Currently, only 21% of the 23,000 reviews in the past 30 days are listed as positive

>Currently, only 21% of the 23,000 reviews in the past 30 days are listed as positive

Why can't Elder Scrolls fans stand up to Bethesda like GTA fans are doing?

because no one care about fallout 4 lmao

If Rockstar cared about petitions, RDR would be on PC.

No one who cares about these kinds of things actually owns Fo4 to begin with

GTA has an actual community, at least modding wise.

Doesn't Elder Scrolls have the biggest modding community in the world?

Because we have OpenMW. Once that's fully released nothing else will matter. Let the normeis have TES.

And neither rockstar nor take two will care about a few angry nerds since GTAV and their next games will still sell millions to normies.

>Elder Scrolls fans

Because 90% of these fans are vapid normalfags who don't give a shit and the real fans gave up a long time ago.

Because they did it last time, and what did Bethesda do?

>they're not paid mods, they're mods you pay for

Empty Nexus accounts don't count. Not to mention the TES community took a massive plummet in size when some of the biggest names tried kissing ass to the paid mods idea, fragmenting the community and driving many modders away. It's a fucking shell of its former self, occupied only by horny Sexlab modders and ENB whores.

Not if 80% of people on Steam leave a negative review. This affects not only normies' decision to buy it, but Steam's metrics which will shove the game out of everyone's front page.

>Why can't Elder Scrolls fans stand up to Bethesda like GTA fans are doing?

You worded that wrong. It's not GTA fans and Bethesda fans. It's GTA modders, and Bethesda modders. Big difference. Also, a very good question.

By the way, GTA Online sucks and I get why anyone has anything to do with it.

sale coming soon
I wonder if GTAV will still be a top seller.

don't get*

The comparison is being made with motherfucking GTA of all things. That's like dissing Forza for having too many wheels over Gran Turismo.

>Currently, only 21% of the 23,000 reviews in the past 30 days are listed as positive

GTA killed a modding community
Bethesda made paid DLC and called it mods. the only thing you might have to pay for is content package which would be pretty nice if a big developer made DLC sized mods that were not shit

Or just prevent Rockstar/Take Two from porting their games to PC. Nobody who plays them on console will give a shit.

Why hasn't Bethy made more expansions for Special Edition? Then they can milk it for a Super Special Legendary Special Edition.

Eew game "journalists" need to stop trying to be funny. That joke at the end was cringe worthy.

It will be. Soon. I give it 2 more years, at most.

people are undecided on what bethesda is doing
there are some good arguments for it
people are mad cause something perceived of as being un-monetizable is now being charged for though

I'm even kinda undecided about it, my compassionate side says "hard working modders should be able to make some money off of it", but my selfish side says "I didn't have to pay for this before, games and dlc already cost so much, I really don't want to have to start paying for this shit too " and peoples response to that is then just don't buy it but this is shit I could just download for free in the past so it feels like I'm having stuff taken away from me still.

>False reviews slandering the dev that have nothing to do with the game
>Worth giving a shit about
Pointless bullshit right there. Game is still fun, cant even mod online and thats what 95% of its player base plays.

Actually, fans is correct. Fans of mods are the ones leaving negative reviews, not just modders.

>Or just prevent Rockstar/Take Two from porting their games to PC
Which will lose them money, so they won't do.

Bethesda was stupid to ever use the word mods or plant the idea in their marketing.
People don't care what the actual program is they just want to get mad.

The fact that Skyrim is old as fuck and that the Fallout 4 creation kit took months to release didn't help either.

Keep crying modfags make your own games.

Paid mods would break so much. Anyone who only sees the immediate consequences at face value is a fucking moron who doesn't have enough experience being part of the modding community. There's a whole chain of effects that would happen because of paid mods, and it would ultimately destroy the modding community.

It's not going to make them lose money, it's just money they wouldn't be making. Absolutely no harm in cutting off the "problematic" userbase when their console sales obliterate anything their PC port sales would do.

GTA players on PC are patricians

>neg reviews of a game about modding it

KEK I hope most of them get banned or have their reviews deleted.

Bethesda should fuck off to a community that doesn't have an established thriving modding community, like go charge for paid mods in Dishonored, or Wolfenstein or some shit.

I honestly want Bethesda to go through with it. Because if it crashes and burns on them they'll learn. Them getting bitched out teaches them nothing and they'll just try it again another time.

game's still #16 on the steam top sellers list despite this

Only 8% of Skyrim's players are on PC. I imagine the stats are similar for GTA.

That's another thing I was thinking about, seems really shitty to basically kill this passionate modding community so that we can get what is basically low quality controlled crappy DLC content.

Just how young and naive are you? Do you know the kind of shit large corporations do to gain even 0.5% more profit?

This is the stupidest post I ve read today

Like they did with Red Dead? OH WAIT.

2 things
1) this isn't really "paid mods"
2) no it wouldn't, if the good modders can make money they aren't going to fuck off cause neckbeards on the internet hate the idea. People always oppose other people making money. But nobody is against making money themselves. A paycheck speaks loader than 100,000 angry shitposters.

>companies will lose sizable amounts of profit just out of spite

Why do dipshits like you even pretend like you have a clue? The self-esteem movement really pumped you fucks full of false confidence, didn't it.

>Big corporations spend fucking millions on completely inconsequential shit like what fonts to use, how to word things, or what tiny changes to make in logos to gain 0.1% more profit
>lel they're just going to drop 10% of their profits cause "problematic" XD

>Banning users for neg reviews
>Deleting neg reviews
That would just be a whole nother can of worms dude.

>Zenimax sends C&D to OpenMW


lol playing gta 5 in 2017. are you an easily impressed 12 year old. I mean it looks nice, but..

But that's not what this is. It's essentially outsourcing dlc and microtransactions to third parties, they hope to tap from the modding community. It's not at all the same as last time. Hence why i said it's a marketing blunder 99% of shitposters can't grasp what it is. They just heard paid, and then mods and threw a tantrum.

When he says the community will die, he doesn't mean there will be 0 people making mods. He means it will be like playing an old, dead MMO. There will still be dedicated people, but who fucking cares when traffic is down to 1% of what it was years ago? The entire game will change as we know it.

They have never put RDR on PC, so there's no evidence it would make money yet. GTA has proven to make them a lot of money on PC. Please grow the fuck up, man. Come back with a real point of argument.

because bethesda isn't taking modding away. They are adding a new avenue of mods. They are literally adding more mods to the community.

The exact opposite of what gta did

there's a huge difference between not taking a risk vs removing a product you already factually know makes you money.

It's been online for a long long time. That'd do nothing.

What are you smoking?
If you can make money doing it more people will, plain and simple.
The """community""" aspect might suffer and shitmodders will throw a tantrum and leave. I don't understand why you think 99% of modders would stop.

They'll remove reviews and ratings just like Netflix did.

Yeah indie game you play bro

>so there's no evidence it would make money yet.
>not taking a risk
The petitions after petitions to bring RDR to PC would say otherwise.

openiv did not get C&D'd
the devs live in russia where they literally give no fucks about our copyright law
the main dev came up with the lame excuse because they no longer wanted to work on the project.

I hope you enjoy buying those swords and armors for $1 apiece
>B-But you can ignore those shitty mods and just buy GOOD mods

Right, I'm going to change the way I've always enjoyed TES with fully modded 200+ mod installs of anything and everything I like and only use 20 big mods for only $19.99 (Skyrim Legendary Edition) + $70.00 ($3~$5 per big mod)

That's not what evidence means. Please stop posting.

b-but you don't have to buy any mods at all and keep using the same mods you've always been using

>No Judge, I swear, all my friends say I'm a really nice guy, so it has to be true. You don't need solid evidence

yet the game reached a peak of concurrent players during the latest update higher than any other time since the initial release
petitions will never be meaningful, and the negative reviews will soon thin out

really, this means nothing
the online is as alive as ever, Rockstar and TakeTwo are still making mad dosh out of sharkcards, and they'll continue to release sporadic updates with timed content that is continuously more and more expensive, and people will continue to buy into it

A signature =\= a sale. And mods are something done by third parties for free, porting is not. Even if minuscule there is a possibility of losing money on a port. I doubt it, but it takes money amd effort to port. It takes money and effort to C&D not the other way around.

What mods is he going to use when TES VI comes out?

>Hundreds of thousands of people wanting to buy a game
>not evidence for it will make money
Face it, the only reason GTA V came to PC was they were updating it for current gen hardware so they threw PC gamers a bone.

>Like they did with Red Dead?

there are a limited number of resources available. Take Volition, for example. The guys that do Saints Row. Right now, they are working on Agents of Mayhem and their fanbase is pissed as fuck about it because it's garbage. But Volition can't work on Saints Row 5 at the same time, because they don't have enough people.

The reason RDR never got ported to PC was because all of their 1st party people were busy, and their 3rd party teams were busy porting The Lost and Damned, Chinatown Wars, and The Ballad of Gay Tony.

It wasn't that they didn't want to. They simply didn't have the manpower under their umbrella.

whatever the modding community shits out, like he always does

This but unironically.
Horse armour and the likes have existed for a long time. All that has changed is they learned they can outsource that shit.

You're fucking retarded.

"Take-Two's actions were not specifically targeting single player mods. Unfortunately OpenIV enables recent malicious mods that allow harassment of players and interfere with the GTA Online experience for everybody. We are working to figure out how we can continue to support the creative community without negatively impacting our players."

every normie already bought GTAV though

most of them bought it twice

kek, Skyrim + DLC has gone on sale for literally $7.49. People are literally defending buying $1 costume mods that cost 15% the price of a full 40 hour+ open world video game, or "weather overhaul" mods for $5, which is 70% of the price of a full 40+ hour open world video game. People expect you to spend over 1000% the price of the game itself just to flesh it out with a decent pool of mods. This is OK to them.

I swear, Sup Forums has gone down the shitter.

It will be interesting to see how many of these mods are actually just micro-transactions created by Beth themselves.

why were T2 ok with it till just now?

The only reason GTA V came to PC is because each and every mainline game in the series is on PC. They see a market for it.
Hell, Rockstar has always encouraged mods and posted the ones they liked on their blog up to V.

***As long as he pays enough money to buy the game 5 times over

>Rockstar has always encouraged mods and posted the ones they liked on their blog up to V.
except for OpenIV because that shit is malware lol

Console software is all malware lmao

**** :^)

GTAIV w/DLC for $8.99 on PC, should I do it?

Not a fan of double dipping and I thought GTAIV was pretty average but I always wanted to play with the mods. Another thing that causes hesitation is the DRM which is supposedly a clusterfuck.

The only reason they're going after it now is because they've tried their level best to stop modders from coming in and giving everyone billions of hackerbucks which cuts into their potential shark card sales. If they weren't selling shark cards, they wouldn't give a shit about it.

Ballad of Gay Tony is p. litty but at this point you should just pirate it.

At this point does it matter if they piss off pc cucks?
Its best selling game ever so far and is still in the top charts

>If you can make money doing it more people will, plain and simple.

It's not that simple. All the content must be compatible with each other, available on all platforms, and not be a nightmare to localize (i.e. any voice-acted mod).

Gameplay modders are out as well as any other modder who could potentially make conflicting content. This rewards very specific types of modders and types of mods.

Keep posting this bullshit, it will magically become true.
Open IV doesn't work with GTA online at all.
You dumb shit.

Just pirate it. It bypasses the DRM which would cut into your performance, and there's not much reason to play it online anyway.

>Open IV doesn't work with GTA online at all.
>You dumb shit.
Except all of the mods/trainers/hackquites that require it to run right?

t bh I really only want it for the mods, I always heard that particular dlc was a lot better but I think with my issues with gtaiv I'm fairly certain I wouldn't enjoy it much either

>Just outright lying.
Fuck off.

>outright denying fact
So you're retarded and shitposting. Good to know, i'll stop posting then.

>there are more thumbs-downs than a theatre packed with Roger Ebert clones sitting through a Rob Schneider film festival
Okay I laughed my arse off at that

Well, the mods aren't going to magically change the core gameplay.

Let's blame the shooting on the gun manufacturer. What a dumb shit you are.

Zelnick detected

>iron man playable
>spider man playable
how the h*ck not sanpai?

Bro what you mean you don't like grinding the same 2 missions for months just to have enough money to buy the shit you'll use for 5 minutes then go back to grinding for months to afford the next batch of nearly identical shit?

I mean the gameplay that is already in there, like the driving and shooting. Also I'm pretty sure those mods were for San Andreas.

Because by "grinding" you mean playing the game itself. If you don't enjoy playing the game then don't do it.

naw, it's gtaiv, which would wholly take care of the driving and shooting since you're got dang iron man to be h