Tell me what's wrong with playing smash "competitively" (aka no items, stages without hazards and 1vs1)

Tell me what's wrong with playing smash "competitively" (aka no items, stages without hazards and 1vs1)

It's for gays.

Why do you need justification from anonymous people on the internet? If you enjoy playing Smash competitively you shouldn't care what people think.

I frankly have no problems with people playing ANY game competitively, no matter how stupid it is, it's Smashfags' attitudes towards other people and games and behaviors in general that piss people off.

Go take a fucking shower.

Nothing, but it can be a pain in the arse as far as other players are concerned so be considerate. Items can be a great way of leveling the playing field when you've got newbies in the mix remember.

From what I understand people from the FGC have shit on Meleefags ever since the inception of their competitive scene. How is their attitude the problem?

The game isn't designed for it. You're talking about 1v1 with different attack speed options in a FFA format. That's just ignorant.

But if that's how you get your jollies, and you don't let it affect you social life, hygiene, or attitude towards others, who the fuck cares?

its not. Smashfags dont act any particular way towards anyone else. They just smell bad. The rest of the FGC think and talk about Smash community way more than Smash thinks or talks about anyone.

Its fucking weird

This pretty much. I don't hear about the Smash scene criticizing other fighting games. I've seen quite a few anons saying they booed GG players, but others have said that they were booing the announcement that Melee would be delayed, not the players. There's also quite a few conflicting posts; People in the FGC want Smash to use traditional fighting game terms, but they also don't want it to be accepted as a fighting game.

Nothing's wrong with playing smash "competitively," the problem is when you get angsty over people who *aren't* playing competitively.

yeah it was because the TO's were really disorganized. They were already behind schedule and then Melee got delayed another hour. Of course it got ran like some kind of attack on the FGC from smash players. Like I said the FGC's behavior towards smash is fucking weird. Its like identity politics tier shit

I dont know anyone gay who plays it.. I'm a cute small blue-eyed guy and this world is so tough.. the smash community is straight, skinny-fat or fat-fat autists.

Every single Peach main is either fat, gay, or fat and gay.

Didn't a tournament competitor pulled out at the last minute because he couldn't find a controller with a very specific factory defect?

Smash is a game for children. Only insecure manchildren with crippling social anxiety would ever play Smash like that. Case and point, you seeking validation in an anonymous Vietnamese basket weaving forum.

Sorry Kenny, I know a lot of peach players who are none of that.

Yeah that was Armada, he's a turbo autist who refuses to use any controller that's not his own.

ruins the fun. Smash is better for casual parties

It's not "wrong" but it is stupid as fuck to be serious about playing it competitively. Smash is a party game and a bit of a sandbox for how you can play it. You've got a million options for how you wanna customize shit. Choosing your preferred playstyle is fine but when you lock out like 85% of the game and say that's how it should be played you're just being a bit of a shithead.


Sadly the FGC has been reduced to playing flavor of the month games with no longevity.

Smash has been around for 15 years. They're bound to be envious of the longevity it has enjoyed. It is far more developed than any of the current popular fighting games.

Well theres DoH who is a fat gay guy who kinda looks like Elijah Wood.

And then there is MacD.

Armada seems pretty straight and not fat at all.

Street Fighter 2 had a lot of longevity, it was at EVO for years. But I find it a bit hypocritical, because a lot of people were mad that Smash is taking up two slots at EVO, when EVO has had up to three Street Fighter games in the past.

>It is far more developed than any of the current popular fighting games.
That condescension of fighting games is part of the bad attitude, especially for fighting games that haven't even been part of this "envious" attitude you would try to ascribe to them.

So you smell bad, act like idiots, masturbate over someone's furniture, spaz out in a hotel about the lack of inputs on a hotel TV to connect your Gamecube to, whine about how you need VIP rooms, pine for fucking higher commentator salaries, and try to vindicate your lousy attitude toward other games and fans of those games and all you do is forfill what people perceive of you as if that shows them for saying things, and many of the games you downtalk aren't even trying to get involved with you but you throw them under the bus. Just look at KOF for example, which you just threw under the bus implicitly with your comment.

So frankly take your shitty attitude and shove it up your ugly ass, Baltimore.

It's a shame that there probably won't be another fighter with the longevity SF2 had. Its great that the devs are putting all sorts of money into tournaments, but its a double edged sword because now they want to always sell you the next version of their game.

By being so against competitive Melee, Nintendo has more or less ensured its longevity as a competitive game. There can be no sequel to dethrone it.

It's fun and people aren't allowed to have fun here

I don't see anything wrong with it. Then again, I play Smash a lot, so maybe I'm just biased.

I just wish Meleefags and Sm4shfags weren't constantly at each other's throats.

>That condescension of fighting games is part of the bad attitude, especially for fighting games that haven't even been part of this "envious" attitude you would try to ascribe to them.

Seems like you took this the wrong way. Not trying to shit on other games. Its more just that there are very few games being played competitively that can compare with Melee in terms of longevity. Marvel 3 and SF4 had great runs for sure. So did SF2. But now they're gone and who knows what the next definitive FG title is going to be?

absolutely nothing. play what you want

Of course I would take it the wrong way, because there are so many people who already say things like "Melee is deeper than every other fighting game" so development is going to sound like that.

People sometimes wonder why meleefags "don't play traditional fighting games (read: sfv)". The explanation is simple: meleefags haven't moved on from garou, vf4, kof98, sfiit, etc.

nothing, its the comunity, its disgusting ego little shit, manchildren screaming virgins of shit, spinless poop eater and poop attackers shit.
that wrong.
they are worst than fnaf fans.

Most Melee players are normal people in their mid 20s, pushing 30.

The game came out in 2001. The whole "they're all children" meme is not factual at all.