Tfw fell for the gf meme

>tfw fell for the gf meme
>she gets mad whenever i play vidya

I do it anyway.

I told her Zelda is more important than her.

find some fun, simple co-op games to play together. or just be passive-aggressive to her anytime she watches shit TV shows.

no, you just got a meme gf

Just play with your gf's son
I'm sure that'll make her more open to them


Get her into games, either find shit you can play together like the LEGO games or some cinematic game that will be entertaining for her to watch like Until Dawn, Telltale stuff, Heavy Rain, etc.

I don't know why so many women are opposed to men having their own hobbies and interests outside of them.

>gf likes to play vidya
>gf doesnt like casual games
>gf hates feminism
I'm so deeply in love, you guys

die ponyfag

I fell for the living together meme
>I don't mind if you play but I wanna watch a movie in an hour
N-nevermind then

How feminine is her penis?

Just whatever you do don't get married or have kids unless you live in a third world country cuz nobody gives a shit if you as a father bail out and everyone will take it on the girl for being a stupid whore and getting preg

>TFW fell for gf meme
We never end up playing games together but we play right next to each other everyday.

> deep in the wife meme.
> PS4 never gets a break.
> I play my stuff then wife jumps on to play hers.
> She's into Persona and stardew valley right now.

I had a GF like this, don't know what I did to overcomb it, I just didn't shift on the whole video game thing, eventually she gave up getting mad at me, guess he realised she couldn't boss me about, not to mention I think it was cause we got closer as a couple so she didn't feel the need to vie for my time all the time, plus we even do some vidya together now.

How long have you cohabitated? I've seen this kill many a relationship, practically if not de facto.

Just get another television

>Not wanting to have kids
>Not shaping better human beings
>Not wanting to continue your lineage till it dies out or take over

Wife is meaningless, the kids are the big reward.

Worst advice ever. GFs suck at coop games.
Bitch couldn't even beat Rayman's music levels for fucks sake.
Calling GOT, The flash, etc... shit is pretty solid advice though.


>spends most of her time looking at her phone during the film
>"I don't get it. Nothing happened."

You accidentally did the alpha thing and passed her shit test. It would have been something else if you caved.


>she also hates kids and looks up informations on how to permanently make sure there won't be a baby
Literally the jackpot

She's asian. So very tiny and feminine i guess?

I paid for a chicks ticket and she did this shit. Stuck around long enough to get my dick wet a few times and bailed.

Tell her to shut up and force her to be your pocket healer in some mmo.

>Have a job
>Have a house
>Have a room only for PC and consoles with big ass screen to play
>Get girlfriend
>Date her for some time
>She knows I play games as a hobby and that I enjoy it a lot
>Move to my house
>Start complaining about my gaming room
>Start complaining about I spending time with my hobbies instead of being with her all the time
>Start to feel really burn out of her
>Have a disccusion about this
>She says she will leave if I don't stop gaming
>Tell her "what are you waiting for?"
>She leaves
>Start getting more time and money to mysefl and really enjoying it even more than before having a gf
>After a month text me she want to come back
>"It will be the same shit again and you know it."
>Tells me she can change
>Don't believe it. But try anyway.
>She moves back in.
>A week later she starts complaining again
>Pack her things. Put them on the door. Tell her to go fuck herself. I need my mental health back and not all that fucking stress.
>She goes again never to come back again.
>Two years since that


>she gets mad whenever i play vidya
that's not a girlfriend

Just means they don't have full control over you.

just hit her

t. someone who never had a gf

Women are a fucking meme

if she doesn't suck your dick while you play video games, she's not worth keeping

>accidentally alpha
Seems to be the only time I ever am alpha.


In HS I had a gf that wanted to talk on the phone all the time

Never stopped me from shouldering my phone and topping the leaderboards while just replying "yea, mhmm, yep"

Then I dumped her

My gf likes it when I piss on her.

why are normies posting on my Sup Forums

>tfw no shy burn victim gf to play chess with

I remember when nobody on Sup Forums had girlfriends

where the fuck are all you fucking normies coming from

gtfo holy shit this board is for neet foreveralone anime nerds this is my safe space get out get out get out

Where do I go now? /r9k/ is no better

>holy shit this board is for neet foreveralone anime nerds
That's /jp/.

This. The only people who are so bitter towards women for ruining their lives are beta males who allowed it to happen. If you're not putting your woman in her place you're basically female anyways.

To this day I wonder if I pissed in my gfs ass or if I just came a lot.

I can guarantee I've been here longer than you, pal

Sup Forums has always been a mixed bag with morons like you who are set off about 'muh sekrit club for people just like me'

facebook/twitter really cracked the internet open so normies could shit it up, but in a different way.

Who you talking to brah?

I wonder (((who))) is behind this post

Your a good man user. Few people do what makes them happy. Godspeed man

Your hand does not count as having a gf.

Not quite, but you're along the right lines. It was the opening of facebook in november '06 and the sudden existence of the smartphone market in '07. You have a website made for fucking dullards on a device made to be used by literal retards.

>had like 6 or 7 gfs
>they all bitched about me playing video games or drawfagging except the Asian who bitched about me not getting a master's degree
>dumped all of them
Nah, women are shit in general.

My GF beat
>fallout NV
>hates Skyrim because its boring
>beat castle crashers with me
>beat Kane and Lynch
>MK8 at 150cc
>Left 4 dead 1 and 2
>sonic all star racing on HARD
I mean she isnt as much of a hardcore gamer as me of course my good sir but still she aint bad nigga

>been here longer than you
>can't even reply properly

You're a fucking manchild, and same goes for everyone in this thread.

A relationship is a two-way street. If you're not willing to compromise and simmer down with your addiction, you don't deserve to have a partner, and you deserve to stay virgins/single forever.