>easy allies
>having fun
>good insights
>giant bomb
>actively sucking the atmosphere dry of fun. the best you get from 5/6ths of them is raised eyebrows
>someone literally shushes the only guys who's hyped
why is giant bomb so, so, so shit
>easy allies
>having fun
>good insights
>giant bomb
>actively sucking the atmosphere dry of fun. the best you get from 5/6ths of them is raised eyebrows
>someone literally shushes the only guys who's hyped
why is giant bomb so, so, so shit
Other urls found in this thread:
>caring about retarded youtube e-""""celebs""""
sure is generation Z in here
what it like being 14
>I hate fun.
I like to have fun playing games, not getting hyped over e-celebs losing their minds like they're a preteen at marketing material.
But Giant Bomb were having a great time with Mario Odyssey
>I hate fun.
This. YouTube and e-celebs are the worst thing that happened to gaming.
Dumbed audiences,
made Minecraft popular,
encouraged Camwhores,
make more awful memeshit like Siivagunner or Game Theory,
I can't think of one good thing about e-celebs.
>drinking game with a johnny depp impersonator and live band, totally impossible to hear anything of the shows
>Rooster Teeth
>nothing but obnoxious hype making it totally impossible to hear anything of the shows
Both are shit. Rooster Teeth is more shit however. Also, this thread is not video games.
>that visible discomfort from Kyle and Huber when Ben and Brad were discussing Senran Kagura
>ecelebs are fun
These are industry veterans.
Jeff in particular has seen over 15 E3's.
after at least 4 mario "Revivals" how can you possibly be excited.
>senran kagura is presented by Ben
>chat has an SJW meltdown
Holy shitwas that painful to watch
I just need to stop watching ecelebs period, is not healthy.
It's okay when Nintendo rehashes.
go fuck yourself, easy allies, buy a banner if you want to advertise here
Really nigger ? Way to be dismissive and reductive. I've never seen such arguments about rehashing, even with the blatant sameness on some franchises that are nearing their 5, even 7 iteration. Really makes you think, uh
man, how new are you?
I literally came from Reddit.
>Mario pops out of a fucking dinosaur
>Dan gets excited
>That bald guy immediately gets frustrated and tells him to stop
That was hilarious to watch. It's like they're actively trying to be jaded assholes, but even they eventually crumble and start getting hyped up because the trailer was so damn good.
bye jeff
Because Dan's "hype" is worthless flailing and mumbling over important bits. It happened a lot during the streams.
I just watched it, even Jeff laughed out loud, I don't think hes even smiled since Ryan died.
What's the story here? Who's Ben? I love SJW meltdowns
Why the fucking fuck are you watching someone watching the stream if you're there for information?
I liked Best Friends' and MatthewMatosis's reactions.
Would I like either of these two?
>"liking" somebodys "reaction"
jesus fucking christ
Are you stupid? I'm saying Dan's retarded mewling is so loud it doesn't let the other guys listen. That's why he get shushed like the dumb baby he is.
Ben is part of Easy allies he is the "weeb" of the group.
While presenting it even the other people at the table were poking fun at him and calling it a game for pervs, chat went nuclear with tons of >this is so creepy >pls next game
Specially after the trailer was being shown on the screen at the same time
There was a tiny minority in chat defending it and the female mods got really pissed, Brad also played it and Brad gf is one of the mods and she even called him out
The whole thing went on for a while even after they moved to other games.
>MatthewMatosis's reaction
>He didn't react to Mario Odyssey at all
>He admitted that he closed his eyes during the trailer and only heard the music
>When he was going over E3 in his stream, the chat had a fucking meltdown because there were people waiting for hours to hear his thoughts on Odyssey, only for him to say he didn't watch the trailer and has no plans to see any more of the game until it's out
>Spills minor spaghetti while apologizing and realizing he probably should have said something to start with
Matt's autism is adorable.
GB thinks everything is "weird" and acts as if trivial shit is so odd and strange to them.
With that being said I watch both, though conference reveals are clearly not GB's thing.
Maybe they should watch it alone in their room if discussion is so unimportant to them.
>Calling Easy Allies e-celebs
>Not knowing who they are
>L&R tho
so what are they then?
>want them to discuss things
>when a retard stopped them from hearing the information to discuss
You have to be at least 18 in order to post here.
Their community is so pathetic, jesus. I get most of the guys are SJW-lite, but at least they don't let it influence them all that much.
Their treatment of The Last Night was painful, thou.
>hey guys lets discuss what we are seeing
>chat has an SJW meltdown
Most of them were fine with it and even joking along with how uncomfortable Kyle looked.
>MatthewMatosis's reactions
shit was up years before youtube ,it was that or yahoo videos for good ol vidya gaem in motion on the interwebs.
Oh god yeah I forgot about the last night shit
Ian refusing to talk about it didnt surprise me but that even Kyle ignored it on purpose at the end what the fuck was that?
It hurt.
More like
>oh that looks intere-
e-celebs then
Seriously. No idea what that nigger is talking about. People in chat liked it.
You must live in an alternate reality, then again I watched it on replay while pausing and reading every comment, trust me most people hated it specially the mods.
>It's another episode of EZAfags being obsessed with Giant Bomb
What the fuck is up with you weirdos? I'm sorry we don't find your fags amusing. Move on with your lives.
>man, things sure are shit
>I know, I'll just watch people faking excitement over shit
That a nice split second of the chat. The cunts of the chat talked about how uncomfortable it made them and sexualization/objectification.
When did this happen? Would like to see it.
>watching people watch things
>needing someone else to tell you what you think of something
These e-celebs are not your friends. I repeat, THEY ARE NOT YOUR FRIENDS. You need to get out there and actually talk to people so you don't need these surrogate friends.
Play some video games. Talk to people. You can talk to people about video games you know.
Missing the point, its a friends simulator.
During their day 2 impressions I believe, or was it day 1? Fuck they are really long streams and I forgot
I usually just go see my friends for that
Good for you but there are a lot of people that have none for various reasons and the human brains craves for human interaction.
Im also not defending it Im explaining it, Im trying to quit ecelebs
>easy allies
>it's a no Jones episode
>bunch of people in a small room trying to watch the announcement
>one person cheers out really loud so you cant hear anything and is pretty distracting
>they shut them up because of that
yeah, i bet youre one of those faggots that cheers and claps during a movie in the theaters.
you can still be excited for something without openly expressing yourself out loud. save that shit when its over.
like the other thread that was showing the E3 nintendo direct at the nintendo store.
the fucking apes were constantly cheering and hollering during that mario odyssey gameplay trailer.
I bet none of them even heard the catchy theme song because of that. I would have been fucking pissed if I was there.
still wanna know if blood or brad won
>while pausing and reading every comment
I'm glad I'm not pathetic as this guy
Ben discussing SK? When was this?
those games are fun, people need to get over their hatred of anime tiddy
obviously Brad won
I'm convinced this thread is filled with the gay
Watch the bets again, it's not even a question.
>Jeff in particular has seen over 15 E3's.
You can go to 15 E3's and still enjoy the 16th.
>wants to present the game hence the game is bigger
>wants to present themselves also there's a game for ants
EZA doesn't like games.
Dan is secretly one of the best Allies.
hype is not fun, it is dissapointment
ANyone noticed how confident Bloodworth got suddenly? Making jokes and delivering sick burns etc
Don't feel like doing the tally, but I heard that Blood won, right?
Good I hope Dan goes away and join fake hype allies
He has embraced the smug it seems.
If you wanted to watch the conference that much more than see reactions, then you'd just watch the conference stream itself.
The point of re-streaming it and giving reactions is to have reactions. If the reactions are barely visible then why bother?
I liked GT and wish Easy Allies all the best, but its fanbase is becoming obnoxious here by constantly drawing terrible comparison to Giantbomb.
I'm sorry I insulted your fake hype friends
>specially the mods.
The mods are the (second) worst people in the community generally speaking due to their egotripping
mate that shit was 45 minutes, I loved it but I'm not plopping that much time down again when a results special's gonna be out in a week or two anyway.
>needing other people's reactions
That's so sad.
He's still really autistic.
Their fanbase is absolutely ridiculous. Biggest hugbox I've seen in a long time.
Blood's probably the most important behind the scenes due to his connections and all that. Awkward as hell on camera (though he's coming out of his shell a bit lately) but probably the chillest guy too. I dunno if I'd put him in my top 3 but he's definitely up there.
Why would you ever take EZA seriously. Not even developers do. Its why they all went to GB's late nite E3 interviews.
His photography bit at the concert was so goddamn charming.
I'm half tempted to watch those Mother/Earthbound streams even though I hate the games just because of how much he likes them. I mean it's kinda like Kyle and his dumb games. I don't give a shit about Tail of the Sun, but Kyle made that game into something special.
I hope no one does. The fake enthusiasm is really cringy
Kyle playing Megaman legends is like watching a 5yo playing his first videogame. How can a person be so happy.
The only full playthrough of them I've seen was Kyle's Pokepark one, it was so nice.
Ultima Brad: 10 points
Cold Blooded: 3 points
That L&R shit is a huge part of everything wrong with them and this E3 finally made me unsub after months of not watching their content.
Criticism is very important but it just gets shot down by the autistic fans and buried.
pokepark has no right being that comfy. still waiting on pokepark 2.
also watch the full playthrough of pokemon tcg2 because that game is good shit
I always thought the whole point of a phrase like "love and respect" was basically, don't be a dick and try to meet each other halfway. Not "if you don't agree with the groupthink you aren't welcome here."
>tfw no return to Bosman vs Huber bets
Internet doesn't consist solely of Youtube.
I think that is what it's supposed to mean but the fans took it too far. I feel EZA should have told them to stop it and stamped that behaviour out early on but now it's too late.
Giant Bomb has a man leading the group who's BEEN leading the journalism side of video games for more than 20 years...and he's good at it. Jeff is charismatic and friends, really friends, with fuckin' everybody even after higher ups fired him from his senior position more than a decade ago for not giving popular games perfect scores. It's a site with a lot of integrity and is fine telling people a game does or doesn't make them enthusiastic.
Giant Bomb as a whole has 10 years of Quick Looks, Stage Shows, UPFs, reviews, GotYs, Podcasts, Demo Derby, Endurance Runs, specials like Mario Party Party/Metal Gear Scanlon/Film & 40s/Jar Time with Jeff/Breaking Brad, E3 Live attendance and not just watching a stream from their bedroom or office with headphones on, staffing, forums, a community putting together "best ofs" for years numbering in the hundreds, wiki page hosting for nearly 60,000 games and as a CBS affiliate along with Gamespot they host enormous numbers of trailers and promotional materials.
It definitely isn't
>so, so, so shit
>Beach house weekend stream
Reminder that nintendo fanboys are not actually video game fans and shouldn't even be posting on this board. Anyone older than 21 should realize by now that Nintendo stopped making solid consecutive content after Yamauchi stepped back in 2002; ergo continuing to get irrationally hype over Nintendo products is a mark of the newfag wannabe-gamer.
I don't give a fuck, I don't watch either of these groups, I'm just pointing out how retarded your logic is.
I quite clearly said in that post that if you don't want reactions (like I don't), you would watch the main streams anyway. Which I do.
Are you both incapable of reading something without thinking you have to respond with some sort of epic comeback?