Is there a game that everyone on Sup Forums can agree is good?

Is there a game that everyone on Sup Forums can agree is good?


Panzer Dragoon.
Viewtiful Joe.
Skies Of Arcadia

Behold, the greatest game of all time.

Halo 3
Maybe the original Prey on Xbox 360.

you are mentally ill if you dont think this game is good

Time splitters?



i like TTYD better but 64 is more well-liked on Sup Forums due to less backtracking


I have yet to meet one person that says they would prefer RoTFD over this masterpiece.


Run and jump on shit for 5 hours.

Only redditors will disagree

great taste my dude

I have no way to play Panzer Dragoon so I just pretend like it's bad so I don't suffer

Every single Ace Attorney game besides for Dual Destinies


pls no

Super metroid

I hated preys death system actually made the game feel pointless cause you basically got a slap on the wrist for dying


You won't.

Justice for All gets shit on all the time here. So does Apollo Justice. I think the 3rd game is the only one that's near universally liked.

It's good but very oversaturated
this, one of the best games I've played

Am I the only girl around here that is tired of old people glorifying their past? Seriously, no one cares if you were a "90's kid" or not, your games were absolute shit. Time to take your nostalgia googles off grandpa

>putting others down
sounds about right.

haha, I know right? Silly boys ;) ;)

us girls gotta stick together, ya get me?


You bait is weak

Ace attorney? Dragon quest? Timesplitters? Maybe half life, deus ex, there's alot of universally liked games on Sup Forums just got to look past the trolls.

>giving 3 (tu)s to a spic 20 something because he called himself a girl
Sup Forums is beyond saving

mah nigga

>Am I the only girl around here

the guy who posted this is woke though, you can tell because he posts on Sup Forums and has a very fufilling non npc life.

Nah its pretty boring

Please kill yourself


SSX comes close though.

Literally never saw a single person hating on Katamari Damacy, and I don't see how could that be possible either.

>spic 20 something
I think it's a Russian guy that makes these posts

The Game

No platforming: the game

For once I agree with a girl. Nostalgia posts are fucking stupid

I agree


It got you to reply though. That's the point of bait, ergo, it's not weak bait.

The first two are affordable on the Saturn, and I think Orta on the X-Box has the first game as an unlockable.

No good bait tricks people into believing it everyone knows real girls don't announce that They are girls in every post

Sup Forums thrives on contrarianism so of course the answer is no.

I dont get it

Good bat fathers replies, whether people believe it, post so it looks like they believe it ironically, or even call it out as bait. It's all about the attention.

>literally half of the characters are black, m-muh diversity
>MUH OPRESSION the white people always go first
>literally white knights
>male characters are all slow and fat, can only move one space
>black female "badass" mary sue who can move in any direction to anywhere she wants
>"checkmate", aka cultural appropriation of Australians
Fuck off

But if you don't call it out someone is going to think it is OK

The Ace Combat Holy Trinity


But all of Sup Forums can agree that you are a faggot, OP.

If you played it during the time that it came out then yea Mario 64 was fucking incredible, but by today's standards its not.

Is it still good? I guess that depends on personal preference. I'd say yes its good not great. Solid 7 out of 10 by today's standards.

I agree but what does that have to do with your sex?


It's idiotic to rate a game that old by today's standards though there is just no way you can expect a dev to see that far into the future

Please explain why it isn't good



Fucking genwunners

the only people don't dislike nostalgia have to be either young people, or maybe tragic people that have no memories to be nostalgic over.




Not even just genwunners, there isn't any good pokemon game in any gen

Tetris and Pac Man

it's been years since I've seen this

>these are good



Resident Evil Remake, Resident Evil 2, and Resdient Evil 4
and Doom

i can spel word

Never seen anyone hate on Tetris.

Please post a picture of you elbows next to a timestamp or we cant verify you age and moisture level sorry

This, your only reason for not liking either of these games is because you're terrible at them. In terms of design, they're perfect

All those years of being a dumb frog poster has caught up to you.


This wasn't even a nostalgia post though. A nostalgia post would have been "Mario 64 was my favourite game when I was a kid" but it was "Mario 64 is good".

I've actually never posted a pic of pepe on Sup Forums in my life


Thanks man, hopefully heavy iron can get the license back so activision can stop producing shitty spongebob titles.

Granted, it established one of Nintendo's biggest franchises, but they're really garbage in retrospect.

Silent Hill 1-3

A likely story

Not even a real game, Black Ops Declassified is a vita exclusive

when chloe was thicc and not such a pajeet