I haven't been on Sup Forums in a very long time
Can someone explain this pic related to me and why it keeps getting mentioned here?
I haven't been on Sup Forums in a very long time
Can someone explain this pic related to me and why it keeps getting mentioned here?
Other urls found in this thread:
basipally it's filled with cucks so when someone does some cuck shit other's will redirect them to their home
Sony marketing forum
Why would anyone discuss cuckolding on a video games forum?
so it's basically the new Gamespot?
NeoGaf is here to explain WE WUZ
because the gamergate reddit subforum is raiding Sup Forums this afternoon
It went from a place to discuss video games and jerk each other off to a place to discuss wether a game is LGBT friendly or not and why it is a harm to society.
Because people on here always need an enemy site to bitch about
NeoGAF is a Draconian, overly politically-correct shitheap of a forum, you can get banned for just crossing paths with a power tripping admin, and iirc creating an account requires a paid-for email address.
However, it clings to relevance because developers and other people in the video game industry go there to get their egos stroked by users who are already accustomed to brown-nosing moderation staff, so every once in a while some interesting information will get posted there first. Make no mistake, nobody who posts there deserves any respect.
many game devs and publishers take that place seriously and that makes many people feel assblasted.
>look at this retarded LARPing, it totally means that mods are in cahoots with Anita
Sup Forums hates reddit and neogaf because celebrities and devs legitimize those places with their presence, while nobody bothers to give Sup Forums any attention.
No devs go on fucking neogaf any more.
is there anything wrong with that explanation
He gets it right up until they "typically reply this to store of black people committing crimes".
That's WRONG. It's typically replied to claims of the former connect to Egyptian Pharaohs (which is bullshit).
Of course he has to adjust the narrative to make it seem even more unreasonable.
I also love how he struggles with his inner cuck by not addressing his own opinion on whether or not "WE WUZ KANGZ" is correct.
Fucking faggot.
>African-American scholars
>changing the name of ebonics into something "intellectual"
I've been posting on GAF for over a decade at this perception is no longer valid. Nobody gives a shit about the site anymore.
it's not just Sup Forums being hateful shitters in this case, neogaf is a bizarre community. Sometimes I wonder if the more vocal accounts are parody.
Because it's the opposite of Sup Forums (not anonymous, has strict registration and posting standards, incredibly liberal politics, sucks game developer dick, etc). Aside from the Sony shills, of course.
Because SJW has begun to permeate our gaming culture and infest our harmless vidya.
Remember when you played games to have fun?
SJWs claim you were doing it wrong and want to eliminate your line of thinking.
WE WUZ is used to mock the race equivalent of the flat earth society. Black-supremacists saying nonsense like Shakespeare was black, etc. See: youtu.be
The mod is falsely attributing it to a critique of legit scholarship in order to make it sound more evil.
This doesn't need an own thread
Yes. See If you want further actual knowledge on this topic watch this -> youtube.com
Neogaf is like an opposite version of Sup Forums and just as bad
>sonybros are the biggest fanbase instead on nintenbros
>their off-topic forum is full of SJW and literal cuckolds who defend PC culture, very left leaning with tons of commies and pseudo socialists, Sup Forums's version of this is Sup Forums
>neogaf likes Western games more than Japanese games, Sup Forums likes Japanese games more than westen
>you get banned for shitposting, on Sup Forums you don't
>neogaf's nintenbros are just as shitty as Sup Forums's sonnyggers
The one thing in common is that both websites don't dislike PC and that both websites don't give two shits about Microsoft, really makes you think
Fuck you get off this site. You are the cancer eating at Sup Forums
This is mostly correct though I would say Neogaf's opposite to Sup Forums would be that they are incredibly ban-happy just for disagreeing with the hivemind and Sup Forums rarely bans for anything and you are allowed to disagree with the hivemind.
It's the epitome of cancerous forum culture:
>Power tripping mods and admins who ban those who dissent against the majority opinion
>SJWs and other super far left retards make up the majority of the user base. Anyone who doesn't conform is banned.
>Unironic fanboys fucking everywhere, mainly Sony.
>Typical forum-shit like looking through another's posting history to prove a point
Reminder that Anonymity brings out some of the truest forms of discussion and should be cherished.
>You get banned for shitposting on neogaf
That's wrong though. You get banned for shitposting too hard on Sup Forums. On Neogaf you get banned for having the wrong opinions.
> Anonymity be cherished
Wrong, it is simply the lesser of two evils. most of the fuckery that goes on here is because we're anonymous. So users go out of their way to pin labels on each other while ignoring what they're actually saying.
well back in the day a lot of people came to Sup Forums because they disliked sucking it up to the hivemind (yeah Sup Forums has that too, but you just get shouted at, not banned outright), moderators or ~50.000 posts forum VIPs
Neogaf is exactly that.
Sometimes you also are just too tired to argue and just want to tell people like pic related that they need to hang themselves.
>Disgaree with the hivemind
>Get banned
>Mods are power tripping fucks who flaunt their power-user status
Sup Forums
>Disagree with the hivemind
>Get called a faggot
>Your post is still given the same platform as any other
>Mods are anonymous and just do their job for free
Wow I wonder why neogaf is considered a fucking laughing stock.
always related
WTF? I love Sup Forums now
Also nintenretards are awful in both forums
This pic is a great example. It's not even like it's so wrong to feel that way, but his wording makes it incredibly obvious he's just trying to push a narrative. It's obnoxious.
Sup Forums really gives a fuck about what normies think for some reason
Instead of Sup Forums where it's logical to assume there's paid marketing teams because of how convenient the platform is for their work, neogaf has confirmed paid marketing deals.
It's like the Stanrey Roo era Old Republic forums but shittier.
Are you kidding? Neofag is a sonybro breeding ground.
They shit on anything that isn't Sony outside of threads dedicated to a platform (like a Splatoon or Mario or Halo thread or some shit).
You don't even need to be guilty of wrongthink. Even having a pattern of NOT REJECTING wrongthink can get u banned. I see people banned for asking questions and mods claim it's "concern trolling"
>their impersonation of AAVE (African-American Vernacular English, what some people would call "Ebonics")
I'd like him to provide a scholarly sounding explanation for the dialect that poor white southerners speak with.
I mean I'm sure they've come up with one that's not disparaging and just respecting their culture.
But I thought love trumps hate.
Why do people act like this, what has to happen to become such a "person"?
Will you just fucking stop playing dumb already
I nominate Rural American Plebian English.
What anime is that in his avatar?
Banned/Unbanned multiple times
I like it for the news
but yeah the site has lots of fucking faggots and I don't even use faggots at all really. They want to treat the simplest thing into some reach into social commentary. Crossing Bitch, Garrett Faggot ... Lime bullshit level batshit crazy lefties.
I'd say neogaf likes sony more
>I hope there are pant microtransactions otherwise my mom won't let me play this.
>paying money for virtual pants because you're offended
It's a forum were you can't do the things you do in Sup Forums or they ban you.
So everyone from that forum come here to say what they really want to say.
And their insider also use Sup Forums to leaks things in anonymity them they tell their friends on the forum via mp to come here see the leaks.
And that's why Sup Forums is in the state will see nowadays.
>Think that Neogaf has a hind mind
>Goes against the hive mind that it isn't
>Banned for disagreeing
>Neogaf doesn't ban for disagreeing
>But it just did
I'd love to see the original post that got him banned, makes Neogaf look even worse than I though
NG is going apeshit crazy over the E3 Supercut from CrowbCat... so funny.
GAF "humor"
3rd post and they're already crying about the WE WUZ joke
The usual protocol for NeoGAF and sites like it is the following.
> user posts dissenting opinion (could be politics, might even be something benign) or even a milder voice of reason ("I don't like Trump either, but...")
> dozens of users pack the thread and flame innocent user
> mods bans original user for being "troublemaker", leaves alone the people that actually were making threats
> rinse and repeat
They even want to censor this.
Liberals see something that isn't there. It's a generic anime art style, she could be 16 or 30 and, as far as we know, she's a "sword" and ripe enough to have huge breasts.
Many liberals (henceforth used as a heuristic) are mentally ill, have a deperessed amygdala (fear analyzis) and can't control their own emotions. When you are confused, at least having someone you can blame seems to give you a lot of reassurance. Liberals blame the cisgender white male since a) he is the most powerful in the world which means b) he can cope with it which again is why c) they don't have to fear a lot of backfire. Also look up the standpoint theory.
Liberals want cultural Marxism; liberalism; modern feminism, hedonism, multiculturalism, transvestism, white guilt and they'd love every game to feature it and get mad when they don't.
However, liberals often imbrue their minds in cognitive dissonance. While I enjoy Nintendo, most liberals love and grew up with Nintendo and love the flashy colors. Nintendo is neither having a very diverse cast (something that, under usual conditions, would yield a huge turmoil), promoting LGBT culture or anything like this. In fact, some of their biggest characters are blue-eyed, blond and straight.
Since they grew up with Nintendo (and never really grew out of this childhood), they don't want to criticze Nintendo. Criticizing Nintendo would mean criticizing themselves. This is the social nexus theory.
This leads to psychological repression.
Trying to see things that are not there (delusional disorder), like tricking yourself into believing a generic anime girl that reveals her tummy and thighs is promoting pedophilia, provides a kind of escape valve through which the excitation might, as it were, seep out. They could never touch Nintendo again if Nintendo was racist since for them there is nothing worse than racism. However, they can cope with a Nintendo studio making a gaffe.
Also, many liberals are pedophile.
need big strong black to preg their dumb dyke wife, while they play videogamez.
4th post
Those people whining that Reggie didn't want Nintendo to be political was hilarious.
Damn. Someone please post this on NeoFAG.
Because as a company, especially one with presence in America, they would be left. People who probably don't even play games for fun but to advance their political shit onto other people
the first one is the OP that doesnt count faggosaurus