Metro Exodus will draw from the Stalker series' open world design...

>Metro Exodus will draw from the Stalker series' open world design. A combination of the "classic Metro gameplay" and what "4A Games has done in the past with the Stalker games."

>Bloch continues: "The game picks up where Metro: Last Light left off with the good ending. Artyom is back and now he needs to join together with a small group of survivors and board a train and escape Moscow. He goes on an epic journey that spans the continent and goes across post-apocalyptic Russia. The whole journey takes about a year and we get to see all the seasons in the year and we get to see that journey and how the time and everything that happens along the way affects the characters and how the characters change.

Thoughts? Full article here:

It's not actually open world, so I am happy.

So are the Invisible Watchers going to be in this game? Will we find out that the rest of Russia and the world is semi alright? will the little dark bro be back?

Thank fuck, i love the metro series because its not open world. I wont have to shitpost when it comes out.

>"It's a combination of the classic Metro gameplay that everyone is used to from previous games where it's that linear style of gameplay. The level that we show in the trailer is later in the game and is one of our non-linear levels," says Bloch. "We're doing this mix of classic gameplay and this new non-linear style and we wanted to maintain what our fans expect, what they've known, and what they're used to and love, while also introducing something new.

>"This will blend what we've done over the past two games, plus something that the core team at 4A Games has done in the past with the Stalker games. We're not entirely open-world, then, it's more sandbox survival and everything is tied together with an overarching storyline that still carries the player through. They're still feel like they're playing a Metro game."

Not trying to shitpost, but why do people hate open world games so much?

I feel like what they don't like is a game with shallow content, given that, wouldn't it make more sense to say you don't like games with no content?

Because everyone was scorned by GTA5.

Open world is a meme now. It's mostly just a big empty world with not much substance.

Open levels however are a great combination. You get levels with high attention to detail without the boxed in feeling of linear levels. STALKER/Deus Ex were open level games.

A truly open world game (Hub-based games are not open world) has inherently no content to make up for its ridiculous and enormous side.

A game like Just Cause 2 is a good example of why people hate open world. Just Cause 2 is empty, and when you go into a town it's all about collecting items.

>stalker but with cinematic garbage
I'll just play stalker

Because devs think its automatic GOAT game if you tell plebs you have "endless freedom" to do so and so in the game when really theres jack shit to do cause devs ran out of ideas. Like GTAV online and MGSV for example.


That's is what they're saying. Open world games now are littered with content for content's sake. You don't get the meticulously detailed world you imagine, you get a bunch of empty space between some towers, oh and we hid 384 kajiggers out there, go get them all if you want this achievement. I don't know if that is the intent of open world games from the start or if they just turn into that because of the difficulty/cost, but that is the formula and not a single one bucks the trend.

While Just Cause 2 was lacking content it at least had fun gimmick for moving around. If the open world is fun to move around even if it lacks content you can have fun thanks to it. I always had more problem with open world games where getting around was plain chore. And introducing fast travel just destroys the point of open world.

epic meme

Judging from the canon ending of Last Light I think the Dark Ones moved on.

Kill yourself.

Hopefully it won't be like Last Light where we don't get the top-tier weapons until the second-to-last level of the game.

Default, non-DLC Ranger Mode and an option for game plus would be nice too

>This commie piece of shit walks free
>Good ending


So everyone just forgot about Hunter then?

stop spreading lies you fucking punk ass nigger its not open world. put a .45 through your frontal lobe.

Who are you quoting?

Because it ends up being a fuckhuge map with nothing to do OR the same 3-7 activities copy-pasted around the map over and over.
The only games where a huge open world makes sense are like MMOs with a heavy emphasis on player interaction and housing.