was left behind.

God, you again.
Thread is finished, i'm out.

Looks like Dragon's Dogma

Just give the rabid nintendo fags enough time to move on other games or announcements and things will get better.


They aren't, "monster hunter fans". When Monster Hunter Tri was announced, the real fans were fucking pissed because they knew it was going to the worst possible hardware with the worst controls and lowest possible graphics after being teased with the idea of an HD MonHun. Fucking Nintenbros were just shitposting left and right because while they were autistically screeching about New Super Mario Bros. nobody cared and was busy playing Portable/Freedom on the PSP which people were putting hundreds of hours into and playing with friends and now they had that game as an exclusive: they didn't fucking care about the game, they cared about others NOT having it and holding it hostage to their shitty fucking hardware.

When Monster Hunter Portable 3 came out, fears were slightly diminished and it was the fastest selling game in the series (and to my knowledge still is at 4.6 million sales it's first month) until it was announced for the 3DS as an upgraded port of Tri: which in comparison to the Vita was another poor choice as the Vita seemed like it was built from the ground up to be an excellent monster hunter machine with built in party chat, music player, dual analog sticks, and actually useful touchscreen controls. They endured the nintendo shit for a long time, and thankfully the Switch seemed like a good alternative because it wasn't a hunk of shit but still lacked BASIC online features people wanted.

Then MHW was announced and it was a sigh of relief for the actual fans of the series that wanted an HD Monster Hunter with party chat and everything on an online service that didn't suck several dicks and was doing everything possible to stay in the 90s. REAL fans are please, the ONLY people upset are fucking idiotic Nintendo fans and that's why Nintendo will and forever will be the worst fucking cancerous fanbase in the industry.

They started working on MHW in 2013, Switch wasn't even a thing back then.

I was nervous at first but damn this shit looks great. Are those weapon arts he's doing?

They should've just refined it and made it a side thing like Arena, not completely removed it from the games.
Not my point though, I was saying MH was probably always "dead" with every new release.

Though I've only been here since swimming, so I don't for sure. It has been the complaint since 3 though.

I am just glad that I can play the game on pc, not because muh pc but because I want to play MH without having to use 3rd party software to play online or using a fucking 3ds with shit controls

>People like the portability

correction, Japan loves it. If its sacrifice means we finally get a game that doesn't look a like a PS2 game, then they can go fuck off.

>correction, Japan loves it. If its sacrifice means we finally get a game that doesn't look a like a PS2 game, then they can go fuck off.
Nah, go fuck yourself you friend-less autistic cunt. I want to hunt with my bros in the same room. M-MUH GRAPHICS!!!!!

I like the portability because I like actually going out and playing the game with friends.

MH4's first trailer had a worse like to dislike ration.
Japan is done with handhelds now.

I really enjoyed MH being on the 3DS though, don't assume your opinion is what everyone thinks.
I'm looking forward to MHW too though, make no mistake.

You know that shitposters pretend to be Nintenbros/Sonybros/Microshills/MustardRice in order to stirr shit up?

Anyway , Capcom said they were going to change stuff for the western audience at first. The teaser shown at the Sony conference (doing stealth gay shit, just looking at the monster, etc) looked like they really were going to change the gameplay to cater casuals. I was mad at first but then an actual gameplay got leaked and it changed my opinion of the game. If Capcom showed that gameplay at the beginning instead of the teaser, things would be really different.

>you're not a REAL fan!
>REAL fans didn't even play the last three games because they were butthurt over consoles!

>hurr, angry Nintendo fags

That's all you have to know about this thread.

OP is a console warrior whining about other console warriors (not understanding it's actual MH fans worried about World which has damage numbers people on /mhg/ ALWAYS made fun of, ledges everywhere and other shit).

/shitthread for mainstream fags and NeoGAF tourists

Can't wait for 20th. The OST sounded dope.

Does not change the fact that it probably wouln't handle it, same as WiiU

>other games

>they aren't excited about being able to talk to friends through a mic in the comfort of their own home while playing monster hunter with a real controller
How do you guys even get out of bed in the morning?

>Objective: Hunt Anjanath
>lead Anjanath to Rath
>win quest

>*westernizes your game*

>that Wyvern Fire finisher

Sucks that the camera was aiming at the shitty LSfag whiffing fucking everything.

Or maybe you should finally learn to not jump to conclusions.

>he thinks being on mic over the internet is somehow even remotely close to actually being able to feel the atmosphere and see the emotion of all your friends in the same room.
>he actually thinks playing at home is better than going out with the boys to get some burgers and then hunting then and there.

If only rathalos was there every time, too bad he was only conveniently placed there for the e3 demo

Literally only Nintendkiddies are shitting on this game.

Sounded pretty trash to me. I actually started to chuckle during the first gameplay video because the trumpets were so fucking off-tune and scattered sounding that I thought it was a joke.

>what are first impressions

Not those guys and I don't have friends, but 3DS feels really nice to play on.

>he has never experienced the glories of LAN parties

>Are monster hunter fans one of the most cancerous fanbases for a game?

No, it's just Nintendo fans.

Why not? So far it's just regular MH with larger maps.

LAN party is LITERALLY being in the same room as your friends. What the fuck are you retarded.

Keep pushing the narrative that old fans are garbage elitists and should be thrown away for this broader approach. You can blame it on them when this game bombs and not the fact casuals still didn't buy it.


>you can drink potions while running full speed
>you can gather items while running full speed
>you can roll-cancel out of all attacks
>voice acting
>English voice acting

The other guy was implying handhelds are the only way to play with friends in one room. That's why I brought up LAN parties.

There was nothing in it that actually supported a fucking strong impression like "change the gameplay to cater casuals", it was bias and jumping to to conclusions, which is exactly what is ruining those threads.

>you can roll-cancel out of all attacks
Is that confirmed?

DmC was outsourced so I'm not sure why "fans" keep acting like that's a valid comparison.

Nothing against the 3ds, I enjoyed playing 4u on it, but there was no way I was going to buy another monster hunter if it continued to be on the 3ds. A controller is suited perfectly for monster hunter combat, I just became fed up with trying to play with those cramped controlls and the small screen with a game that's so combat oriented

Where is the 3ds?

People were saying bow didn't have critical distance, but is it that or was the player shit and just never got into critical range?

You can't really say that Switch could handle that game withouth segmenting it again and downgrading everything.

There's still critical distance, and now the game tells you if the monster is out of your bow's range

>segmenting it again
It's not like it's some open world game or anything like that, it's just larger, seamless maps.

I never said they didn't buy them, now did I? I owned a Wii and I have the New 3DS XL Monster Hunter Edition.

Both times I said, "These games need to be on other systems, this is bullshit".

Monster Hunter Tri had to come with a fucking normal controller, for fuck's sake.

It's even worse with audio

>Nothing against the 3ds
>those cramped controlls and the small screen
Really sounds like it too.

Nah but seriously I don't mind it being a console version, though I wouldn't have minded XX and whatever would've followed on 3DS either.

It's not like it's fucking Skyrim. It's the same size maps with no loading screens.

I know user, but that is not the point

Since the leak is all but true at this point, expect Portable 4th on Switch at TGS.

I can only hope the voice acting is there for the public demo.

What leak?


Again, that is not the point I am making.

The point is that Switch cannot handle what they are trying to achieve with the new game, unless you downgrade everything back.

Capcom still made the decision you fucking retard.

Well it's more westernized, so I'm assuming they've added it to make sure pants shitting kids can figure this game out, seeing as the average mainstreamer doesn't like to read, they prefer being told what to do.
God please let us disable those fucking hints

The leak that revealed MH "cross-cross" and "MH5".
