You now remember The Order 1886

you now remember The Order 1886

you now remember Tekkens Nina Williams in Death by Degrees

Unironically bumping

user, this is the video games board. Go to if you want to talk about movies.

I always remembered it. The neogaf booty blasting was amazing.

What did they get upset over?

>Go to if you want to talk about movies.

Good one

you are now aware that there is a Anime Styled Lost Planet Spin off that is japan only

Still a better game than Breath of the blunder and Mario 06


It was fun. Like, it was a little bit different with the guns and all. But yes, it could been better.



what don't they get upset over, besides niggers of course.

Should I pick it up during the next $5 sale?

dude cock rings

30 fps, 6 hours of content, and long QuickTime event cutscenes.while being pushed as an end all be all ps4 exclusive

>look at new spiderman game
>qte everywhere
>being pushed as a new big exclusive for sony

oh god im scared

Reminder that The Order 1886 is an argument for why quick time events are awful and harmful to a game's design. Linearity and set-pieces are not the issue, it is entirely QTEs.

and now I know what to play next

I liked it.

have fun. don't get put off by the instakill lasers early on, and save whenever you can.

Reminder that RE4 and God Hand are arguments for why QTEs are god tier.

The stealth is garbage too

First PS4 game I platinumed

u now memba hellgate london

Sup Forums only hates the game because it made them look at some guy's dick

RE4 had awful quick time events, such as running from the boulder and jumping from the mine cart. Boy especially when playing at 60fps and having the input window be smaller than a peanut.
Both games have what is more accurate to call context-sensitive button prompted actions. These are things that happen reliably, every time, and do the same effect every time, and are not mandatory at all.

From Hamish Todd's review of God Hand:
>Secondly, some of God Hand’s quick-time-events are silly. Most of them are okay. With the “pummel” QTE, for example, you can land a couple of blows before entering it if you know what you’re doing, and sometimes it may be within your interests to not use it at all — so there is a smidgen of strategy there. For the rest, I’ll quote Kinto:
>“I defend the majority of God Hand’s QTEs thus:
>– Their occurrence is predictable; either through telegraphing, like the counter move used against the demons, or through the player deliberately setting up situations where they can happen, like tripping up an enemy so you can stamp on them
>– The input icon displayed is the input tied to the mechanic you would need to use to solve that situation anyway. Analog stick right (and no other direction!) to dodge a suplex, attack button to attack etc
>– If you removed the button icons they would still work as game mechanics but, and this is the most crucial point, WOULD CEASE TO BE QTEs.
>The only QTEs I can think of that don’t fit this framework are the one where you punch the gorilla in the balls and the one on Shannon’s second form that involves dodging an attack and striking a weak point at the same time. Both of these feel appropriately cheap.”

Like Hamish Todd says, both games would be completely playable if you removed the button prompt, so they are barely QTEs and obviously not what we talk about when we talk about QTEs.

That guy must sound like a slinky in a blender trying to move around with all that crap on him


Personally I really like The Wonderful 101's QTEs, most of them are an extension of the game's drawing mechanic, they give you a fairly lengthy input window, and there's funny scenes if you fail them.

I failed every single one just to get the ensuing cutscenes, Kamiya finally learned how to do QTEs after Bayonetta.

Still got this

Pure kino desu.

>both of the "2018 games" have been confirmed to be coming out this year

Poor little Sonygro, have a (You)

>Statue is the MC hiding behind cover

Ah The Order 1886 and Ryse Son Of Rome.
2 games that could have been fucking great exclusives for their respective consoles, but AAA devs think people want to press buttons while watching a movie instead.

I mean both games were more or less glorified tech demos to show off the graphic fidelity of next gen consoles.

I'm sorry, I still don't.