Let's settle this once and for all

Let's settle this once and for all.
Stormcloaks or Imperials?



Imperials. If you think Stormcloacks, you're a cuck.

It's sad to say, but going for the Stormcloaks will literally just weaken the Empire and open Skyrim up for a goold ol' Mer invasion. Fuck the Empire itself, but it's the lesser of two evils. Stormcloaks will make Skyrim independant and strong, sure... for like a couple of years before it gets fucked in the ass by those sneaky, crafty elves.

Stormcloaks are the only logical option for the protagonist to join after the beginning of the game, though.

Stormcloaks. The Empire is doomed to fall.

Either. You can't make a wrong choice by design.
The goal is to end the war, as it weakens the region, and either choice ends the war.

>Mulatto imperialism vs Nord Nationalism.

This really shiggies my diggies. You want your fair haired daughter marrying a red guard? I sure don't.

I want the elves to win, so Stormcloaks.

The only ones who side with Imperials are morons and knife ear sympathizers.

Stormcloak is the only correct answer if you are a fan of the mannish races.

Neither, I remember one of the sides culminated with an "assault" on whiterun and I was fucking confused. Like, "this is it? The war theyve been hyping? Waves of five guys?" What a fucking disappointment and shitty engine. How any dev can play that back to themselves and deem it ok is insanity to me.

Daggerfall Covenant

Also Talos was a Breton ;^)

I would never join a group that tried to have me executed and works for the Thalmor. I don't care if they say they want to fight the Thalmor again after they beat the storm cloaks; if they were gonna do that then they already would have done it. Besides, with the Dragon born on their side, the Stormcloaks could start a new empire without disgusting elf scum.

Imperials, of course,

Ulimately both are fucked although the Stormcloaks' shit-stirring will probably make it easier for the Aldmeri in the long run, so Imperials.


if you want unity and strife you choose the empire.
if you wanna fuck your sister, you choose the lamecloaks.

redguards are strong capable warriors.
even more so than nords.

I want to marry a Khajiit girl and impregnate her with my human seed!

doesn't matter because the entire thing is poorly written and illogical. same reason it's not worth arguing over which ME3 ending was best.

Stormcloaks since they're perfectly within their rights telling an Empire trying to suppress their religion and that just wasted a tonne of their peoples lives in an ultimately pointless war to fuck off. I didn't actually help either side once I found out Jarl Balgruff wouldn't join you despite your standing in his court. As a middle man doing the best for his town he grew on me very quickly. In the end I just went for a ceasefire that heavily favored the Stormcloaks since Markarth was already in the back pocket of the Silver Bloods, who were Stormcloak sympathizers.

I was pissed off when I completed the first mission for the stormcloaks (getting ice wrath teeth) and it automatically failed the imperial quest. Must have been a spy under the table. Should have let you play both sides for a while until you were found out and then become public enemy.

Yes? Redguards are a proud warrior race with access to many secret sword techniques which could greatly strengthen the family's martial tradition. Besides since its my DAUGHTER all their children will be born strong pure blooded nords anyway.

site proof or never happned


>I would never join a group that tried to have me executed and works for the Thalmor
there is more to the politics than your petty life. lives of many innocent souls are at stake here. make your decision based on that.

>works for the Thalmor
they lost the war, and are upholding their side of the treaty. there is nothing wrong with that.

> if they were gonna do that then they already would have done it
the battle was a really close call. thalmor also got weakened quite a lot. the least thing empire needs is some rebels larping as nationalists to cause trouble. if they are to win against thalmor in another battle (which they can) they need to recover quickly stormcloacks are one of the biggest hurdles standing between empire and a victory against thalmor.

>Besides, with the Dragon born on their side, the Stormcloaks could start a new empire without disgusting elf scum.
canonically, dragonborn is not that strong. he is just a dude that can shout and kill dragons permanently. ulfric can also shout. if they can't wind the civil war with just ulfric on their side, what makes you believe that they can do it with two ulfrics?

>they lost the war, and are upholding their side of the treaty. there is nothing wrong with that.
There is when the treaty totally fucked over the rights of their loyalist provinces and was the exact same treaty that started the entire fucking war to begin with. Not to mention the terms the Empire agreed to were the exact same ones they denied to start the war to begin with AND they surrendered after a massive Imperial victory that cost thousands of Nord lives.

Yes, the true forbidden love would be male Nord/female Breton since any children would be sissy manlets who prance around and cast spells all day.

Given the Nords track record v Mer it would be unwise to bet against them in this fight.

The Empire has embarked on a mission to destroy a portion of the aforementioned mer wreckers because the AD told them they had to.

The answer is fairly obvious.

>There is when the treaty totally fucked over the rights of their loyalist provinces and was the exact same treaty that started the entire fucking war to begin with.
yes, they went to war over the treaty, as it was unacceptable. but they lost in the end. what were they supposed to do, fight on and lose what little they had remaining after the conflict? idealism is nice and all, but you also got to think realistically. it is better to surrender to fight another day than to send your people to a conflict they have no chance of winning.

>AND they surrendered after a massive Imperial victory that cost thousands of Nord lives.
thalmor was right outside the imperial city, what are you talking about?

No. By the end of the Battle of the Red Ring all of the Dominions mainland forces were wiped out. It was the first time the Dominion had been in such a compromised situation since the start of the war which is why they were willing to agree to any form of treaty that wasn't a complete surrender.

Lets settle this once and for all.

Greymane or Battleborn?


Elves don't want to rule over mankind, they want to ecterminate it. All the stormcloaks accomplish is a successful divide and conquer campaign by the elves and a complete genocide of anything that isn't mer.

it seems the game is pushing you to join the Stormcloacks so it's probably the canon one

>Being a stormcuck
>Actually believing you are fighting for yourself and not being made a pawn
>Thinking you are standing up the Thalmor when you are doing exactly what they want
Inb4 b-but we were going to turn on them later
Nords are the niggers of Elder Scrolls

Imperials every time

It's not like New Vegas, where each faction has something great about them (yes, even Caesar's Legion) where you have to weigh it with its negatives and decide which one you think is best for the Mojave.

In Skyrim, both factions suck, and you have to decide which one you think sucks a little less. I don't understand how people can be vehemently pro-Stormcloak or pro-Empire the way people can be vehemently pro-Yes Man or pro-House.

Honestly, I think they pushed the Stormcloaks due to incompetence and not by design. I think that they wrongly thought the intro gave a fair shake to both sides. The canon could go either way, really.