Nintendo remakes two old games, they add new content and gameplay mechanics

>Nintendo remakes two old games, they add new content and gameplay mechanics

>Sony remakes a game that got an HD port last gen, doesn't add anything new, just a new coat of paint

I'm a Sonygga but fuck, why is Sony so fucking lazy?

>Nintendo remakes two old games with shit graphics and has to change the games because the originals are outdated

>Sony remakes a classic to a new generation with the phenomenal graphics but keeps the game as is because its already perfect and still one of a kind even today.

Im a Nintennigger and like Sonys approach better.

>>Nintendo remakes two old games with shit graphics and has to change the games because the originals are outdated

Only Metroid is the only one that is kinda outdated because it's old as fuck, Mario & Luigi is still playable and fun.

Both of you are falseflagging retards

I like both kinds of remasters because they appeal in different ways and I liked both games beforehand.

Nintendo's remakes are outsourced
This has nothing to do with being lazy

They also have to deal with fan backlash for making shitty Metroid and Mario RPG games that people hated so much it could have killed the series

The is LITERALLY no excuse for not putting the cut colossi in the game.
Even worse than when Nintendo remade Wind Waker without including the cut dungeons.
Fuck Sony.

>They also have to deal with fan backlash for making shitty Metroid and Mario RPG games that people hated so much it could have killed the series
Does this mean Nintendo might one day remake Paper Mario or TTYD as a way to make up for SS/CS?

The reason they are ot including the cut colossi is because a new SoTC is in the works.

>phenomenal graphics
>looks like a unity game

>Sony remakes a game that got an HD port last gen, doesn't add anything new
Is this confirmed? I mean there was A LOT of cut content during SotC's development and they could easily add some of that.

Already confirmed it won't have any new content.

Aonuma said they used those dungeons in later games. Up to you to guess which ones.

Ueda is not working on the Remake and he said in an interview if he were ever part of one he would change the story most likely and add the cut colossi or something along those lines.

>Sony got it right the first time, Nintendo didn't

It's that simple.

Sad read that, I've always wanted to fight something like pic related

Sony doesn't give a fuck about you. You are nothing more than an online fee to them. You demonstrated this time and time again.

I don't care what people say.

I'm extremely exited to play SOTC HD.
The ps3 port was like playing it on PCSX2 on a weak machine.

They're keeping the remake very faithful to the original, thats what matters to me.

I was a nintendo fanboy until the Wii, SOTC was the only game that made me wish i owned a PS2 when i owned a gamecube

>Nintendo ups the graphics from 0.01 to 0.01

>SoTC ups the graphics from 1 to 4.

what about the fps? still 30?


If they made a collectors edition for the remastered SOTC I'd buy it.

well Tanabe did say the whole Sticker Star/Color Splash stuff is over

but this doesn't mean RPG Paper Mario and the OCs stuff is coming back

also, if people demand it, a HD redo of TTYD or PM64 could be possible according to Tabata

>nintendo doesn't respect the originals and changes them for a modern audience
>ie. the Special Editions of Star Wars

>sony respects the original and doesn't change it for a modern audience
>ie. the hammy despecialized editions of Star Wars

>that entire second answer

Look at that Valus though

>Tanabe literally avoid answering the second question