Name one (1) other time when the same developer released TWO (2) GOTY contenders IN THE SAME YEAR. Go ahead.
Name one (1) other time when the same developer released TWO (2) GOTY contenders IN THE SAME YEAR. Go ahead
I'm not gonna call Super Mario Odyssey GOTY material just yet, even if it's shaping up to be what I've wanted in a Mario game for years.
do you mean by actual game quality or by "review" scores because the latter is way easier
Nintendo in 2014
Wind waker and metroid prime?
they might be gotw material if nintendo, like capcom, would get their heads out of their asses and release it on PC.
people are literally paying cemu devs something like 30 THOUSAND dollars a month because they want it on a real fucking platform and not gimmicky portable waggle shit.
Nintendo in 2012
final fantasy VII and tactics
Then you PC fags would just bitch that it's a multi-plat.
How many ways can Mario attack enemies? If it's just jump and throw hat that's gay. I want dive attack and punch like 64.
Pick a studio at random in 98.
No one uses the punch but you can dive in Odyssey too
Only drones care about being the only ones who get to play their baby toys
i would say mario odyssey cant be a GOTY this year because its release date is way far into the back of the year. plus other consoles have seemingly had no shortage of good games this year too. it has some pretty tough competition. im confident the game will be fucking amazing though
>Wind waker
Not made by the same developers.........
Just because it's retroactively been called shit doesn't stop it from being GotY. If that was the case we'd have to exclude BOTW too.
Maybe we should wait for Mario to release first before we say it's GotY.
what are you smoking, thats a console plebian thing.
us pcbros never complain about games being multi-plat. we only complain when they refuse to bring it to pc so we have to waste our time developing emulators on it.
companies like capcom and nintendo would get a fuckton of money if they released their shit on pc. most of their games are for manchildren and guess which platform has the most manchildren?
also inb4 muh piracy excuse, even if piracy was a concern (its not, its a red herring used by companies to justify shitty DRM gayness), some money from sales is better than no money from sales.
Here's a better image friend
>Wind waker
I'll do you one better: when have they released two GOTY contenders from the same developers, WITHIN THE SAEM SERIES? I'll start: Monty is Innocent and Monty on the Run. Check fucking mate.
Lmao just buy a Switch dummy
i have no interest in spending hundreds of dollars on a shitty, underpowered piece of shit that lasts less than a month because of design failures, and is hamstrung by some faggoty 'mobile' gimmick.
Anyone buying Nintendo handhelds before revisions is a grade A sucker and deserves everything that goes wrong.
You wouldn't even be able to change that much on cemu though. Even if it came out on PC. Most games that are coming are 60fps (Mario, Prime4 100%, Kirby, Yoshi, Pokken, Smash, Arms). Only thing you would get more is 4k and good luck running games at 60fps with that resolution on cemu. These games were made to be played on the go with a friend. And that's where it's fun. You wouldn't even be able to do that. So why bother ? You literally ONLY want those game so you can say "HAHA NO EXCLUSIVE".
t. poorfag
Not an argument
more like t. conscientious spender
why would i waste my money on another piece of hardware that does half of what my PC does? exclusivity is part of what is killing gaming.
you first
Are you a communist ?
Alpha Protocol and New Vegas.
Carmeggadon and Fallout
He asked other people to name another time though, because obviously he can't think of one outside of the one in the OP. That's the point of the thread.
Hope this helped :)
but only an uneducated fool would fail to see how exclusivity harms the industry as a whole. it breeds contention between the platforms and the playerbase, it allows greedy corporations to coerce weak minded people into buying their exclusive hardware just to suck up a little bit more profit, its fucking nuts.
im not a communist, but i sure as fuck am not a capitalist either. capitalism aka the unrestrained pursuit of profit at any cost is just as much of a cancer as communism and socialism is.
but there isn't one in the op's post
One game is about a homosexual and the other is about a 3ft manlette,
Am I meant to be impressed?
The dive is back and you can go into a roll too.
>One game is about a homosexual
There's literally a romance (implied or not) between Link and Zelda in every fucking game.
This is a good one if both came out in the same year.
Breath of the Wild was quite mediocre. It will get an honorable mention, but not GOTY.
But there is user. If you look at the image closely you'll see both Mario Odyssey and Zelda Breath of the Wild. Both of which are GotY contenders.
Hope this helped :)
Final Fantasy Adventure / Final Fantasy IV 1991
Chrono Trigger / Seiken Densetsu 3 1995
Final Fantasy VII / Final Fantasy Tactics 1997
Xenogears / Brave Fencer Musashi 1998
Vagrant Story / Final Fantasy 9 2000
PC is irrelevant
It gets both some of the biggest titles around and a shit ton of neat little indies. How's that irrelevant?
Windwaker is Nintendo SPD and Metroid Prime is Retro Studios.