Sup Forums, you told me this game was shit. Sure, presentation-wise it's not really Metal Gear, but this is the most fun game I've played this gen.
Sup Forums, you told me this game was shit. Sure, presentation-wise it's not really Metal Gear...
Gameplay is 10/10 desu
Even if the side Ops repeated constantly I had fun doing them each time. The way all the systems come together and the various approaches you can take just keeps it fresh, regardless of how simple the Objective is.
That said, watch a Trailer or two and you can understand where the disappointment comes from
>told me this game was shit
>most fun game I've played this gen
This is not a contradiction, user.
I thought it was boring. The Division was way better in terms of making me feel tacti-cool.
How far through are you though?
I'm not one of these guys who got annoyed about the fairly lacklustre and I did enjoy this game a lot, but it has some problems which really fucking bothered me.The game plays smooth as fucking butter however it's a real problem that 90% of it can be breezed through be simply sleep-darting > fultoning away everything in your path. I feel like to get the most out of the game you have to put some self-imposed limitations as far as what you can do, and that just grinds me gears.
But the biggest problem was that, you have all these excellent mechanics and no fucking sweet setpieces to take advantage of them in. It fell for the open world trap and really suffers for it, there just aren't enough really awesome creative and diverse envronments to sneak through. Why is 90% of it outdoors?! In those few occasions where the levels are distinctive and interesting to sneak through the game really shines (been a while since i played but off the top of my head, the stinger missile recovery mission is a good example).
So yeah. Good game that shoots itself in the foot a bit. Real pity too.
With this in mind, consider: Ground Zeros was the better game.
You are having artificial fun, and all the fun you had with the game will be automatically invalidated the moment you get kinda bored of the game after playing it for 100+ hours.
MGSV is fucking fun, its variety is lacking and its presentation is terribly sterile and rushed, but I still have a blast whenever I pop it up.
Did Caramel kill himself?
The reason I hated it is because chatper 2makes you repeat 2 missions for every 1 story mission you do get, and there is cut story content.
If the game would be chapter 1 only I'd love it
>wow guys this game is great and i haven't got to chapter 2 yet
the honeymoon will soon be over
Kojima is a hack. I just finished watching Evangelion, and the amount of shit he ripped from it is ridiculous, in regards to MGS1 & 2.
what compel you to keep making these bait thread? autism?
and PW.
how so?
I wish there was more stuff to do, because I can't stop base building.
>3>1>2>4>5 chapter 1>PW>5 chapter 2
>dirty casul fans
2>PW>1>3>GZ>4>The Phantom Meme
>Peace Walker above anytbing
>Call others casual
PW is amazing. You are just a dumb chad that needs 2 hour cutscenes to adsorb story.
Peace Walker had some of the worst boss fights in the series, although that's better than 5s 0 boss fights
PW 2nd, MGSV last
>MGSV is literally an upgraded version of shit walker made for PSP. yes, maybe less content, but the content in MGSV far exceeds PW's. PW is good for the story, the game itself, plays like dog shit in comparison to MGSV.
is this about mgs V? i played the first 30min of this game last night high as fuck i had to crawl in hospital in front of me was another man crawling and u could see his butthole then theres this man in flames who the butthole man sprayed water on and then there were these guys who couldnt see shit but only hear then i skipped some cutscenes and fireman i skip another one and before i knew it i was on horse while butthole man was driving and i had to shoot the fireman then i skipped some cutscene and i was in afghanistan
MGSMeme has the best gameplay in the series, therefore it's the best XDD
MGSV gameplay with PW story would be the best metal gear hands down.
I love Peace Walker. It did everything MGSV needed to do character-wise. The tapes are god tier and do a great job at detailing the characters and Mother Base. It made the destruction of it and recruiting of former soldiers so emotional. MGSV never does this so even something as good as Mission 43 falls flat.