Oh no, did you cringe? I'm sorry such an awful thing happened to you, hope you feel better soon

Oh no, did you cringe? I'm sorry such an awful thing happened to you, hope you feel better soon.

Other urls found in this thread:


>a bunch of children sperg at games

Huh OP I'm sure you never did that.

>tfw you unironically love these kind of crowd reaction videos
Its just fun, specially if the game turned out to be shit and those people were probably disappointed in the future

Things like the Metroid Prime 4 reaction are understandable, but they scream at every shit that pops in the screen.

If anything this gives me hope. E3 is supposed to be fun and not only has a lot of the video games industry gone to shit but a lot of you have become too cynical to be excited for anything.

People genuinely cheering out of joy and hype is the purest example of what video games used to be and should be. I remember being excited at seeing gameplay and knowing it was what I was getting but now these days there's too much lying and bait and switching out there.

where's the cringey part?

I attribute that to a lot of that to how amerifags clap at everything though.
>plane lands
>amerifats clap
>movie ends
>amerifats clap
>king kong comes back after getting his ass wooped
>amerifats clap

Can the pilot hear the audience clapping? If so, I think that's a time where it's worth the clapping.

the audience, I meant the passengers

This is what happens when you are surrounded by autism, your own autism becomes more visible

>all the niggers and autists hooting during Metroid Prime 4 title reveal
>Mario politely clapping

>the chatter on the 4 logo
>the explosion when Metroid Prime logo shows up
Goddamn that feels good

The intro was the best part desu

I thought it was to save money? I mean, spergs like that dont attend the actual event. I dont remember the audience being so autistic in the past.

Speak for yourself, I genuinely miss when Nintendo did press conferences.

Imagine the sheer thunderous applause if Smash 4's Mega Man reveal was shown on a real stage at E3.

>That Yugioh Intro

That was fucking awesome. ahahaha

>a bunch of children
*adult male virgins with aspergers

probably depends on the size of the plane

Black Guile's stream was much more hype

maybe, sure but at the end of the day he's just doing his job correctly. 80% of the reason planes go down is because something is wrong with the plane mechanically.

Are there no white people in New York?

So this entire board then? Regardless I see 15-17 year olds.

Just in pussy ass brooklyn


I count at least 4 white people at any given timestamp.

>new york
>major city
>seeing any kind of majority white people

Have you ever been outside of whatever suburb or countryside you live in?

This. It's fuckin hype

>he thinks there are no white cities

What's wrong here? People having fun and looking forward to games?

>Nintendo conference
>people excited for video games

>Sony conference
>yawning, the occasional golf clap, people staring at their phones instead



Goldeneye remake. Holy shit what a flop. Then there are great reactions to games that did well, like Melee.



>the moment when they high five each other like they accomplished something

Kek, still fucking cool too see shit like that

every single black person was there for a smash port, right?

>bunch of adults cheering over video games
Pretty pathetic, honestly

>nintendo conference
this was just at the nintendo store in NY you shitposting moron.

>the cringe
I'm cringing that you of all people are trying to call this cringe.

>that fucking cheer at the words Metroid Prime showing up
Made those two niggas bowing at the Sony conference look weird as fuck.

>That YuGiOh intro
Top tier

Yeah, how dare those people be all happy and excited and passionate about their hobby!

They should be cynical and want everything to fail, like us true gamers here at Sup Forums.

What's pathetic is that you'll never know what it's like to be as passionate and excited about anything in your life like they are.

Thats why its Black Guiles stream and not just Guiles stream

People call him that, yes

No just jews and their shitskin servants

hype? YOU HYPE?

This looks like something I would make in GTA.

Your not alone user.

I mean, they don't have signs that say "AUDIENCE CHEERS".

Instead they have hype moments like this at 30 seconds in: youtube.com/watch?v=YlDROoGqfr8

Me on the left.

>if you aren't an easily impressed manchild with nothing in his life besides video games you're not passionate about anything
Pretend you're not a manchild now, fag

Nintendo doesn't do conferences because it's a colossal pain in the ass. I much prefer their digital events followed by the treehouse.

>watching reaction videos featuring less than six people
Six is the point where you stop holding back, its when things get really fun

>being excited about things is cringe.


there was footage from the audience, for some reason the video disappeared


>entire conference was a snoreferest
>those two guys at the audience
how embarrassing

The reactions might be a bit much, but it still shows that Nintendo actually had a presentation worth getting excited for.
The other conferences had some cool stuff in them, but most of it was just one huge snorefest. E3 in general has been unusually weak.

Meanwhile at a bullshit tournament where there were no stakesand everyone had already seen a part of Megaman's final smash in his announcement trailer:

Yeah, no. You can be passionate about anything, and these guys still have the ability to be passionate. It just so happens that in this circumstance, that's videogames. You're one of those pseudointellectual idiots who believes that showing emotion about anything is weak and "cringey". Just the use of "manchild," one of the most worthless and meaningless buzzwords, proves as much.

To be fair that final smash does hold a lot of hype
>bringing dead megas from franchises capcom forgot about

In Europe sure but have you ever been in ameristan? Let alone any city that isn't in the south?

I don't get it.
Why not call him "le black gamer"?

Why are you here, normie?

>You're one of those pseudointellectual idiots who believes that showing emotion about anything is weak and "cringey"
Only if it's over toys or entertainment.

You're probably just a melodramatic faggot irl

Cringe is pretty cringe desu senpai

because we aren't reddit you faggot.

>People excited for new games
>C-C-Cringe amarite guys? xDDD

Ninty fans get excited for games.

Micro fans get excited for games.

Sony fans get excited for movies.

Really makes you think.

No, I'm just not an antisocial autistic NEET.

>we aren't reddit
>precedes to post a reddit cartoon
Really gobbles the turkey

>restricts use of reaction images because of source
full fledged autism

This is literally why so much of the AAA companies churn out garbage now. The passion is gone and people don't give a shit about what they churn out anymore and you dumb niggers not only encourage this type of apathy but then also question why so many games these days are shit. Why the fuck would you want to play a game made by people who don't walk into work every day loving what they do?

These people who love video games are the same people who you should want to grow up and make video games with passion.

People aren't satisfied with fun anymore thats why AAA devs do nothing but throw gigantic explosions and swearing and all sorts of dumb over kill shit like even celebrity likenesses to try and hype people.

Nice try turning it around, sperg.

Damn, dude, that's... sad. Not a sigle kid there. Nothing but 20 and 30-something year olds hyped for Mario 3DWorld 2.


Well calling him Guile makes no sense because Guile is white...

Is that really the best you can do? I'm sorry your low effort bait attempt to feel good about yourself failed.

You think they may be calling him that is because Guile's defining trait is his hair and not because he's white?

They had VIP access.

>reddit cartoon

I'm struggling to find anything to respond to this with. Its honestly really hard. You're backed into a corner so hard you can do nothing more than criticize his image.

You understand that reddit talks about the same games we do right?

Says the faggot who resorted to 'y-you're just an autistic neet!'

You're probably the kind of guy that makes exaggerative posts about how a video game ending made you cry, or how you've never been more angered in your life than when a sequel to a game you liked isn't as good

You argument doesn't make any sense.
What about Kid n Play?
They had the same gay ass hair and they were black.
Black people do not look like white people, sorry for your luck.

I too take my BING BING WAHOOO's very seriously, user. It's a shame these... 'people' (if we can call them that) have fallen for the modern 'gaming' meme.

I weep for this world of sheep and gullible fools.

Resorted to? It's pretty obvious that you don't interact with people much on a daily basis and posted in this thread to feel better about yourself by laughing at supposed "manchildren". Also, nice projection at the end there.

I have never seen anybody clap for the ending of a movie or while being on a plane

>pretty obvious that you don't interact with people much on a daily basis
Because I called manchildren out for being manchildren. You're reaching really hard, buddy.

Seeing that video, now I know why the Nintenbabbies are so mad about Monster Hunter World. Quite a few thought that the beginning of the Mario trailer was going to be Monster Hunter on the Switch. Shit's gotta sting when you find out MH's going to be elsewhere.

Thats all you have? You argue like reddit, like a fucking normie.

Look buddy, you already seemed pretty pathetic before with your shitty attempt to feel superior and included, but it's just getting pitiful now. Go do something with your life instead of only shitposting on Sup Forums all day long over interacting with real people.



Yeah, so so mad.

>MHW announced the day before
>Switch still has a MH

Remember the fucking no clapping no sound blunder of the Sony conference.
People LITERALLY sleeping and looking down.
That's cringe.

>People use to get like this in past E3s
>Now, you barely get any reactions from the audience during the live stream at the actual event of E3
Man, that's something

It's the same as the 3DS version. Monster Hunter World is the next step and something every MH fan has been waiting for for a long time.

Etika is genuinely one of the most obnoxious youtube faggots out there. He's a (somehow) more annoying Markiplier. What kind of an autist actually enjoys that fake friend substitute over reacting bullshit?

>le cringe xDDDD
Back to r'eddit with you

>monster hunter world's monster design is so bland that almost everybody mistook a regular t-rex in a mario trailer for the new flagship
I'm still gonna play it on PC but goddamn