
He doesn't have enough confidence to charge full price?
You think lawbreakers will still be good?

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Cliffy B is a literal has-been

he knows no one gives a shit about his games anymore

Have you played Lawbreakers?

I know that Overwatch is overused as a comparison but Lawbreakers is more or less an edgier Overwatch with fewer heroes and secondary weapons. It's interesting, but not nearly good enough to take off.

>Charging 59,99 for MP only
>P2P servers

That's still too much. Should've went F2P.

>getting offended by "cuck"


"Full price" is gouging and everyone either knows it or can't think straight because of all the cocks jammed in their mouth.

More to the point, if you are paying for a game at full price in modern times, you are contributing to the problem.

A 40 year old wearing a shirt with the F-word on it is just as childish.

This is literally cliff wubowskee

I thought it was F2P. Wasn't he constantly going on about how F2P was the future of MP PC games?

Just watching Lawbreakers footage makes my heart race and hands sweat.
I haven't really gotten into any competitive games since Tribes Ascend. But I feel like Lb might be one that I will get into.
30 bucks feels like a fair price.

Played both, Lawbreakers felt nothing like Overwatch.

Well, maybe they'll make it more fun to play before release. I played in a few test periods and I plan to play it in the upcoming one, and even though I'm a huge sucker for shooters it wasn't really pulling me.

I played a couple of matches last summer, but mostly it was during their last beta. At first I really hated the blitzball mode but once I started using juggernaut and playing goalie for my team, it became a lot more fun.
I don't know how much more fun they can make it before release. What's missing in your opinion?

>Multiplayer only game isn't charging full price
>that must mean it's shit

I just hate the trend of hotkey abilities and ults leaking into action games. I prefer context sensitivity and gear-based abilities more, it keeps things simple. Imagine if Quake had a strafe jump button, a bhop button, a rocket jump button, a dedicated grenade button, a dedicated melee button, and "deploy one-time use tactical nuke" button.

You can tell this guy was paid to type this. No one describes games as "making my hands sweat" fucking weirdo


Sounds like hero shooters aren't your thing. But I like the dedicated blind fire button, and the fact you can use it to gain momentum in low grav zones.

I'm a sweaty disgusting man and its been a point of self consciousness my entire life.
I sweat when I'm hot, I sweat when I'm cold and I sweat when I'm stressed. And it's made many encounters extremely embarrassing.

He made Overwatch a year too late.

He doesnt have the tech geniuses at epic pushing his dudebro game(which i enjoyed until 2 when they cheaped out on servers)

He basically cucks himself for his wife while she fucks better looking people in Raliegh while he pretends they play games together.

Going to flop battleborn style