I love building bricks with Minecrap...

I love building bricks with Minecrap. Building bricks with Minecrap is the best thing and the most amount of fun you can have while playing an app. I understand why all the kids are playing this game these days -- it's because they like to build brown bricks with Minecrap. I also like to build brown bricks with Minecrap. It's the most fun you can possibly have. What is the point of Minecrap? Well, there really is no point. It's a sandbox game. Oh good, I love building sandcastles. No, that just means you can do anything you want like explore, build stuff, and mess around. What kind of stuff can you build? Well, anything, really. There's one guy that built a scale model of the Starship Enterprise. My deduction skills as a detective tell me he has quite possibly, never had sex. Come on, Inspector Gadget, it's about expressing your creativity! But, he is just copying a fake rocket ship blueprint designed by someone else! Seems more like monkey see, monkey do than using creative energy if you ask me. Oh, you think you can do better, huh? I have a robotic implant in my brain that lets me preform 12,000,000,000,000,000 calculations per second. I could rewrite the entire game's code, while helping Penny with her homework, and cleaning up brain's doody, all at the same time! He's a nerd, and I hate nerds more than I hate MAD agents.

Other urls found in this thread:


Oh look a free iPad

I still have no idea what they were trying to get across when they made this video. It's like some weird experimental humor you'd see on a trippy adult-swim show.


It's not smart to make fun of games children like. They will eventually grow up and shitpost you into oblivion.

I see all you dipshits making another thread about me, whats wrong fags? Jealous that I can create good entertainment and make a career out of it? Or maybe it's because I get to fuck Jame's wife behind his back or sometimes right in front of him of the sofa?
Either way, My life will always be better than yours, so go ahead and continue making threads and stupid jokes about my videos, I have more talent in one finger than any of you will have in your pathetic lifetimes.
Oh and for the record, I didn't mean to put that minecraft video on the net, I was hacked and the asshole put it out in the open, it was supposed to be a joke. Anyways, thanks for the views I receive in future videos from you assholes, I'm sure James and I will look forward to it. Later dipshits.

when he says calculations per second how complex calculations are we talking?


It was a parody of the menu screen from the Super Mario Bros. Super Show DVD.

Did anyone else read that in Inspector Gadget's voice?

>There's one guy that built a scale model of the Starship Enterprise. My deduction skills as a detective tell me he has quite possibly, never had sex
this is unironically funny. Sup Forums doesn't apreciate humor

>it was a joke

Sure Thad...


anyone feel like mineycrafta posters are more autistic than this video? mike did this once a long time ago, mineycrafta posters obsess over this daily. how long has it been? autism

Sup Mike

what the fuck

yo this thread is wild

this is what happens when you shill your penis every day for a year, mike

Hi Mike

yo this thread is mad wild

>guy is more talented, rich, famous, better looking, and well endowed than you ever will be
>sup [this guy]

The sign of cringe to come. The mineycrafta video was not a mistake, it was the highest extent of Mike's humor. He's never been funny and he's never gotten funnier. He's the dog shit of comedic entertainment






You can shut up now.

Why would you ever fucking put your real name on this?

Surely this is a fake someone made to defame him, right? Mike's not THAT stupid... is he?

>Whole thing was a parody of the super mario bros dvd menu
>the real autists take it out of context
It's supposed to be retarded, seriously go watch the dvd menu review. The video makes sense and inspector gadget is supposed to be a spergy weirdo.

What the fuck are these? Jesus christ, Matei.
I feel like I'm reading those old ass Don Martin comics again.


I might as well post the rest now.
It really is him.




These are making me feel oddly nostalgic, they look like they belong in a MAD cartoon

i cant believe mike matei is fucking dead

last one and its a masterpiece

Where's his dick pics

>tfw actually am liking these loco bandito comics
mike's alright