ITT: Games that could have been great

ITT: Games that could have been great.

I'll start.

Perhaps I'm naive, but I felt like it could have had a shot.

It definitely had a shot, then they realized they completely and totally misread their target demographic because they listened to their target demographic.
>Dude, we want a hardcore MMO in the vein of Vanilla WoW and Everquest, but in space!
>Okay, here it is!
>Oh god dude, why is there this insane grind just to get to end-game!?
>80% of their launch playerbase abandons it within 3 months

I'm weep for Evolve, it was my most anticipated game of 2014.

What's even more sad is that the developers, Turtle Rock, conceived their ideas for Evolve long after Left4Dead. Imagine finally having the resources to realize your dream, only to have to crash and burn in the end.

inb4 the Evolve autist loses his shit for two hours 'cause someone says the game had a shit DLC plan.

For me its Armored Warfare.

Could have been better than Wot.

This was actually NCSoft's fault more than anything.

The game was actually very, very good, but it was rushed. They STILL hadn't figured out how they wanted to handle PvP stats by the time the game had launched.

It was a good game that was basically a perfect storm of failure.

Anything by NCSoft is related to this thread main topic.

I can't believe how the amount of advertising this game got. There were train stations absolutely covered in posters.

Evolve was great though, after they took out that weird unlock system.

I fucking hate gamers.

>"Casuals and SJWs are ruining the industry."
>"Enemy kills you in one hit? Fucking bullshit. This game sucks. Uninstalling."
>"Hard? Only retards play anything above Normal. Fuck bullet sponges. The AI doesn't even change."

One of the most fun MP games I've played this gen, too bad they blew it.

Red pill me? Never heard of it.

Three paragraphs, please. Apply yourself.


Armored Warfare IS better than WoT, it's just that people are so invested into WoT they refuse to switch, so now AW is dead.

Very sad

Honestly I hate it when higher difficulties only turn enemies into bullet sponges while they kill you in 2 hits. Where's the fun if it doesn't actually get any harder?

Yeah, too bad Publisher went full jewish and fired the devs.

also Fallout 4

>Combat is so fun
>Servers are so shit
>No team ranked mode
>No content and just microtransactions
>Unbalanced until too late

>But the combat was just fun

>Tfw World of tanks is a safe space game now
Even when i spent $80 in the game and 30k battles this made me quit the game.

Then why can't you beat that shit?

Checkmate, retard.

Only series that legit have bullet sponges are The Elder Scrolls and Fallout.

Many RPGs are definitely bullshit, but 95% of all action games are fun as fuck on Hard/Very Hard.

Aw man but it is true, Evolve and its universe, characters and lore are top fucking notch and FUN

Yet they fucked up with the pricing and out of the gate DLCs.They took so many bad decisions all around.

Homefront the revolution. It had Free Radical/Crysis devs working on it, it could have been good but it had a horrible launch and plenty cut content.

A world of tank battles seems like a highly unsafe space by definition.

Best shitty game ever, though. Legit.

Cursing and "Harrasing" is now a bannable offence instead of just a chat ban now.
All chat got removed because it hurts people feelings, this is literally what patch notes said.
Forums are censored now.

Battlefield 1

It may be a shitty game, but it was the shitty game that tried

>Honestly I hate it when higher difficulties only turn enemies into bullet sponges while they kill you in 2 hits. Where's the fun if it doesn't actually get any harder?

Because they are lazy ass devs and the game was not very good from the ground up.

One GAME has RULES and making it harder is to tighten up the RULES to make you, the player, get better at whatever the game is challenging you to do.

Bullet sponges and instant deaths are crutches for the game when it's obvious it has no setup of rules in it. Like any CoD-like higher difficulties: The AI stays the same but now the HITSCANS deal 200% more damage and are more accurate with no way to react other than turtle around.

I always thought Homefront games were stupid redneck amurrican's fear simulator and since i'm not murrican i couldn't but shove it away like an inside joke.

If Break Down had been released on PC it would have almost surely gotten a sequel, and probably multiple. It would definitely be a fondly remembered 'cult classic', at the least, creating the possibility for a surprise revival at any time. Instead, because of arbitrary DRM-OS PC exclusivity, it's next-to-extinct.

asymmetrical pvp just doesn't work. the closest there has ever been is Left4Dead Versus mode, which was fun enough, but even then it was an entirely optional mode and the game still had a definite lifespan.

EVOLVE was fucked from the start because a 5 v 1 competitive mode as the entirety of a game is fucking retarded. There was no way for it wind up any way but it did. So, no, it never could have been great. It was inherent shit.

>EVOLVE's only game mode was the 4v1
This is definitely a bone of contention with me too.
>Charging $60 for a MP-only game that is extensively repetitive
>Charging $60 for shitty DLC across 2 separate "Hunting Season" passes
>Literally none of this adds any form of SP story mode when the idea behind the game would be a great setup for a semi-episodic structure focusing on fleshing out each character and a more for-fun set of Monster campaigns about fucking up a human base

>Make a true-ish RTS/MOBA hybrid
>You control 3 "rigs" that are mechs with MOBA like abilities each one at the same time
>Like Lost Vikings on HotS
>BUT it's oriented in 1v1 matches, (3v3 rigs)

>Community misses the point, they want a mode that lets 3 people control 1 rig, turning it in just a very simple fucking MOBA
>Others want to play Classic BUT with 2 or 3 commanders in each team, (each commander = 3 rigs)
>Devs cave in to the lowest common denominator

>Game is now just another MOBA
>Still no 3v3 or 4v4 classic mode on the horizon
>Nobody really wants to play 1v1 even though the devs are really pushing it because it's unbalanced and loot box dependant of "rig pieces"

>Dead as dead

All of Ubisoft games.

All of EA's games after Bad Company 2. Battlefield 3 Karkand map was ok, but the rest sucked.

Red Orchestra 2, Rising Storm 1 & 2

Max Payne 3

Soldier of Fortune Payback

Duke Nukem Forever

Countr-Strike Global Offensive

All of Bethesda games except Dishonored 1


Fuck this shit. I could go on for hours.

Let's say everything after Half-Life 2.


Hey. I Play 1v1

also Twisted Metal for PS3


Red pill me, nigger.

I'm still mad.

what was wrong with this? I had a blast in the online multiplayer, even if i only played it occasionally at my friends house.

Haven't preordered anything, or gotten excited about a title since.




It was a MOBA, and the devs went to EA for publishing. It was in open beta for a few months, started building up its playerbase, and was in the middle of its first official tournament when EA announced they were pulling the plug.

There are some rumors about why it happened. Supposedly, EA hated the the idea of "free to play", but agreed to publish anyway. They let it coast for a little while, and when it "failed to live up to expectations", they killed it and took the IP and assets.

>friends hyped me up on this broken piece of garbage months before release
>convinced me to get it day one
>its concentrated ass and they didnt even get it
never trusted them or their garbage taste in videogames again
>mfw theyre trying to convince themselves that friday the 13th is worth it

Fuck. EA strikes again.


IT was an EA published MOBA but the devs poured their heart and soul into it and was shaping to be very good

EA killed them early because they didn't got LoL numbers. It was truly heartbreaking to read the last days letter from the devs. Like really sad, they were crying.

When people say FUCK EA is for real, user.

I don't buy EA Games shit. Period.

The funny thing is it's not just the shit you've heard about. There's always more.

The ONLY game i've bought from EA and that's a longshot it was Titanfall 2 and I haven't regretted it at all. But EA doesn't own TF2 franchise and they just publish it, they don't have any creative power over Respawn, and they can't force them to do anything with it.

Of course, EA sandwiched it between Battlefield 1 and Modern Warfare on purpose because it was too good.

Is Hunt: Showdown going to tank like evolve did?

I feel like they want the competitive part to make it seem better than others like it.

Maybe you'll like the sequel?

No, I don't.

gameplay looked fun enough and so was the beta. What went wrong? Grindfest shit?seconding this

It'll be more of the first in every worst way.

Sold poorly due to nearly non-existant advertising, balancing patches took long to come out even though shit was very obviously unbalanced upon launch, and the base-building element makes it a game where nearly every match ends up in either both sides turtling in their home base or one side baseraping the other relentlessly, which is what I guess made the game slowly lose whatever playerbase it had
On top of that, PS4 launched literally the next year
It never stood a chance, honestly

fuck perfect world and fuck that ps4 update that shitted up the pc ui

Counterstrike and AvP are technically asymmetrical multiplayer games. The problem with Evolve was the learning curve (and pub teammates) turning every match into an unfun-for-everyone one-sided stomp. If the monster was shit, the match would be over before it even began, if even ONE hunter was shit, then the match was either going to end too quickly or be dragged out to its inevitable conclusion where the hunters get btfo at the generator. Once they have too many of these shitty matches, then they fuck off forever, and so begins the entropic decline in playerbase.

Evolve needed a whole lot of people to just suck it up and stick it out, but why would they do that when they could go back to dota, lol, cs, or any number of more accessible games?

no updates and ps4 release we're a mistake

Nilin and cyberpunk paris is such a wasted potential


It's a good base, but they just need good level design and dungeons for it to actually be good. Add some songs as good as previous zeldas and remove voice acting and then it could be great.

wait.....for Honor has no RANKED mode?

nah...this cant be true...sad

still going 2 buy it for discount

>control + f: spore
>phrase not found

That was the case for the first Homefront, but the second one was made by Crytek UK

shilled so hard it went to shit
that was nice

The game is missing needs just like in The Ship. Needs like eating, socializing and fucking... just like in the movies!

>was a poison god in the beta
>game is apparently shit
I'll still get it when its $15

It would've been the definitive edition with custom songs from the community long after 360s and ps4s stop being supported.

Its not even that, they fucked up by releasing an unfinished game with no single player while being plagued with bugs and glitches. Its a shame, because the gameplay is pretty fun, but three maps, No sense of progression leveling up, and jasons vacuum sucking grabs just ruins all the fun.

they had the coolest possible setting for a realistic shooter and they squandered it

>one and a half million dollars for a port
>on a crowd funding platform nobody heard of
>after Harmonix displayed their incompetence with RB4 being a half baked shit show
It was never going to succeed

FUCK Uber for ruining everything fun about this game with SMNC and i'm glad they are fucking dead after that shitty RTS that made

Game industry is cucked. Fuck censorship.

Same with The Punisher.

This, all I saw was praise from literally everyone and when I played it on the free weekend it just didn't feel right, can someone explain what all the hype is about?

>greatest trailers in gaming history
>incredible game engine
>Moonbase Alpha gameplay

Gonna need more on that shit. Explain everything. No acronyms.

Pretty please? These threads are dope as fuck.

so true it hurts

>Max Payne 3
Opinion discarded

I played spore without any prior knowledge or expectations of it and still had a great time. 100s of hours of gameplay

If they only gave us the crossover instead of this idol trash

say what you will about ubisoft but r6s is a great game even with its bugs and shit

The No Man's Sky of LEGO games

Game is great, stop being shit.






Explain what?

Monday Night Combat (MNC) was Uber Entertainment's first game, a smash hit for its totally imbalanced, fun multiplayer combat.
Super Monday Night Combat (SMNC), their expansion upon MNC turning it into a MOBA (think League of Legends and shit) but third-person. Terrible advertising "campaign," garbage matchmaking, elitist player-base that drove off new players since a team of level 1s could get matched against the best veterans, and in an attempt to "save" the game, they added shitty Loot Crates.
Following the death of SMNC, they started a Kickstarter for Planetary Annihilation, a spiritual successor to Total Annihilation, a classic Real-time Strategy game (RTS.)
This was a very successful campaign that raised several million dollars. As the game's production progresses from Alpha (where they were very responsive and helpful to their community) to Beta (where they started ignoring them) up to release.
During the Alpha, the game could be bought for $90, as agreed between the Kickstarter backers (that was the Kickstarter price for Alpha) and would drop to $40 when it hit Beta and like $20 or something, I forget, at release and they promised that the game would never go on a Steam Sale at any point prior to release.
It went on a 25% off sale the Christmas Sale prior to release. The backlash was fucking massive and that was basically the point where Uber stopped listening to their community entirely.
The game released next September/October at approximately 75% complete relative to their original goals.
On the SAME DAY as the game released, they put up a Kickstarter for another RTS, Human Resources. It did so poorly that they closed it halfway through the funding process. They came back to Planetary Annihilation and began finishing the game. However, they decided that there was only one right way to play and made it so Land vehicles were the only viable strategy, making Sea and Air progressively more shit with each subsequent patch.

The microtransactions are unacceptable. No man would willingly play that shit. You're either a kid, or you got a fat, swollen vag.

What went wrong?

Never heard of that shit.

You are fucking awesome. Thank you. Reading now.

At some point, they released a "Complete Edition" of Planetary Annihilation that included all the shit that they originally promised and charged full price for it to all until a week or two later when they finally gave prior owners a 75% discount.
Side note: I forgot to mention that when Planetary Annihilation released, it had a 75% off sale for a week at release, something like $5.

Anyway, after they finished up with PA, they vanished into obscurity. Relatively recently, they resurfaced with a Playstation 4 Exclusive called Wayward Sky. It was meh.

>Uber Entertainment captured lightning in a bottle
>In an attempt to recreate it, they fucked up literally everything
>Then abandoned it and went on to fuck up literally everything in an RTS and try to abandon that for another cash-cow which the community as a whole told them to fuck off over
>Then became nothing

was hyped, but after the beta i could spare whatever it costs. sad really, but oh well.




Then you were spared one of the greatest disappointments in gaming.

Literally the reason I bought a PS4. Got the white Destiny Edition and everything.

Played for a month then dropped it when I ran out of shit to do.

Dope. Thank you. I love learning about vidya. I'd take classes on this shit.


What happened?

It still hurts.

summoning XV-Kun