*uwee hee hees your path*
Fire Emblem Heroes
10 more minutes until I'm done with this stupid event
I want my compensation orbs here now, they better be 20 or more
why arent you going for the seal at 50000 user
Why would you get the orbs for?
>That feel when 3k away from 50k
I don't know if I'll get them orbs but it's been a long ride.
This bullshit
Just finished it a while ago with this team, luckily I didn't need to use any stamina pots, but wasted almost an entire bar, did Infernal first, the rest was pretty easy using the same setup.
I'm at my monthly autism limit with this bullshit.
You either get a: easy mindless grinding with no points or b: grinding that takes constant thinking. ISIS couldn't even get grinding right
I feel truly sorry for whoever would put themselves through getting all the rewards
We'll get 5
Post em
God bless enemy RNG.
>easy mindless grinding with no points
I'm getting easy mindless grinding with 705 points.
git smart
Should I put a +hp /-def Cecilia or a +spd/-hp Titania on my Horse Emblem team? Others are Xander, Camus and Ursula
Swapped Fae out for Julia this time.
Wasn't that big of a deal to be fair, I don't think anyone even fought on that area.
Of course we still need compensation, a fuck up is a fuck up.
Zephiel get out.
Same desu
>tfw a run only takes around 5-7 minutes
>player uses most effective strategy available to them
>"n-not fair, brony!!"
You've been shitting up these threads for a while now with your pony shit. Why don't you fuck off?
Well I got all 3 of my Legions and will get to at least 70k, maybe 80k in TT. I'm satisfied. Pretty good for a f2p shitter with no Thot (or any good red tome at all), no Ike/Ryoma, and no Bridelia (or any good archer at all), and only DB2 on Thundercock, with Shitcina's ass dragged along for bonus points.
>not even 50
I'm finally done
Good luck
So are we not getting GHB banners from now on? I was looking forward to the Legion one.
You really should go for 50k for the quickened pulse seal, it's amazing.
They probably didn't want to make a 4th banner, that's all.
But I can't beat the lunatic version. I can only do stage 6 and surrender
>You really should go for 50k for the quickened pulse seal, it's amazing.
What does it do?
>everyone has bloated stats in 7/7 Lunatic TT
>except for Olwen
She's usually a bit stronger but goddamn 34 Atk is pathetic.
I guess. This one didn't have any quests either.
Lowers the cooldown of your special by 1 round at the start of the map.
This also applies every new map of Tempest, so for future tempest trials it'll be a big help.
How the fuck do you clear TT
I just gave up at 200 because I only have 1 full 5* 40 team and a few 40 4*s
>Gee, there's all these straight hallways running through Legion's GHB map.
>What kind of units can take advantage of such a setup?
>Maybe ones that have debuffs that go in a straight line across the map?
>Nah. That wouldn't work.
You grind the lower difficulties like a robot over and over again.
It's a big pain in the ass
That's pretty neat. Just a couple thousand away from it.
And Attack Ploy is the only skill thing from that banner that seems especially "helpful" against Legion's map, plus it doesn't even work on Infernal with inflated stats.
>everyone who calls you a faggot is one person
No one but other horsefuckers like cav memes.
Grind 5 stage Lunatic for those sweet, easy 5 stage 504s. That's what I did Although I ran 7 stage Lunatic enough times to complete the Quest.
No shit Einstein.
But that was probably the thinking up at Jewtendo HQ. Why make another banner that'll make it easier to beat the map and grant them extra units that they probably want when they can spend money for our new ploy units?
Or you could get the extra points and focus on doing the higher levels. It will hurt but it's up to you
So to grind SP, I have to just to Training Tower over and over again? What's the fastest way to make this shit bearable? I need to get Vantage on my Lobster and Hector so I can get the Tempest Trials done.
>Relationship with 8th Statum ended.
>Now Tempest Trials is my new best friend.
>Infernal wasn't called Lunatic+ difficulty
What would you have put on Legion's banner if he had one?
There isn't a fast way for melee heroes imo. But just doing the regular grind, my Hector had 1000ish before I even knew it.
Mages are easier to use it for dedicated training, I'm getting 60-75 SP on Katerina per run
I've been getting points that way, it gives you more that going into lower difficulties.
Right now? The Tempest Trials unironically.
Let's break it down:
>Spend 9 stamina to grind on the training tower for 3-12 SP each try.
>Spend 20 stamina and do 5-7 maps that give you 3-12 SP every single map.
Even if your units dies they'll still have the SP they collected on the maps, so if you get your Lobster dead on map 4 and you killed 8 enemies with him across all maps that's 24 SP he gets to keep. He would have to kill every single enemy on a stratum on 2 maps paying 18 SP for that honor without accounting for the fact he may get hard-countered by another units in those runs. So even if he dies and doesn't do a lot of killing the best value for grinding SP right now is the Tempest.
Fae, Faye, and Faylicia
Use a blade tome mage with dancer. Tharja is on the banner. Roll for her and cheese it with Olivia.
Probably Eliwood or Laslow.
Hey, the arena ferox map and the map with the fucking tree in the middle slow you down user.
I wonder if the name of the current banner is a hint that the next Echoes remake we're going to get is going to be a new version of 3/12.
Roy (Triangle Adept)
Setsuna (Bowbreaker)
Sheena? Someone to take advantage of the fort tiles? Can't be Gwen because AXED, Draug would make it too red heavy.
I would love that.
>remakes the original MotE and includes both book 1 and book 2
IS is too faithful in remakes though. Echoes was fun, and definitely had a lot of QoL improvements, but a lot of the core problems with the original game were still there. If they remade Marth's games again, I would imagine it would be as average as the DS remakes.
-Lilina (no blade tome or buff tome for Legion to work against)
-obligatory Selena
-some token Harsh Command unit
-tiddy ninja since most of the map is infantry
Raven tome user to counter the acher, so Cecilia since we already have a banner with Robin and she could also counter the blue mage.
Strong sword, but now too strong, we want them to spend orbs in the future after all. Probably Roy since Tri Adpept will make him useful and at the end of the event he'll be just as useless as before
Mage counter, I would go with Felicia. Once again, the perfect unit for being useful on a banner map while at the same time being useless.
Since we're getting reinforcements too I would slap a healer as well, make them roll for useless units on colorless too. Azama would be my pick since he's hard to kill and can get you back up to full.
I guess no one really plays Arena anymore if my shitter ass is ranking 61
Imagine a third version of Mystery with all of Book 1 and 2, all of the BS Fire Emblem content, and all of the new content added in New Mystery, plus some more new content on top. Goddamn that'd be sweet.
But way too much to hope for.
What tier are you in?
Most people started playing within the first two weeks so everyone is packed into the last couple of tiers
aka dead game
Tier 19 f2pbros report in. You tiering up or down at the end of this season?
I guess everyone just got tired of this game after that insane grinding at the TT.
What's your score? I need to know what I'm up against next week and whether it's worth trying to rank up.
>top 100 rank
Is that like tier 5 or something? Rerolled?
>put hone cavelry on Xander so I could just follow the itchy video only to realize I need 450 for SP to learn it
god damn it, just fuck me in my ass, I can't even get another 5 star Xander to merge in time for the SP when the event ends in 4 days, I hate this game so much.
My score is really bad this season, user, I run a low BST team. Right now I have a placeholder score of like 4792, which ranks me like 4000 out of a 2700 player cutoff. I'm working on a 690+ per stage run right now, which will give me at least 4830, which is closer to what I normally get most seasons, but I don't think even that will help. I think you need to be able to hit like 4850 to get into tier 20. My team can't do that. But I'll take a shot and see if 4830 is enough.
Just do Tempest Trials with him faggot
Retard here, whats better for Xandy, QR or vantage?
>got 4826 yesterday, my highest score yet
>decent ranking or 1600, within advancing range
>fucking fall 600 spots overnight
Guess I have to point whore by reseting matches if I ever want to even think about getting to tier 20 without merges.
Well, looks like I may as well just give up on my 4830 run, if 4826 is losing ground that quickly.
She also usually doesn't have 36 fucking resist user.
Probably QR since his speed is slow, can QR ranged with distant counter and he's not enough of a canon to one shot people with his vantage chance anyway, unless you want to give him Miracle too, although that could go for pretty much anyone.
>tiddy ninja since most of the map is infantry
She doesn't do any better to Legion than others. Klein is far superior thanks to Glacias.
I hope mkv can do it without inheritance, Gunter isn't rare in his videos and who knows when you might have to switch between 3* and 4* now that Infernal mode comes along.
Not possible unless he starts counting GHB units as free. He barely won on Lunatic with a cheesing strategy.
Can confirm cheesy strat will not work on Inferno.
My red Xander with 35 def on a defensive tile will still die to the brave bow archer. The stats are just way too bullshit.
He even cheated on the lunatic one. Barst was a special quest reward. I can accept GHB units as free since they're doing so many reruns.
Which one of these units should I 5*?
>OC trio
>+atk/-hp Roy
>Neutral FCorrin
>Neutral Merric
>+atk/-spd Eirika
Yeah, mkv's strategies revolve around tanking. Vanilla skill 3/4* freebies can't tank in Infernal. It's just statistically impossible. It's nothing against mkv.
Donuts are the best long term investment.
>no info about current team comp
Xander. Really though, all of those units listed are worth investing into eventually.
>Not possible unless he starts counting GHB units as free.
I'll take that over sacrificing Gunter, though I doubt the GHBs will do any better. 4* Zephiel has a mere 1 more defense than Draug.
Considering the Gunter inheritance relies on 5* Xander who has 37 defense, that +2 might be enough but I don't know given the inheritance version kills shit much much faster.
By that logic seals fall under the same logic. Did you forget we had 2 free Draugs through quests? This is the same stingy ISIS that still has the same rotational hero line up since launch, don't tell me they won't be milking their quest freebies as much as they can.
Forgot to say
>all of those GHB units
Ursula is not worth investing in without Odin. 4* and 5* doesn't have enough of a difference.
I actually thought Draug was a freebie through the rotation. You're right about the seals though. I haven't thought about them as time limited for some reason. Makes me wonder why he won't use other units we've gotten for free like the pegasisters.
I would say Donuts are the best mid term investment, now that i've played for 5 months and i'm starting to slowly transition from non-merged 5 stars to +1 or +2 merged ones I'm starting to use Sharena less and less, I was eyeing Anna to promote next but now that legion is availble and I can merge him twice I'll probably go for him now.
Donuts are ALWAYS cycled through Arena now, and they're frequently used for quests. As far as unit quality goes, yeah, they're outclassed, but they're still usable barring Alfonse.
i rolled a 5 star -hp +atk lon'qu
is he worth using, or should i feed his vantage to someone?
>5* Lon'qu
He's speedy at the very least, and that +Atk gives him some much needed Attack, but he's still sorely outclassed.
Desperation or vantage for Anna?
Desperation is generally better, due to her insane Speed and how well it couples with Fury on her. Vantage is still a good pick though, just not ideal.
If you absolutely must use a Lonq, you're best best is to go for Brave Sword memery. Anything else he will be a lesser version of other sword users. Hell, Hana might even be better.
You can't really go wrong with either but I am a fan of desperation personally.
vantage fuel it is then, thanks
who should i give it to? i have a bunny lucina with blue tomebreaker and nino with desparation
Neither of them. Vantage is best off on either tanky units, units with innate DC, or tanky DC units. Mages typically won't survive long enough unless you're running Fury on them, and if you are then Desperation is probably better.
He used Palla and Est in quests before, Palla possibly in GHBs as well I forget. But definitely the orb quests. Palla is rather rare because Stahl does a better job so long as it's tanking physical, and Est is only good at tanking magic but then 90% of tomes are not melee. I don't remember if Catria was ever used, but she doesn't specialize like Captain Kanpeki, nor does she have the versatility nor BST of Donnel and she doesn't have the heavy spear, high damage, and res of Est. Out of the 3, Catria is definitely the least used because her default kit is meant to overwhelm the enemy in a straight up confrontation and mkv's basically fighting against the stacked odds of stacked odds.
None of those. To be honest, you do have a 5* Lon'qu with basically the best spread possible. Even if he is underwhelming as a unit he might still come in handy someday, not to mention that he can be found at both 3* and 4* and is relatively common, you might regret just throwing him away like that. You can also get Vantage from 4* Reinhardts so it's not a terribly rare ability to get fodder of.
>5 star vantage fuel
What, it's a common skill that's available on 2 different 4 star units in two different colors. That seems like a waste
But why? because not all your casual asses can do it? Literally did it with 1 3* unit, two 4* units and only one 5* unit
On Infernal? If you're not lying out your ass I'm honestly impressed.