>1.4 million in 2 days for a Logo

Is metroid really that good? You know what? I want to get into the series. Sup Forums isn't the perfect place to ask, probably, but i trust you on this one. Where do i start?

Other urls found in this thread:


First look


Start with Super M or zero mission if you're into the 2d ones, if you like them then play through them in order of release

Go through prime in order of release, I'm sure its obvious but you can probably skip Other M unless you want to get a full grasp on everything in the series

This is gonna flop harder than Star Fox Zero. FUCKING SCREEN CAP THIS.

metroid prime is garbage

it's basically baby's first fps

when kiddos only had a cube instead of an xbox they played this because it was "just as good as halo if not better"


>Is metroid really that good
not really, no
switchcucks are just THAT desperate for games

2D: Zero Mission, Super Metroid, Fusion.
Play the original and Return of Samus if you want as well. AM2R is a fan remake of RoS, you can play that instead.

3D: Play the primes in order.

>metroid being worse than halo

1.) Zero Mission (or the original Metroid if you're feeling nostalgic/hardcore)
2.) I would recommend playing Metroid II: Return of Samus but you can skip it if you want. It's super clunky and hard to finish so I'd understand if you skip it
3.) Super Metroid
4.) Fusion

Play the Prime games in order of release
Don't really need to play Hunters if you don't want to
Definitely don't need to play Federation Force

metroid was pretty much a flawless series up until other m

it's why the game being "that" terrible shocked everyone

nah were getting plenty of games in its first year.. as apposed to PS4 that got.. Bloodbourne?


MP is a first person action dungeon crawler

Prime 1(with the original gamecube controls) is one of the very best video games of all time. Prime 2 is pretty fucking good too.

Super or Prime.

Does Japan even know what a bounty hunter is?
Samus is obviously a merc, not a bounty hunter

When I got my Nintendo DS there was a copy of a Metroid bundle in the package. That's the only thing I remember about Metroid.

Does she even get paid by the feds? I assume she does, but it's never mentioned. Power Suit maintenance costs can't be cheap.

>This is gonna flop harder than Star Fox Zero. FUCKING SCREEN CAP THIS.
Switch hype alone guarantees that's not happening. Like they're at what already, 3 million sold in 3 months? At the end of the year, they could possibly have 8 or 9 million sold if the production ramps up enough by then.

>Where do i start?
>Zero mission on gba
>Metroid2 on Game boy (you can play the fanremake AM2R, its pretty good)
>Super metroid en snes
>Fusion on gba
>Metroid prime trilogy on wii
Everybody hates Other M and Prime hunters is kind of meh because the focus was the multiplayers. Play them if you really want

Play the Prime trilogy in order.

As far as 2d either of the gameboy advance titles are fine to start, from there expand out to Super, AM2R and maybe the NES and GB originals of 1 and 2 depending on how tolerant you are of super old games.

Nintendo released a demo of the Metroid 4 sound track

I think ill start with the first person games. Although super metroid is in pretty much every single top 10 in any video game website.

both you bait mongering faggot

Which has more pretend-fans?

Metroid or Beyond Good and Evil?

>first look
Oh Nintendo

If anything metroid prime is similar with D44M

Monster Hunter now that it can be used as console war fuel.

download Snes9X and start with Super Metroid, the best one in the series.

What does pretend-fan even mean.

The two most important games to play are Super Metroid and Metroid Prime. There are many other good games, but those two are the absolute essential.

I'd strongly advice that anybody getting into the series STARTS with one, rather than two games at once, no matter which.

People jumping the fanbandwagon, like those gurl gamers collecting Zelda merch without playing Zelda

People that were demanding a new Metroid game, but aren't actually going to buy it when it comes out.

I can't tell if this is just for all Nintendo fans, or if the cancerous Nintendo fan that I know has ruined my perception for all of you.

>Guy lives upstairs
>Bought a Wii U with Wind Waker HD, Smash and Mario Kart
>He plays it for a week but doesn't like it after I beat him at MK + Smash
>Bought a 2DS a few weeks before the Switch event even occurred
>Ended up getting Pokemon S/M and Zelda: Ocarina of Time
>Stops playing it after a few days and never talks about it again
>Watches the Switch event and dislikes it
>At this point I should tell you he doesn't like Japanese games (yes I know)
>He's a Call of Duty, Battlefield, Fifa ever year sorta fella
>Well even though he hated the even, he still bought one and stuck it on Instagram for likes, shares and the like
>Got Zelda and Binding of Isaac, even though he has Afterbirth on 2 other consoles + his PC
>Played it for an hour before hating it
>Never seen him touch it since

I must come across like a faggot, but it drives me nuts.

Christ, it bugged me even more when I was excited over MGS5 and trying to figure out what it was gonna be about. He kept telling people he was a huge MGS fan and that he's played them all until I spoke to him about it and he'd only played MGS4 a ltitle bit and never touched the others. He doesn't like old games.

More? Metroid, obviously, since it's far better known. BGE probably has a higher proportion though.

>only buys 2 of said games

It depends on if you care to play the 2D games. If so, play Zero Mission, Super Metroid, and Metroid fusion. Then play Metroid Prime 1, 2 and 3 in that order. You can skip Prime Hunters, Other M, and Federation Force.

>All these fucking underage newfags saying they've never played a Mario or Metroid game before.
Why the fuck do I still come here?

Metroid Fusion is the coolest game in my opinion.

>30 year old man thinks everyone younger than him is underaged
1990 was 27 years ago, user

Zero Mission
Prime 1-3

Super Metroid really is a masterpiece.
I don't even think the devs meant it to work out the way it did. Just happened

Like melee?

Same OP. Played smb3. Taking a break right now. I am at world 3. Pretty amazing so far.

Play all of them. A 1:1 series of good games. Well at least until that 1 game...we don't talk about that one anymore.

What is the best metroid song and why is it the Sector 1 song in Metroid Fusion?

I've made recommendations for the series multiple times here. no idea if people actually listened but ill put my 2 cents in anyways.

There are 2 ways you can play it (which I would recommend over any other way): Story and release order

if you want story play like this:
Zero Mission >Prime 1 > Prime Hunters >Prime 2 > Prime 3 >FF optional > Prime 4 if thats out by then > AM2R (and/or the new M2 remake coming) > Super >other M optional > fusion

NOW. If you just want to play the games and enjoy the series in general but dont care about hte lore too much, Start with super and work your way up by year of release from there.

>NES original
>GB Metroid 2
>Federation Force
>Other M

some of thes are if you can deal with older games and want to appreciate the series' evolution. Other M is just bad but technically follows Super. Federation Force isn't as bad as people say. it was just frustrating because it came at a time when we had a drought of anything and fans wanted a big game, not an in between story. If you play FF though, I would suggest having at least one friend to play it with as its designed generally around multiplayer.

-T. user who actually has Metroid as his favorite series

>that video
you what

>there are still people that haven't played any Metroid games

Oh whoops meant to post your video

Nice rec buddy, but I think that Hunters is quite optional too. The only thing interesting about it is that it's where Sylux is from. But the game is pretty boring outside of this element.

Oh, Metroid for sure.

Yeah I kinda agree with you there. I forgot to list it in optional because ive been having an extremely stressful month and im super frazzled ATM (nice blog bro). anyways, I thought it was just alright but yeah, def optional.

And as a side thing, I'm actually looking for a copy of the game again because I wanted to complete my series collection. Literally the only game I don't have. Well, and Metroid Pinball too I guess but I'm not sure it completely counts like that.

Fan does not mean "mindless".

I didn't buy Federation Farce because it looked like shit.

Super Metroid for old 2D, Fusion or Zero Mission for newish 2D. Prime 1 for 3D, IMO the games get weaker as the series goes on but they're all pretty damn good. There's a remake of Metroid 2 coming out for the 3DS and it looks good but MercurySteam is developing it so I'm wary of it.

Everyone knows that game is whatever.

Prime 1 is literally the only great game in the series

2 is good but it has his flaws like even more linear plot. Multiplayer was the shit though

3 is meh

I didn't buy Link between worlds because I thought it was shit. I was pretty wrong. I dont really like the artstyle for FF but its not that bad if you care more about gameplay. and its a cute game to co-op with a friend. Just dont pay full price. I got 2 copies for $40

Start with Zero Mission and then Play Prime. Thats the canon order and you get to enjoy both 2D and 3D

No words on a Metroid game for years, even when a system like the 3DS OBVIOUSLY needs a Metroid title.
They release the most random spin off possible nobody gives a shit about.
10k sales who would have guessed. But a fucking title for MP4 has 1M views. It really makes you think.

fingers crossed that Samus is actually trans in this one. Considering how long Nintendo has teased it, it will be nice to get some confirmation

These new metroid games have been very well received, don't like a couple of shitposters fool you. BGE fans have every right to be upset, however. 15 years and ubi is only just getting started on some multiplayer RPG that has nothing to do with the first game


That thumbnail makes Samus's ass look super thick.

It would be funnier if they changed the logo

You can play anything except Other M and Federation Force. They'e all great games, except those two.

Hunters is also mediocre, but it's acceptable.

I guarantee you Prime 4 won't even break 1M sales. Pretendos don't care about Metroid games, they care about the idea of Samus

start with Super Metroid, then go Metroid Prime 1-3

I've been having quite a bad month too user, as a big fan of Metroid I can say that you did a good job with your post and it would definitely help people that want to give Metroid a try.

I also have a Metroid collection ! I own them all except Metroid Pinball too. But I'd like to have a complete Metroid II (only own the cartridge) and Metroid 1 two (the gba classic collection probably doesn't count...). I hope to find the japanese versions next month when I'll be visiting japan.

>Kill an enemy
>It drops its soul
>Touch it
>Suit completely repaired

Not that hard.

>it's basically baby's first fps
I was about to reply to you seriously but then I saw this.

good try.

Start with Super and Prime. If you like Super then play Zero Mission and Fusion, and then play the first 2 games if you're still hungry for more. If you like Prime then play its two sequels and then Hunters if you're again hungry for more. If I didn't list it here, it's safe to ignore.

If I want to play Metroid 2, should I play AM2R or emulate the original?

I imagine its just people who grew up with different consoles or couldn't afford them, like people who say they never played a Zelda game before

>playing the best game first
They'll just realize how shit fusion and zero are in comparison. Newfags should play fusion first.

>Fan does not mean "mindless".
It does when it comes to Nintendo. Now stop being critical and open wide for Sakamoto.


>Multiplayer was the shit though


why do 2donlyfags have such a superiority complex?
I think the Prime series and the 2D games are both amazing

good luck man. and yeah, contrary to a lot of people on Sup Forums these days, i actually try to be helpful with the knowledge of series i like when people are curious.

Can't tell if faggot or just plain troll, but this shit is bait.


This is the oldest shitpost.

Super Metroid is the word of god to them and the fact that Prime 1 gets praised so highly makes them go into full defensive mode.

The fact of the matter is every Metroid game has its ups and downs and all of the ones people actually bother to talk about are pretty good.

The original version of Metroid 2 is extremely clunky and very difficult by sheer virtue of the screen being so small. AM2R is a very good choice if you want to experience the story and basic idea of the gameplay.

I don't know why I'm excited for this, but other people are so I guess I am too.

I hope you're not expecting me to buy this because I'm only here for the hype.

Prime1, 2, and 3 each sold 1million or more.

2.3 million


Fusion is babby's first metroid and a decent introduction to some basic concepts. It's pretty fun but many hardcore fans don't like it so much since it has next to no sequence breaks and the idea of a biome-space-lab is kinda corny.. and wwaayy too much fucking talking from Hal-ripoff-3000

>Zero Mission

The medium of the 2d games. Very solid. Fast, a few sequence breaks and actually looks like a standard metroid game. The zero-suit part is practically jumping the shark but it's still fun and a good retelling of the original story. It should absolutely be played before Super Metroid since Super takes place on the same planet after this one's events.

>Metroid 2 (AM2R)

Just play the fan made one. The original is arguably bad. AM2R is actually perdy gud if not a little unpolished in some places but thats just because it's fan made. Not necessary to play though.

>Super Metroid

The game that started an entire genre of games. The first time people play it, they find it to be a pseudo fetch-quest game with little direction. Once you know the map layout and you know the developer tricks, the game opens up in a totally new way. you stop thinking of the game as a linear fetch quest and instead as a totally open game with a variety of ways of play depending on how hard you want it to be. For fuck's sake you can literally. LITERALLY beat the bosses in reverse order with no major glitches or out-of-bounds bullshit with enough practice. Also there are a ton of rom hacks once you are enlightened. Redesign is daunting and really tough if not unfair at times but it thoroughly scratches the itch if you really want more content. There are plenty of other amazing roms too that I'll let you look up if you really want

>Prime 1-2
1 is a 'safe' transition for metroid into 3d and decent. Prime 2 is fucking great. fuck the haters.

>Prime 3
Barely metroid but sure..

Is this 2003 what the fuck user


Nah, use Higan

Start with Other M and then well that's it, that's pretty much the only good game in the series.

I don't think Samus can get out of her armor like that. It's created from those pink lines in her suit and then disappears like that. You can't just take it off like that.

Other M isn't canon.

Not just in Other M. She just took off her helmet in the other games.

This is how the armor works.

>Die in super metroid
>literally watch the armor break away from her
>in black undies


>take it off
completely different

Prime was always questionable in how the suit worked. Like Metroid Prime pulled off the Phazon Suit, but left the Gravity Suit, and then altered it with Phazon to make her Dark Samus apparently.