"Hello? user? Yes, it's me, your number one most badass CEO Randy Pitchford here...

"Hello? user? Yes, it's me, your number one most badass CEO Randy Pitchford here. Just wanted to ask you how are you enjoying the free trial of Battleborn so far. Did you upgraded your game to Full Version yet? Tons of badass content awaits you! Oh yeah, one more thing! Don't forget to tell your friends about this underrated game!"

Other urls found in this thread:


>shitpost at randy on twitter
>he not only replies to me but replies to the same post twice

>That fake smile
>That dead inside stare
Poor Randy ;_;

Installing now. Does it have bots? I don't like playing with people.

>could print money with Borderlands 3
>nah fuck it, lets make a FPS MOBA and shoehorn Duke Nukem in a shitty remaster of one of our old games

Hello Pitchford.
It's me, Howard.
Don't mess with these boys, this is MY territory, understood?
Good, get the fuck out of here.

Imagine that you can influence him enough to change the content of his next game. Would you fuck up his carreer beyond salvation or would you guide him to make a good game?

The latter. The more good games that exist the better.

I want my $60 back Randy.

Sorry, I'm too busy filling my cart with overwatch for all platforms.


>implying the embezzling cunt deserves redemption


Listen Todd, days of your hegemony are over, me and my badass helper over here will make sure of that!

Holy shit i forgot this went f2p lmao



don't think hamburger helper is going to save your dead game randy

>It already lost 1100 players since last week
I love karma





that's just depressing




Am I the only one that actually feels a little bad for Randy when shit like this happens? I bet he was so happy to see a nice comment about his game and then gets fucking slaughtered. I wouldn't want to be in his position.

Like its not that it was a bad game but its pretty average save for a few interesting ideas and salvageable characters that would be better in any other game.

I think Randy is slowly catching on.


I love how when I showed those numbers a few days ago the defense force kept saying

>"b-b-b-but its the weekday! That number isn't representative!"

It's fucking Friday. The game sucks and is dead.


Bulletstorm wasn't thiers. They picked up a contract to remaster it from ea. It was People Can Fly's game.


This is the most "JUST" I've ever seen

>I don't like playing with people.
oh, that won't be a problem


>Am I the only one that actually feels a little bad for Randy

Maybe, he honestly comes off as kind of an arrogant dick a lot of the time.

[glass him]

I sorta feel bad.

But then I remember he claims Battleborn isn't F2P now just to save face and try to jew people because of the way the PS Store works.


Not after the shit he pulled with aliens and Duke. Fuck Randy. He deserves every bit. You seem to forget that this is the guy that used a valuable panel at a developers conference to whine about a tweet on stage.

>Like its not that it was a bad game
When two million people tried your beta but you only get less than 1% of those buying the game, you know it's a bad game.

Think again



every time


Someone needs to just end his misery already.

>That fucking arm

What the fuck

Is that where Randy got the "We have 3.5 million unique players" statistic?



>Like its not that it was a bad game
Randy pls

>Is that where Randy got the "We have 3.5 million unique players" statistic?
Yes, remember that Randy said 3.5 million people have PLAYED the game, he never mentioned anything about actual buyers

You mean aside from pulling it out of Randy's own ass?

Can anyone remember how many games have died twice, and as hard a battleborn did?

>ywn feel boogies left tit invade your personal space.
I'm ok with this.

>Because Overwatch is good that means my game should be good

This is the kind of mentality that spawned a million WoW clones, and then a million LeL clones, and then a million OPEN WORLD SURVIVAL CLONES, then a Hearthstone clones and now a million OW clones. (I wonder what's next?) Please note that I'm not saying these games invented their respective genres, just popularized them.

Why do people constantly try to get a slice of the biggest pie without actually putting in any effort?

I got 3.5 hours out of it, that at least accounted for something before I uninstalled it.

Its starting to make sense how he got that number despite the complete lack of players.

>this is the logic that guides Gearbox's decisions
it's all starting to make sense



>this kind of game
but it's not


Randyposting doesn't have the same impact as Burchposting.
For all the failure that is Battleborn and how much of a laughingstock Randy is, he's still loaded as fuck.



Stop bullying Randy!

>a game whose ambient storytelling set the minds of a generation ablaze

Jesus Christ, it's not that good.



>How dare you speak to me



After reading your post, I went and checked the picture and it looks like he's sticking Randy up with his tit.


Why does Randy act like a 12 year old on Twitter? Is this how a CEO acts on social media? I bet the Overwatch devs are laughing at him.

No, this is hamburger helper

Why do companies feel a compulsive need to try to antagonize Blizzard? It has literally NEVER worked.

RIFT, Wildstar and Stillborn (I'm sure there are others) all openly challenged Blizzard's product and bombed harder than Hiroshima.

>Why does Randy act like a 12 year old on Twitter?

Because that's how everyone acts on Twitter.



John Carmack doesn't. He posts smart stuff and cool links. Point is that none of this is helping Battleborn.


It's almost like the game was bad.

They feel like they can do better than Blizzard and want to play the underdog. It's easy to shit on success for not being perfect but it's almost impossible to be better.

Borderlands online with microtransactions and points that spawn once a week unless you pay in Wich case you get an entire month of them instantly

Actually think the free trial is pretty good.
Probably won't get the full edition though.
Decent gameplay bad ui and character design. 5/10


People unironically believe that there is something more to the game industry than money

Only Valve can do better than Blizzard, too bad they don't have a team anymore.


Remember that time Randy tried to promote Battleborn by saying there was Battleporn (HEEHEE I JUST REALLY WANTED TO SAY THAT) on reddit and it turned out it was a newly created subreddit with like 10 posts?

How can anyone feel sorry for him?


Post the tinyhead one


Whatever, they mostly target different but overlapping markets. Valve went for moba and Blizzard decided "fuck it, I'm going fps now". Plus they both have decades of unprecedented success. Gearbox does not.

Wtf is going on here?

Randy's tweeting Rn, someone take the piss out of him on twitter

Randy saw Sup Forums's unholy 'Worst UI ever' image that was created with hundreds of hours of love and care put into making it as bad as humanly possible and said to his staff

"Make it like that"

Bullying is wrong.