Switch bros get in here!
what games do you own and what games are planing to get THIS year?
own: Zelda Botw, Snipperclips, ARMS
gonna buy this year: Splatoon2, Mario Odyssey, Xenoblade2
Switch bros get in here!
what games do you own and what games are planing to get THIS year?
own: Zelda Botw, Snipperclips, ARMS
gonna buy this year: Splatoon2, Mario Odyssey, Xenoblade2
Own: Zelda Botw, Puyo Puyo Tetris, Fast RMX, ARMS
Gonna Buy this year: Mario Odyssey, Xenoblade 2, Rocket League
I am absolutely shit at ARMS though, I can't even beat the first npc at lvl 3
do you play with motion or pro?
Own: usf2, botw, mario kart 8 deluxe, Shantae, mighty gunvolt burst, shovel knight, blaster master zero, bomberman r, disgaea 5.
Will buy: fe warriors, odyssey, xenoblade 2, splatoon 2, fifa 18, skyrim (never plahed it), pokken, mario + rabbids, and blazblue. Hopefully blazblue will do well so arc system would consider bringing the new dbz fighting game over.
Own: Zelda BOTW, Puyo Puyo Tetris, Fast RMX, MK8D, Monster Boy, Metal Slug 3, ARMS
Gonna Buy: Cave Story+, Splatoon 2, Sonic Mania, Sine Mora EX, Mario+Rabbids, Sonic Forces, Mario Odyssey, Xenoblade 2, SKYRIM
try normal
Own: Zelda, Disgaea 5
Getting: Splatoon, Odyssey and Xenoblade
There are other games which look decent, but these are the only ones I'm getting for this year
Just bought a Switch yesterday. Had to drive an hour and a half to get it but it was well worth it.
own: MK8D, Zelda, Shovel Knight
gonna buy this year: ARMS, Splatoon 2, Xenoverse 2, Sonic Mania, Mario Odyssey, Hollow Knight
I can't decide whether to get a switch now or wait for Christmas sales. at the moment the country appears to be out of stock (UK) and while I wouldn't mind playing BotW now, I'm more looking forward to splatoon 2+mario
Own: Zelda, Mario Kart, Arms, Fast RMX
Gonny buy this year: Splatoon 2, Mario+Rabbids, Xenoblade 2, Mario Odyssey, FIFA 18, Sonic
Maybe I'll buy a couple of those 2d indie games.
The Switch is going to be near to impossible to get this holiday season. Best if you get one before september.
Just pre-order one on amazon with the Spla2oon bundle. Mario is already coming out in October so I bet the console is going to be sold out again from September on.
own: Zelda BotW, MK8D, Shovel Knight and Binding of Isaac
going to get: Splatoon 2, Xenoblade and Mario Odyssey
Maybe I'll get something else but I don't know. I really like the hardware, hope it keeps doing well.
Got my splatoon 2 + console and Splat 2 procontroller preorder in.
Fucking hyped as fuck.
Owned: Nothing yet
Getting: Splatoon 2, MK8, Zelda, Xenoverse 2, Mario, Hollow Knight and bloodstained if its out this year.
Do what I'm doing, because what says, is going to be the fucking truth.
I'm still waiting for my fucking copy of ARMS to arrive. Starting to question is the 20% off was worth it if I can't play this weekend.
For easier learning curve, this.
You won't reap your irl fitness points though.
There's so many games coming out for Switch and PS4 that I ended up selling my Bone today.
Hopefully getting a console tomorrow.
Already have a copy of Zelda laying around.
Still kinda amazes me that it's sold out pretty much everywhere.
what is actually wrong with the supply of switches? is it artifically limiting to create demand, or is it just underestimating demand after the huge flop that was the WiiU
some shit about apple ordering a gazillion iphone parts from the same people who make switch parts and they can't shit it out fast enough
From what I heard, Apple is taking up some of the components for the iPhone 8 that Nintendo is also using for the Switch. It's impossible to find a Switch for retail price online at the moment, but it's relatively easy to find one in-store if you're willing to travel up to an hour away to go to a store that has them in stock.
Nintendo only planned to make 8 million consoles this year, they didn't demand was high. They've since doubled production and expect to produce 16 million consoles this year.
Own: BotW, Disgaea 5
Gonna Buy this year: Mario Odyssey, Xenoblade 2, Splatoon 2, Mario Rabbids
currently 100%ing Zelda. this game is a beauty, done everything except the korok seeds
They're trying to make 20 million in 12 months. They're also trying to compete with smartphone companies like Apple for flash storage.
>no new Monster Hunter game
Tell me how this piece of shit is going sell in Japan after the MHW announcement?
Yes they are artificially limiting the supply of Switches. It's what Nintendo has always done. Now look at the E3 announcements. Pokemon and Metroid will keep the hype going until Mario comes out so they actually manage to generate hype from January until December. The whole year will be nothing but people talking about Nintendo.
own: botw, mk8d, lego city one
gonna buy: arms, rocket league, skyrim (if it will be any good), splatoon, mario
Is Minecraft on the Switch worth it?
Don't know anything about console Minecraft but getting bored of MK8/Zelda.
Getting Splatoon 2 + Mario
After the 3ds dies, it will be the only portable console in the market with a decent install base.
I'd be more worried about how is Monster Hunter going to sell in Japan without being in a portable, but they still have MHXX for now so I guess they don't have a problem.
Own: nothing
Getting this year: Switch, BotW, Odyssey, Xenoblade 2, maybe Splatoon 2, MK8D and FE: W
Hoping for some bundles later this year
Would it surprise anyone if Nintendo announced a 3DS successor?
try GAME lad, that's where I got mine
Considering Nintendo announced GameFreak was making a core pokemon RPG on the switch, yes.
What is Splatoon and every other first party IP Nintendo has?
if you are not going to play splitscreen, then yes! more or less constant 60fps. it doesnt switch from 720 to 1080 when docked tho, but devs said that they may implement it in a patch
Unlike Sony, Nintendo doesn't need MH to sell their handhelds. They already have multiple franchises that sell as good or better.
Anyway, the Switch is getting MHXX and Ichinose's team is probably developing a 5th gen MH for the Switch.
After what this user said, yes I would. Specially with GF being so adamant about having an "easy to pick up system" for pokémon because of the kids.
3DS is only $170 and games cost $40
Switch is $300 and games cost $60
Nintendo is exclusively marketing the Switch to young adults while their 3DS advertisements are nothing but children nowadays. They will keep it alive as long as possible because why would they lose a huge customer base?
own: botw, mk8d, arms
getting: splat2n, kirby, pikmin (if they make one), and maybe rocket league
why is there no news about Fire Emblem Switch (the main game not that musou spin off)?
gotta say I am pretty excited about Pokemon and Metroid Prime. If they released Animal Crossing, more JRPGs and Horror games this will be the perfect console for me
Reminder that this game came out a full year after the 3DS. Just because they are supporting it now, that doesn't mean that they are planning to continue support long term. The Switch is both the Wii U and 3DS successor, and they will stop supporting the 3DS just as they stopped supporting the DS.
What said. The another reason why the 3DS is still being supported is that, unlike the Wii U, the 3DS did relatively well this generation and is much more affordable than the Switch. My prediction is that, just in time for the core pokemon games that are coming to switch, Nintendo will release a smaller version of the switch with a 5-5.5 inch screen, non-detachable controllers and doesn't come included with a dock. With those sacrifices in mind, the Switch lite should come in at about $170-$200 which should be enough to justify the 3DS's discontinuation.