ITT: The trailers were better than the game

ITT: The trailers were better than the game

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Pic related and AC3.
You could probably put the entire AC franchise here.

This is true for like, every game

Forgot pic

Dead Island had one of the best trailers of the decade and the game turned out nothing like it

This convinced me to buy Dark Souls 2, I quit after a week.

Beat me to it, though I think the same thing applies to the intro video (which I happen to like quite a bit)

I still watch the trailers for MGSV to this day. Still fills me with a feeling of excitement. Remember that the trailers are better than the game. I wish there was more trailers for it.


I hate Kojima for what he did with the trailers vs what we got.

It isn't Kojimas fault though have you been sleeping under a rock?

this is even bigger, trailers are litteraly the game. Still enjoyed it though

Every MGS trailer, compared to these MGSV's were actually fairly honest




Bioshock Infinite
TLoZ: Skyward Sword
Playstation All-Stars
Dynasty Warriors anything
Your Mom: Game of the Year edition

It's totally Kojima's fault.

>released an unfinished game after 5 years of dev time and getting a $30 million budget
>blew most of the budget on hiring celebrity VAs and taking Joosten on dates
>shoehorned Quiet into the story
>the story that was there (which Kojima wrote) was utter trash
>spent more time putting in gimmicks like the chicken hat than implementing proper level design

I have zero hopes for Death Stranding.

Fuck, Connor could have been such a great protag and they ruined it by making him pretty much Anakin from episode 2 and 3.

I am willing to bet real hard cash that he didn't want to release the game when he did and Konami fucked it up hence ending abruptly at Chapter 2 and the random epilogue appearance


>implying light assault is good for anything but dying withiin 30 seconds of landing pod

>mfw the Elegia trailer
>"This world will become one, I have found the way."

god damnit that assassins creed 3 trailer makes me want to play the game again but then i remember i have to play as a kid for the first 3 hours

this revelations trailer is incredible

ITT: Ubisoft thread

Assasins Creed II and Brotherhood are kino though, I've never played AC4 but I hear it has a shitload of glitches

>says MGS2 will be the last MGS game
>says MGS3 will be the last MGS game
>says MGS4 will be the last MGS game, let's kill Snake off to be sure
>says MGS Peace Walker will be the last MGS game, resolve Big Boss's conflict into villainy
>clear at this point if Konami thinks they can make a single dollar profit they will coerce his involvement
the ruse wasn't for us, it was a giant middle finger to the execs for making him drag out a perfect story into nothing

Maybe, but I still really liked the game.

4 is pirate kino. probably one of the best pirating games of all time.

His point is that even if Konami pulled the plug it's still kojima's fault.


Even Ground Zeroes was better

>Skullface built up to be this dirty fucking sicko bastard in GZ
>was just L. Bob Rife in reverse, literally.

The trailers were way better than the story in-game, for sure.

But the actual gameplay and content is nothing to laugh at. The game is great.

The main problem was OPEN WORLD and mission based gameplay. It should have been a series of bases:

Prologue: Camp Whatever
Act 1: A bigger base
Act 2: A big base
Act 3: the biggest base

You could probably put all of the ubisoft games here. At least all modern games.