Warcraft 3 and Diablo 2 Remaster



WC3 remastered mite b cool.

>No WC1/WC2 remaster

But why

>diablo 2 with shittier visuals

>WC3 on bnet
>Then we get legacy

>Glad you could make it Uther HD

When will this meme end?

Old fucking news. There was a job listing two fucking years ago for remastering starcraft, d2, and war3

In short: we already knew.

If it revives the Warcraft 3 mapmaking community it'll be game of the decade

HD Daelin was right

They actually talked about that. The engines are too outdated to make a proper 'remaster', and doing a straight up remake would remove some of the games' qualities. On top of that, the games are far too lacking to be marketable to non-Blizzard fans.

>implying they won't add SC2 style popularity rankings and fuck it all up
Blizz never learns

>nu-Arthas looks like a massive edgy beta fuccboi

Looks like as if he was designed with Sup Forums in mind.

What QoLs would you want with the DII remaster?

>No Warcraft 4 to turn WoW lore completely non-canon

Infinite Skill resets

>Remove potions.
>Redo game balance as if there never were potions.
>Remove skill synergies.
>Make all skills equally viable.

>Then we get legacy
It's amusing that you inbred fucks still think that it'll happen.

Make it where I can summon thousands of skeletons instead of just 8

>the games are far too lacking to be marketable to non-Blizzard fans

I guess I never enjoyed Diablo 2 and still don't to this day, and neither did my father, brothers, or friends, none of whom had played any blizzard game before D2.

Would like to see something like PoE potions but i know I'm asking too much.

>tfw was too young to understand how to properly play tree/sheep/kodo tag

god has given me a second chance boys

Warcraft 1/2 and Diablo 1 are just not extremely popular like WC3/D2 is. There's no profit incentive for them to be remade

>arthas is now a woman
>uther is a black man
>jaina is now an obese pangender jew

Warcraft will be great again


>Quick! List your favorite custom game!

Parasite 2

>fans already did it
mad men

>Glad you could remake it, Uther


I'd like to see old skills reverted to how they were originally intended.

IIRC forb, hydra, and firewall had limits placed on them because it caused some weird graphical errors is you spammed them.

I'd also like to pay gold to reset my stats/skills. It was a fucking pain in the ass having to do diablo runs in d2c, bloody foothills runs in d2e, and cow runs when bilzzard buffed their exp.

I'd also like rare items reverted back to being good. They were staples in d2c, but uniques in d2e outclassed them in every possible way.

Parasite 2 was dope, when I was first killed by that Sonic Pulse + Bomb combo I was stupefied, but ecstatic to try it out myself in the next game.

Runners up are Wilderness Survival, Anime Fight, and Twilight's Eve ORPG.

DotA was good too, but I have trouble admitting it because it slaughtered every other game in a bad way.


>still no vicya completely centered on being a necromancer
Why even un-live?


>favorite custom game
Oh I know mine

Any other SotDRP/ whateverRP fags itt?

Someone can remake them as custom maps just like in WC3.

no worry fellow user! you can buy this sweet necromancer pack for Diablo 3! now you can be part of the latest corpse raising sensation!

>no warcraft 4
>get rehash shit instead

fucking jews

Dota 2 tried and failed, why would this be any better?

when are the h mods gonna come out?


Is Diablo 3 fun?

Remove synergies, balance spells

>Warcraft 3 remaster

Pointless without the old custom games community.

because Dota killed Wc3 multiplayer in the first place


which is still active

>installed and started playing Warcraft III again today
>now this

>those tits on Tyrande

>tfw there will never, EVER be a WC4

I've been really, really fucking thinking about grabbing Diablo 2 again and replaying the fucking thing, but it's been like 15 years since I last touched it.

Has anyone played it recently and can tell me it holds up, and how is it to play singleplayer in this day and age? It's been so fucking long I barely remember how it felt.

So it's fucking nothing

Call me when they announce WC IIII or something actually interesting.

Actually Blizzard did for Starcraft 2.

>Selling 20 year old games instead of making new ones

I was just replaying WC3, too.

Though, I stopped at the Night Elves campaign because I dislike it -- I might continue out of boredom, however.

>fuck making new games, we'll just (((((remaster))))) all the shit you already played and resell it to you!

Make it stop.

>Release new game
No one likes it, because it's too different from the base games
>Release new game based on old game
No one likes it, it's not the same, feels lacking, the original was better
>Release the same old game remastered
No one likes it, it's the exact same game everyone already played we want something new

Developing AAA titles must be awfully depressing

If WoW was originally based on the WC3 engine, does that mean WC3 remastered uses the WoW engine now? The new models look so Legion-y. In a bad way.

>Blizzard makes a new game

>Blizzard remasters their old games
lmao why dont they make something new these stupid faggots literally cancer

>warcraft 3 will be released as 4 games
>diablo 2 will be released as 5 games


>Not wanting the best game of all time to come back

>Legacy is in the gaming hall of fame
>It's the only game we can't play anymore.

I really hope this doesnt happen. They didnt do it with the starcraft remaster, right?

>3 games

Where does the idea that WoW is made on the WC3 engine come from? There's one screenshot of a test build of WoW on the WC3 engine and absolutely no other evidence pointing to that fact.

I think th devs mentioned it them selves

I...I don't know. At first I thought it was bs, but somewhere along the line my mind was changed. I must have seen something definitive to change my mind.

>We don't make good games anymore
>Let's just remake the old games that people still play anyways

How about warcraft 4. Then i would give a damn.


go play d3 then faggot

see you in 30 years fag