Is Thief: the Dark Project the Citizen Kane of video games?

> Unmistakable style and art direction
> Innovative visual storytelling
> Systems base emergent game play
> Mature and subtle atmosphere/ narrative
> A benchmark in level design
If this is not the Citizen Kane of videogames than what is?

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Citizen Kane isn't a good movie.
It just set the standard for what movies are today.

Thief set no standards because no games take after it.

No, that'd be Ultima Underworld.

The new Prey is better than this piece of crap.

Deal with it.

> Prey 2017 better than thief
How can one man be so wrong

Arkane themselves would probably disagree.

What is Elder Scrolls, Deus Ex, Splinter Cell, Prey, Dishonored to name a few

Thief II is better.

Citizen Kane bombed and had no influence. Don't believe the revisionism.


I'd kill for an actual spiritual successor to Thief. No big name developer would risk making a title like it these days.

As much as System Shock and Ultima Underworld were probably more seminal than Thief, I think Thief brought the excellence of gameplay and feel to the table of immersive simulators.
Ultima Underworld and System Shock were more complex (and rightly so, they were a completely different kind of game), but I think Thief showed that you could bring a lot of the elements that made those games feel immersive to a much simpler game without killing them in the process.

Thief is Godfather
Thief II is Godfather Part II

Not like thief in any way shape or form.
That's what those games are.

They all borrow elements from Thief, you cant be that dense.

I haven't played Splinter Cell, but does it really? I thought the stealth would be more similar to MGS.
TES borrows from itself, Daggerfall came out two years before Thief did.

No games take after it because like Thief game design would be considered unmarketable in today's industry, and unnecessarily lush and expensive. It's a game with gigantic levels confusing levels that make your head spin, full of secrets that 90% of players would never discover without wiki help. It's unapologetically hardcore and puts you in the shoes of extremely weak character, making sneaking a demand, not a choice. "Perfect" way to play Thief is ghosting through the level without making any noise, modern players won't get where's the fun if you can't press X for ebic takedowns

Thief II is better solely for the fact better fan missions came using it.
I enjoyed some of the fan campaigns more than original ones

Supernatural shit was largely scrapped for the better too.

oblivion and skyrim specifically borrow from thief more than daggerfall. The goal of those two games were to be more like immersive sims with emergent systems based gameplay.

Personal preference. First one felt more like an adventure while T2 had more thievery stuff

The supernatural elements were way better than those stupid robots.

>> Unmistakable style and art direction

It looks like horse shit

But it is a damn good game though, probably one of the few games 3D that can call itself 10/10.

Which is why I don't consider it a Citizen kane.

>what is art direction

The fact its graphics are dated doesn't change the fact the art direction is excellent.

I played 1 just 2 years ago, 2 last month

Something this game lacks

Also all this abstract shit is bad level design

This, Thief didn't revolutionize anything like Citizen Kane did. It simply mastered the known techniques and direction like the Godfather did.

> The sword
> bad level design
fuck off

I don't think you know shit about level design, user.

Life of the Party is absolutely my favourite level in all of vidya
>see that citadel? you can infiltrate it

>shitting on The Sword
Go back to MGS plebian

Life of the Party is the level from the demo right ?
the one where you start on roof?
indeed it's god tier

The gameplay isn't as stylish as the cutscenes, but I've seen few games with the same style of steampunk that actually feels believable and real.
So much 'steampunk' is utter gaudy trash that feels and looks like the fantasy of a child.

Cause all i played was thief so i don't know what good is

look at this pretentious faggot

Playing this right now. Unbelievably good. The only eh level so far was the prison, because the factory part kinda sucked. I've just finished the Guild mission, holy fuck, I kinda hated it and loved it at the same time. Tunnels are the most confusing shit, but the feeling of sneaking through this giant compound designed to be impenetrable, fucking both those assholes over and leaving through the front door of their house was orgasmic. I was laughing like a madman.

As a kid I got stuck on spoopy cathedral mission because I didn't have the sound system or internet. Only later I learned that haunts in the window tell you to shoot a fire arrow at the statue.

I love it. The Bonehoard is such a great level that I based a dnd session off of it. That's one thing that Thief I has over Thief II, that feeling of being a classic dnd rogue.

good fan mission?

Nigga, Splinter Cell even have a light gem! it's not like MGS at all.

Fuck Bonehoard t b h.
Sure, its a cool level, but it doesn't belong in a Thief game. Why have entirely non-stealth level in a stealth game. You can slap it in Tomb Raider and it would be just as good

>Also all this abstract shit is bad level design
Thief has some, if not THE, least abstract level design of the 90s. Everything makes sense in the universe where it is set.
The abstract levels are because they don't take place in the main universe. They take place in the Tricker's universe of chaos and disorder.

It's one of the best games that's been made
This and Thief 2
Anyone disagrees with this post is a shitposter and need to be put down like a wild-animal

Oh, neat. I guess I'll have to play it someday.

Okay I'll bite
What do I download?
Thief 1 or 2?
And do I install any mods?

Yeah, I get what you're saying. Combined with the rest of the series, levels like this are out of place. In the other games, you're 100% a cat burglar who robs rich folk,so it's weird seeing Garrett act like Indiana Jones.

At the time though, I don't think that that's what they were going for exactly. I really do believe that they wanted to replicate some of that old tabletop stealth classes like rogues and such, so you had some more traditional dungeon crawls. Not all of these levels were great (seriously, fuck the Lost City), but the Bonehoard was so atmospheric and fun you have to agree that it was a fantastic mission.

1, make sure to get tafferpatcher. No mods needed.

Playing II first will spoil a plot twist. Plus it will be hard to go back to somewhat less refined controls if you got used to Thief II. It doesn't matter too much though; I played II first, and I enjoyed both tremendously.

The Lost City had some of the most memorable moments in the game for me. The climb to the top of the tower will be stuck in my mind for as long as I live.

So, I'm running The Sword for the first time.
Is this the job where everything goes to shit very suddenly and abruptly? Because it sure seems like that kind of job. I've entered the second floor twice already only to backtrack immediately, cause I don't want to deal with that shit until I clear out all normal rooms.

What is Dishonored?

It isn't identical nor does it live up to it, but it was made by some ex Looking Glass employees and even was guided by Warren Spector.

It isn't perfect, but probably is about as close as you can get. Doing the "no powers" mode in 2 was likely put in for this reason.

But I don't think you'll get an identical experience ever again.

I didn't even hit the second floor until I was ready to exit the mission. Go through the gardens, and don't worry about missing stuff too much. You'll probably end up back there towards the end anyway.

have only played Thief 2 (great) and Thief 3(decent). What are the main differences between 1 and 2?

>but it was made by some ex Looking Glass employees
Stop spreading this fucking myth


The run button automatically moves you forward instead of the run button + w and some of the levels are more "tomb raider-y."

Comparing games to Citizen Kane is silly. However Thief is the best game ever made.

Lost City is way better than most of Bonehoard, but I really love getting to the Horn and hearing the sound getting louder and louder.

classic tomb raider? that's not a bad thing, I loved those games.


It's a great thing!

I listen to this while I work

I hate linking polygon, but Harvey Smith and Raphael Colantonio most definitely worked with Looking Glass and a bunch of other studios.

Play Chaos Theory, the first 2 SC are linear hell and have forced action meme levels

the music of thief 1 and 2 is top comfy

This map and the sound spooked me as a kid.
Hearing it now with my 25 years still make me uncomfortable.

>"Doesn't belong in a Thief game"
>it's the third level in the first game in the entire series
>the game that literally defines what a "Thief game" is
I wish you TDP-hating cucks would kill yourselves.

>almost finished UU
>finished Thief 1
>finished Thief 2
>finished System Shock
>finished System Shock 2
>finished Arx Fatalis today

So... after that the free roaming dungeon crawling genre just fucking died or what?

I can't believe how dead this genre is.
Is Prey at least anything like these games?

And even if it is: Are there any fantasy dungeon crawlers like Arx/UU?

You might like Dark Messiah of Might and Magic, my man.

As a fan of all of those games and having played nuPrey I can tell you I liked it and thought it was pretty good. It captures the same sort of gameplay for a lot of it desu but the weapon and enemy variety is lacking unfortunately.

Prey 2017 is a decent System Shock successor.

>using the term "the Citizen Kane of..."
How pretentious can you get

>bad level design

Good job blowing your cover you fucking idiot.

>Harvey Smith, Terri Brosius, Austin Grossman, Emil Pagliarulo, Randy Smith, to name a fucking few

Played it till the part where you get inferno powers.

Twice. For some reason I always stop there.

GoOd joB BlOwiNG yoUr CoVeR yoU fucKinG IdIoT

Well, I tried to read it.
To my recollection, Smith was only a playtester on System Shock and Colantonio never actually worked at LGS, he just made good UUW fanfic in the form of Arx Fatalis. Aside from that there are a couple of writers from LG who worked on Arkane stuff but I think that user's point was that Arkane gets described as "ex Looking Glass employees" when it's more accurately "a small handful of minor ex Looking Glass employees plus dozens of other people". Nevermind that describing the company in terms of specific employees ignores the fact that LG's success had to do with more than the people who worked there, namely the time during which they were active.

how to out yourself as a 11 year old in ONE post

To name a few because there are few of them. Also, from cursory googling
>Randy Smith
Not credited for Dishonored.
>Emil Pagliarulo
Has worked at Bethesda since at least 2007, has no apparent direct connection to Arkane.

Back to twitter.

I always play it as much like Thief as possible, although I have tried the other classes and ways to play it. I find it the most fun as a Thief sim. It even has a light gem, rope arrows and Garrett's outfit

What hast thou...built..., user? When the time comes to review thy life, with The Master Builder afore thee, and the question is asked, 'What hast...thou...built,' what will thee say, poor user? For thou art a man of...destruction, 'Tis the biggest sin of all. Build thyself today a good...Thread!! That would please Him much!

And the fact that origin looked over their shoulder

Might wanna go back to 9gag/reddit with that shit you filthy pleb

How young are you?

What is this citizen kane meme?
i watched the film and I dont get what is suposed to mean when people say that expression

Universal praise.

What hast thou...pre-ordered..., user? When the time comes to review thy purchases, with your steam library afore thee, and the question is asked, 'What hast...thou...pre-ordered,' what will thee say, poor user? For thou art a man of...piracy, not...purchasing. 'Tis the biggest sin of all. Buy thyself today a good...Game!! That would please Todd much!

2 final levels of CT also have forced action memery

Citizen Kane introduced a lot of innovative cinematographic techniques that ended up becoming the staples of moviemaking for decades, so usually people refer to things as "Citizen Kane of..." if they changed the game in a major way.