Who /preordered/ here?
Who /preordered/ here?
>preordering games
*raises hand*
also got the amiibo's preordered
>preorder for special edition and the amiibos isn't up on amazon
>I'll have to preorder from FUCKING gamestop
right here
>preordering amiibo
Jesus Christ
Waiting for the amiibos, not seeing them in the UK yet.
>buying vidya dolls
Against my better judgement, I did.
/3DSpirate/ here, decided to preorder just to show support. First 3DS game which blew me away upon reveal in years
Why does her power suit have a belly button?
they aint getting a dime for a game they shat out in less than a year
It's been in dev for 2 years now.
>preordering 3DS games
Tfw waiting for special edition to go up in the UK
We get so much cool shit with our version
Life is pain
when does it even come out?
I'd rather just buy it whenever I feel like. Why should I be expected to buy everything in the opening week?
I'm going to wait until the UK limited edition shows up so I can get the artbook.
it's been in development for about 2 years as far as we know
now will you buy it?
September 15
Preordered the Limited Edition. Want the amiibos too. I don't have a thing for amiibos or anything. I just try to support anything Metroid related.
>Mercury Steam
>Pre order
How desperate can you get?
I'm waiting for a european limited edition amazon preorder, I'll probably preorder it from a few other local video game shop just in case.
I'm getting the amiibos too. I'm a big Metroid fans so I want everything. I want to give them my support.
>buying 3DS games
o, i am laffin
who /freeshop/ here ;)
If you don't support this game then you have no right to complain if we never get another 2D Metroid again.
>not wanting a squishy metroid
Jesus Christ
Both the special edition and the amiibos. I'm fucking pumped.
It's so unfair how great that European special edition is. Jesus. Still, probably won't be able to snag it so oh well.